The Great Thief

Chapter 1203: Ambiguity

Once again, he stood in front of the dead. It only took five or six minutes. He was sulking on the side of the road, and immediately floated when he saw the land.

Lu will hand over the order of Thrall to him, and then stand by and wait for the other party to read the letter.

If this task is only so simple, he will not be able to do it all the time. As for the badge of lost justice, it is completely unexpected. The purpose of the land is other.

I was thinking about things. Lu suddenly heard a whimper and turned to see the dead soul crying.

"Yes... this is my fault, if it wasn't like that at the time..." The orcs rarely cry, except for the children, such a person who has experienced death will cry, presumably the heart must be very sad.

"Is there anything I need to do for you?" Lu can only say this. He can't say that people are going to die. Everyone has to look forward to seeing a future of a dead soul, either flying away or continuing to wander here. Going on, anyway, it is not a good ending.

"Listen to me... you must listen..." The soul of the dead finally calmed down his emotions and said so.

"Well, I also want to hear it." The mission continues. Lu hopes to get rid of this remorseful warrior. Maybe he just needs people to stop and listen to his story and help him do something he can.

They also embarked on a cursed land on such an ordinary day.

In the path of bare black rocky ground because too many people walked through, the thoughts ran through the thundering burnt plain and reached the dark door, and in front of them was a demon Rather Lake.

This is a presence that the soldiers can't beat, but they didn't run away. In the face of the devil, the orc warrior's dictionary did not escape two words.

They are like Don Quixote, who is holding a sword and rushing to the windmill. He is left to the end of life by a kind of self-imposed tragic.

The former warrior calmly described his death, and it was as simple as a sentence.

Perhaps in his opinion, this is an insignificant thing.

Yes, he is dead, but his comrades have suffered more horrible things than death. This is more painful than his own death. This is also his remorse, even with a stubborn in this desolate The reason why you are alone on the ground.

Maybe it can be said that his friends are not dead, but at the same time they are already dead.

The souls of the eighteen warriors were taken out of the body by the devil, and then became the walking dead. Their souls were detained, and as long as the time was still flowing, they would suffer and suffer forever.

"Adventurers, you will have to break 18 stones... Go, free their souls... Let them get rid of endless torture..."

The system prompts the land and he has taken on a new mission.

Landed silently, and proceeded in the direction of the system prompts.

The thick fence, the sharpened logs tied into a row of doors are now open, and there is a simple stone building, which looks like a two-story look. There is a small road leading to it, and you can see two ogres with big sticks that look like guards.

This is the place to find.

Cursed Land This filthy desert used to be a low-lying swamp called the Black Marsh, just like a sad swamp.

When Medivh built the Dark Portal to connect Azeroth with the Orc's home, Draenor, the orcs crossed the portal and began the first battle. The orc's mysterious magic was so powerful that it destroyed the marshes and left only Dry red land.

The Alliance destroyed the door of darkness, pollution stopped spreading, but the cursed land could not be restored.

At that time it seemed that the tribe's strength was insufficient. The giant ogre also came through the dark door. Unlike the orcs, the ogre stayed in the cursed land. Obviously, they have now become demons.

Lu Li looked at the level of the ogre, which he expected in the 58th level, but fortunately not the 60th level, he carefully approached the guards still unaware, the light pace did not make a sound, then in two When the guard turned his head, he wore it from the middle.

Experienced thieves will not let the target's sight fall on themselves, and will not look at the target.

Lu Yi looked for a while and finally found the undead in the camp.

The undead in the cursed land is very abnormal. He touched the close-up and carefully observed the guy who stood still. It was much smaller than the average orc. His clothes were very ordinary, and he did not wear heavy armor. Even compared to the average warrior, even the decent leather armor was not draped, and the whole body was wrapped in a rag-studded jacket, which looked like a dead body buried in any bare grave in the wild.

It can only be seen from some vague traces that he was an orc during his lifetime.

It is obviously unwise to go up and fight now. First of all, these undead in front of the land are actually containers. The real undead is not killing, and if you attack, it will scream to attract the ogre elite. The two ogres are not afraid, but there are hundreds of ogre elites in this ogre camp. If you can't solve them quickly, the ogre b will come back after the time.

If you want to kill them, you must destroy the green crystal that is full of fel energy.

Lu Li knew that these were the heroes who had been fighting the Burning Legion, but he did not save the souls as a rebirth. The only thing he could do was to let them be free.

Nine Russell's servants were quickly resolved, and Lu did not dare to stop, and quickly rushed to the next Ogre camp, three Servini's servants, three Ollista's servants and three Goolors. The servants were also completed very quickly, and at the end of the day there were exactly a total of eighteen undead.

Thrall is a very open-minded leader. His guards include trolls, orcs, forgotten people, and tauren. So there are other races that are free from liberation, but these souls are no longer able to communicate with him, but He seems to hear the last sighs of these souls every time, and he can hear the meaning of relief.


This is the teammate of the orc's dead soul. He is in the cursed land and remembers his teammates. Whether it is game or reality, loyalty is a kind of thing that is easy to recognize.

I don’t want to be born on the same day of the same month, but I want to die on the same day of the same month.

A thing that was seen as a joke in reality, he actually experienced sourness in a game mission. (To be continued.)

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