The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 984 Seizing food from the tiger’s mouth

Xiao Bajiang was so angry that she wanted to bite Lu Li with hatred. She secretly made up her mind to learn how to fly and raise the dragon to be very powerful so that the baby dragon could tear Lu Li apart in the future.

Lu Li observed the cave and made sure there were no monsters ambushing him before he approached the box in the cave.

The box is locked. According to the regular mission guide, you can get the key from the monster in the dungeon. However, if you want to enter the dungeon, you must have an elite or above dungeon scroll - Uldaman is a private dungeon in Dawn, and you need a scroll. Go in.

Obviously there is no need to bother now, because Lu Li is a thief with a very high level of unlocking.

He read the unlocking technique and quickly opened the treasure chest. The slate was in the chest.

It takes time to refresh the box. Some powerful mercenary teams make money by blocking this place and selling tickets. However, it is not without risks. They are often beaten hard by the big guilds and are often wiped out.

No one has come here to do the task yet, so Lu Li got the slate from the box without any difficulty.

This is not a serious treasure chest. There is nothing else in it except mission items. Otherwise, you can organize people to clean this treasure chest repeatedly. After all, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how thin they are.

Returning to Seldulin with the tablet, I encountered trouble again.

The Lost Serdulin scratched his hair and his face was covered with sweat. Finally, he apologized to Hachi-chan in embarrassment and full of apologies: "I often think back to the scene when I was in school. Unfortunately, I was really playful back then. I have learned very little about the writing, otherwise I would be able to decipher for you what this stone tablet says."

Lu Li and the others asked the sky silently. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that this guy couldn't understand it.

Fortunately, Seldulin, a dwarf, at least knows someone who has good attainments in this area, and this person has a close relationship with him and will definitely be willing to help them.

Gree Bones of Ironforge is actually a difficult person to deal with. Just like the characteristics in his name, he is definitely a tough guy. Even someone with a lot of charm like Hachi-chan might be turned away.

However, according to Seldulin, when they were studying in Ironforge, they were roommates and brothers sleeping in bunk beds.

Facts have proved that Seldulin did not lie. When Lu Li and others took out Seldulin's token, a robe of a doomsday prophet, the tough-minded Gurli burst into tears. He choked and said, "I thought this was the case." This guy is already dead, didn’t he believe in the ancient gods?”

"Uncle Seldulin is no longer a Twilight cultist," Hachi-chan corrected seriously.

"It is said that he, Mr. Lucien Spearsear, and the exiled orc Matek realized the danger and stupidity of Twilight fanatics, and later killed the people who monitored them and fled to the vicinity of Egmund's camp. From then on, he and Twilight The Light cultists are incompatible with each other, and the three of them are famous throughout the deserted land," Lu Li added.

What Lu Li said was reasonable and did not sound like he was making it up, so Ge ​​Li chose to believe what they said.

"This Leiuna Slate is easy to interpret, but the words that surface are not all," Gurley sighed and said, "If you want to completely interpret it, I hope you can get some props from the three people. "

Then comes the next phase of the task.

According to Gree's request, Lu Li and others must first go to the Ogre Castle on the Broken Ridge near Tarren Mill. This place is located in the middle of the Hillsbrad Hills, bordering the Alterac Mountains to the north, and is close to the Horde. Regional camps.

If you come here to do tasks, you are most likely to conflict with tribe players.

In order to save time, Lu Li asked others to wait in a hidden place. He took Xiaobajiang into the ogre castle and found the target that needed to be killed in this mission - the miser Grellberg.

What Gurley wants is an item called Hillyer's Star.

However, since Grellberg is known as a miser, it is naturally impossible for him to give away this prop in his hand easily.

Normally, you can only get his props by killing him once. During this process, you will be besieged by ogres like Ogre Castle. In addition, it is close to Tarren Mill, so it is easy for tribe players to discover and interfere. So Lu Li planned to let Xiaobajiang try to see if he could buy it with gold coins.

"Hi," the little leopard transformed by Hachi-chan showed up not far from the miser and waved his paw at the ogre uncle.

The ogre was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. He swung the big stick in his hand and hit Hachi-chan.


Lu Li struggled to hold the ogre's club with two daggers, and then told Xiaobajiang to run away. After Xiaobajiang successfully escaped, he calmly retreated from the attack of Scrooge Grellberg. .

He could only kill him by force. Lu Li called his teammates to come to the current coordinates.

"Don't you love everyone and make flowers bloom when you see them?" While waiting for his teammates to come over, Lu Li glanced sideways at Hachi-chan who was lying there sticking out his tongue.

"How can it be the same? This is a monster, not an NPC," Hachi-chan expressed that she felt aggrieved.

It's just a stick, and he won't give you any nonsense. No matter how high the charm value is, it's useless. Lu Li's little plan has no chance of success. Now the only way is feasible.

Other teammates quickly rushed in, followed by several ogres.

Some of these ogres are elites and some are quasi-boss. The real big boss is at the innermost part of the castle. As long as the players don't challenge him, he won't come out to fight.

"Hold the MT, everyone else will attack Scrooge, we don't have much time," Lu Li shouted.

A group of them can't all sneak around. They may have been discovered by the tribe players outside. They may be calling friends to find someone to come over to refresh the alliance.

Scrooge Grellberg is a quasi-boss with a HP of 170,000, so it’s not too difficult to fight.

It only takes five or six minutes for a team of twenty people to resolve the battle, provided that no tribe players cause trouble. This is obviously impossible. When Azure Sea Breeze and others rushed into the castle, someone was already screaming and rushing over.

And as time goes by, more and more people will rush to this battlefield from other locations.

The Tarren Mill-Nanhai Town front has replaced Ashenvale and has become the most popular camp battle venue in Dawn. Many people do nothing all day long, just looking for players from the opposing camp to PK here.

As soon as they heard that the Ogre Castle had entered Alliance players, these people immediately wanted to smell bloody sharks.

"Mu Qiu, Yueguang, Xiaorou, let's go," Lu Li listened to the sound of fighting getting closer and closer. He gave up on the BOSS and called a few teammates to intercept. The others would stay here and continue fighting.

Yi Renlei Naozhirou also joined the team. He was a typical PVP player and had top-notch equipment, so Lu Li asked him to join him.

After leaving Scrooge Grellberg's room, he was faced with a small group of tribe players.

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