The Great Thief

Chapter 1205: Demon Hunter (recommended ticket)

Therefore, Lu Yi once again stood in front of the soul of the tribal hero, Treb.

"Dead, all are dead..." Trebble captain smirked, and his deep-rooted suffering did not seem to dissipate easily, but his teammates walked more handsomely.

"Ma Ge wraps the body, the warrior's destination may be the battlefield," some of the Raiders that Lu has seen in the past have a lot of comforting Trebble's sentence, but they are not as good as this one, and Treb also eats this. A set, his dim eyes began to light up.

"You are right, the soldiers are dead in the sand field, I don't need to be sad for them, and I still have unfinished things to complete, elves, I need your help," this time is the soul of the dead to continue the mission.

The system prompts that the mission has been completed and has obtained a skill point!

Skill points!

Twilight skill points are more valuable than experience, more than reputation, than gold coins, than rare materials, more than equipment, more precious than anything, because these things are always valuable, no matter how much money, as long as the money is more than a certain degree Anything can be found at your fingertips.

Only skill points!

This is a puzzle without a solution. Anyone is worried about skills because it is never enough.

"Please give it to me, sir, I must be your most trustworthy friend," Lu said that he did not expect the task to reach the skill level at this stage, although the probability of acquiring the skill point is almost non-existent. His heart is really grateful to Captain Treb.

This is the main reason why he came to do this task, because there is a great probability of obtaining skill points from the dead soul.

"The three demon kings were protected by Russell Lake, and in order for them to be loyal to him, Russell made them use almost infinite power in the cursed land, and the talisman they wear is associated with their destiny. And make them become immortal, as long as they stay in the cursed land, they can't kill them, their vitality can be maintained until the end of the world," Trebble trembled with despair and anger.

"There must be a way, even if Sargeras can't live forever," Lu said firmly.

"You are right, friend," Trebble appreciated the same as Lu Li, and was pleased with the spirit of the battle: "I studied for a long time and finally thought that a person might be able to help, to Isa On the small island of the Lara area, go to the demon hunter Lorams Saribidis. If he can't help him, we can only count on Saar Daren to send someone to deal with it."

Demon Hunter!

Even knowing the follow-up of the mission, Lu is still shocked by this term.

It should be said that the demon hunter is a group of madmen who can give up even if they can achieve their goals. These people almost all have a deep hatred with the devil.

In order to make this hatred or responsibility redeemed, they voluntarily accepted the taboo power from the Burning Legion. They control the evil spirits and chaos magic, master the transformation ability and ghost vision, rely on the daunting agile pursuit and defense. Dangerous opponent.

In the eyes of the world, this group of people is not only a madman, but a traitor.

The original demon hunter was just a nickname, referring to someone, but with the stalemate of the Burning Legion war, more and more people offered themselves, and thus became a profession, like a bounty hunter. Live for hunting demons.

According to legend, to become a professional demon hunter, one of the inauguration parts contains a little adventure.

A newbie who wants to be a demon hunter must find a current demon hunter to guide him or her through a series of complex magical rituals, which is different from the Paladin's tenure.

Part of the magical ritual involves searching for a particular demon and using it as a sacrifice to do so to bind a part of its soul to the novice demon hunter. However, in order to accommodate the devil's soul, the demon hunter will soon be burned to be the mortal eye.

Because of the new magical power gained as a demon hunter, ruining the eyes does not make the demon hunters a true blind person. They can still perceive the world around them and can clearly perceive the devils around them. position.

Compared with ordinary vision, this kind of vision has a slight limitation, but only with this vision can you accurately kill the demon.

Who once said: To catch it, you must first see it.

When he becomes a demon hunter, his appearance will be affected. Specifically, when a student becomes a demon hunter for the first time, his skin will become pale and lose color. However, the demon hunter's skin will have a pale blue hue, and the skin will begin to become tense over time. Thereby obtaining natural armor.

In the end, the demon hunter's skin will show a deep purple.

As a rebirth, Lu did not know how to transfer to become a night elf. He had seen a number of night elves, such as Illidan's projection.

The guy standing in front of Lu is the second demon hunter he has ever seen. If Illidan’s projection is not counted, it is the first one, purple skin, purple hair, and the exposed chest looks strong and of course There are iconic features that are indispensable to the long ears and elves.

Whether he was originally a night elf or a blood elf, or a high elf, it is always an elf.

The only thing that could not determine the color of his eyes was that a red band completely covered it at the moment. His long skirt, shoulders and hand guards are all red, and even the two long scimitars are reddish.

His name is Lolamus Demon Hunter, Lorams Sari Biddis.

The place where he lives is a desert island in Azshara, surrounded by cold sea water, and oddly shaped rocky gravel, the same gray, the same ridiculous, grassy, ​​the sea can not wash the bare reef, the surface The corrosion is rough and covered with tiny holes.

When the land was pulled away, the algae that was smeared on the body, when I saw a group of **** dogs running, almost grasped the dagger in a reflexive manner. Fortunately, he immediately realized that these **** dogs were estimated to be demon hunters’ pets. There is no hostility.

The memories of the **** dogs make people feel very bad, because Lu Yi thinks of Kilis again.

"Demon? Are you sure you saw the devil? With your qualifications, even if you have eyes, it is similar to the scorpion." The opening remarks of Lorams Sari Bidis are not polite, perhaps in line with the generality of the night elves. Urine, consistently arrogant.

Lu Yi is more inclined to have a pair of bright eyes.

"I am very convinced that Lord Lorams, Trebble let me come, he is an orc, do you remember him?"

"Treiber, I remember him, that was a few years ago," Lorams recalled.

Lu Yuanshou said that Lorams’s eyes were immediately red, and his interest in the demon was obviously higher than anything else. It was almost a moment, and he decided to kill the polluter Rather Lake, even though they were Did not take him a needle.

"Let me come here, there is no it, God, really, yes, polluter Rather Lake, I know his real name," Lorams Sari Bididi took out a small book. After turning a few pages, I was excited to find what I was looking for.

Lu was forced, and he couldn't help but ask: "Hello Lord Lorams, does knowing his name is a thing that makes you happy?"

"No, I used to be the same family. You made a mistake. I don't know the name of Russell. I know the real name of Russell. The real name of a demon cannot be known casually. If one When people know the true name of the devil, that person will have an absolute advantage in power when dealing with this demon."

Lu was suddenly speechless, this setting is not too playful, he also knows the name of the devil king Sargeras.

But in a flash he realized that he was wrong. Sargeras is not a pure demon. He is a Titan. Besides, he originally called Sargeras who knows, his right arm, Archimonde, and Kil'jaeden is not a demon. They are the Eredar, the predecessor of the draenei.

Where is Russell? Where is he? "Lorams? Surrey Bidis asked murderously."

"Oh, I am not very clear, but I guess he is still twisting the void. I hope that you can help me kill his three servants, the orc Severina, the human Archmage Olesta and the Ogre Glor , they..." Lu Li patiently understood the relationship between these three guys and the devil.

"This is not a problem at all," Lorams? Suri Bidis is very casual: "Isn't it three wastes that have been blessed by the devil? I have killed so many people."

"What are you waiting for, adults, let's kill them," Lu said with a sigh: "It is said that they all hold a magic necklace, and combining these necklaces and then a special summoning ceremony will allow Russell to return to the curse. place."

"These three are not problems. The key is that Russell is not good at killing. He is a jealous guy. One of my peers has dealt with it." This arrogant demon hunter is not blindly arrogant. .

"We have to do these three guys first, and then we can't find a way to kill Russell Lake?" Lu Li only wants to do the task. There are very few people who can finish this task. At least there are few of the Raiders he can see. To be the last, at this point, he has no reference to the Raiders, but as long as he can kill the three demons, he can take a step forward.

"What anxious, let me think about **** Russell Lake, for the power to sell to the devil's servant what is good to kill," Lorams? Suribadis is obviously more obsessed with killing the devil . (To be continued.)

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