The Great Thief

Chapter 1204: Twenty warriors

Back to the soul of the tribal hero, he still stayed there quietly, and he suspected that he had never moved.

After handing over the task, this part gives some experience and reputation value, mainly the reputation value. Lu is now almost enough to learn the reputation value of two intensive skills. Of course, here is the ordinary skill, if it is the finishing technique. If not, there may not be one.

The sky is actually very late, the red earth of the cursed land has already been brown, and the two months of Azeroth are also hanging high in the night sky.

To be honest, Lu is very fond of the moment when Azeroth's dawn is shining, and I also like the moonlight that is brighter than reality.

Whether in the water vapor of the moonlight forest, or in the wind and sand with the loess in the barren land, this moon is always quietly emitting a soft light, even the gray squat of the Silver Pine Forest is also because of this month. And the sparkling starlight is especially beautiful.

The soul of the dead prayed on the ground, and the essence of the soul was placed in front of him.

The essence of the eighteen crystal souls radiated a ray of light under the moonlight. From violent to calm, they seemed to hear the whispers of the dead souls. Eventually all of them were integrated into the moonlight, and they disappeared directly.

"Your team is twenty people, then there should be one more. Where is he?" Lu said with an active call.

"You have helped me a lot..." The soul was very embarrassed and said: "I don't have any reward for getting it. Let me take risks for me. I really don't want to go."

"I am not trying to reward," Lu said with a squint of his eyes. He said in a generous manner: "In this battle with the devil, I don't know how many tribes or brothers in the league are killed, I can always hear them. Helpless whispers, if I can do something for them, I will feel better in my heart."

"You are such a good person," the soul was very moved, and finally decided to continue the mission: "My friend, I have a brother who is still missing, he should be somewhere in the land of death, I am talking about Kelly. Si Zhongyi. At that time, I was imprisoned by Ollista and tortured. Poor Kilis... His willpower is getting weaker and weaker. He can hear his torture in my cell. He The screams echoed in the cave, that was the last time I heard the voice of Kilis..."

"I think I understand what you mean... I am looking for him, right?" Lu was relieved.

"Yes, my friend... If you want, please do this for me and find the whereabouts of Kilis."

"I am willing to help you, my friend," Lu is very simple.

In the last life, he did this task, and he did not do it in this place. The reason at that time was not that the soul of the dead felt that there was nothing to him, but that he could not do it. The specific reason was that he knew it when he saw the Raiders because he Hanged once during the previous task.

As long as you hang it once, the mission will not continue.

The reason given in this life is "Can't afford you, you still go", it is estimated that it is because of his low-looking charm value, and receiving the continuation of the task does not mean that you can sit back and relax. The task has a lot of variables, he can only take one step and take a step.

The next task clue is actually very simple, especially in the case of a land attack.

The location of the mission is in a cave. All the roads are all demons that are difficult to kill. The reason why the last generation of the land is not connected to the mission is that he may not be the opponent of these demons at all, and the return of the rebirth has subverted everything in the devils. It seems that the land is probably more devilish.

This **** place is really an uncomfortable appetite. It burns the brazier everywhere, and the whole cave is reflected in red. The heat generated by the charcoal fire is constantly accumulating in the air, so that the sweat on the forehead can be transpiration as soon as it seeps out of the skin. As a result, the leather armor of the body has become sultry.

The difficulty of this kind of environment sneaked invisibly magnified many times.

The devil is more aware of the amazing creatures, so the land can only be killed one by one.

As he went deep into this hot cave, the body that fell behind him was more and more.

There is no hint of luck in the depths of the soul. He hopes that his last brother is still alive, at least not to think that he and his other eighteen friends are tortured to the present by powerful demons.

Soon it was close to the deepest part of the cave.

The answer will soon be revealed. The **** dog, looking at the depths of the cave, sighs in the bottom of his heart. The miracle is like a mirage. People always deceive themselves, but when you come to the near future It was discovered that the miracle did not happen.

A huge **** dog!

At this point, the fate of the twenty people has finally got the answer... This is the last one.

Under normal circumstances, a person is unlikely to defeat this **** dog, but the land can not be speculated according to common sense, he not only has more than the average person's strength, but also knows some common people can not know the Raiders.

On the other hand, miracles are not a mirage for him, and his rebirth is a miracle.

The **** dog is just one of the witnesses of this miracle. When it fell, a transparent soul came out, and there was no tension at all. This is obviously a forgotten warrior that he was looking for.

"I have been waiting for a long time, friends, my teammates, are they okay?"

"No, they are all dead. Only one of them is probably your captain. He is still in the wilderness. I am the adventurer he has found." Lu Li did not say any good-faith lies, compared to this dead soul. Can understand.

"Captain..." Kelly shook his head slightly: "Make sure he must think that it is his fault. He has always been such a person."

“Yes, then, how can I complete my task?”

"Well, then I won't turn around. After all, my time is limited," said Kilis. "You must destroy the forces that protect the three devils of the demon king Rather Lake. This mission is not like saving a curse." The soul is as simple as that."

"I am ready for the battle," Lu said that the other party does not agree with his own strength. I knew that I would bring more people to work together.

For example, the water elf, not seen for a few days, Lu is always thinking of her when she is walking.

"I appreciate your bravery, the elves," Kilis grinned, not seeing any sorrow or depression: "You know, Rather Lake's three men each wear a piece by Rather Lake. One-third of the special talisman. With this talisman, you can summon the demon. Go back to Treb and tell him what he needs to summon Russell, and he will give you further instructions."

The original name of the dead soul was called Treb, and the name was silently recorded, watching Kilis slowly dissipate in front of his eyes.

These are all his last words. (To be continued.)

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