The Great Thief

Chapter 1206: Sea giant

"Have you heard of the Sea Giant?" asked Lorams? Suri Biddis.

Switching to a normal player may be ignorant, but Lu is obviously not an ordinary player, so he quickly replied: "I heard that it is a huge creature living on the sea, it is a good swimmer. They hold iron anchors, pick up the wind and waves, and smash the ships, although their mission is to maintain the cleanliness and tranquility of the ocean."

"Oh, it seems that they have not left a good impression on you," Lolamus said with a chuckle, and the tone of his speech has been completely arrogant.

"I hate their attitude towards other creatures. In any other race in their eyes, they are ants. I also heard that they rarely came to the ground world before, but prefer to stay on the bottom of the sea alone, but later to hunt down their necropolis, Naga, Getting closer and closer to the ground world," few players can talk to p in this regard.

“It’s a stupid way to judge good and evil by race. Not all sea giants will overturn the ship,” Lorams Sari Bidis finally added: “Of course, except the devil, only The dead demon is a good demon."

"Well, can the Sea Giant help us?"

"We are looking for Aka Rock. He is a low-level **** who is not a godhead, but a fisherman, a lobster, and a sea giant." Lorams explained: "Actually He is a very kind sea giant."

There is a bit of suspicion in the centrifugation. The fisherman is never a friendly creature, let alone the people who are worshipped by their temples? Can this Akorok talk calmly with people, instead of wanting to wear other creatures on the spears for dinner like the fisher?

With the giant of the sea, this estimate is not enough to fill his stomach.

The memories of those ugly creatures with slippery skin made Lu Yi feel a little unhappy, but he still chose to trust Lorams? Suri Biddis.

The Temple of Akorok is an ancient temple that once belonged to Elune and now belongs to Aka Rock. Except for the Sea Giants, the Makura and the fish here also regard it as God. At least, they are watching the Dwarves. When shooting, it seems to be asking for help.

Makula refers to the prawns on the beach, which are infected with magical ability and become combative. However, if they can be successfully captured, it is a very good food. These hard-shelled prawns use pliers and magic to attack. They have The basic social system, and even the emergence of tribes, but their wisdom is far less than their neighbors.

The Marcula prawns maintain the highest level of alert for the arrival of a night elf.

Lu is not going to fight with them. As the saying goes, playing a small one is old, killing will make the old heart full of resentment.

Fortunately, although Lu Li showed that after the intention, the lobsters were not allowed to lay down their weapons, but at least the atmosphere of the battle was not over. After a while, they gave way to the land, and the name of Lolamus played a role.

Close to the temple, Lu Li finally saw the appearance of the giants of the sea. They are generally more than five meters tall. The specific weight cannot be measured, but they are undoubtedly fat, but they don’t know how these giants float themselves in the sea. on.

At the second floor of the temple, Yakorok was sitting on the ground and fighting, and there was no such thing as a god.

"How is Lorams?" Yakolok asked as he opened the door.

"He is still in Azshara, there is nothing wrong with it," Lu said back. "He asked me to come to you for help, about killing a demon."

"He is a connoisseur when he kills the devil. I only have a certain little experience." Although he is self-effacing, he can't conceal the smugness. Lorams? Surrey Bidis is a demon hunter. Devil's professional households, actually find their own help.

The size is large, and the face will naturally follow, so Lu Yi can see every expression of it.

Too lazy to poke, he directly said the current situation.

"This is not a good idea. He must be crazy, crazy." Akarok clearly understood what he couldn't understand. His face was very ugly, and then he stood up from the ground, tall. The man almost broke through the dome of the temple, constantly moving back and forth, seems to be caught in a tangled.

"Do you have any idea?" Lu could not help but ask.

After a long while, Yakorok calmed down: "To get rid of the demon king and his minions, there is only one way: to cast a powerful weapon with his real name. When this weapon is finished, it is the devil. The death of the king."

"So how do you cast it?" If it were for him to cast weapons, it would not be difficult to have molds and materials.

"Weapons are still good to say, the most important thing is that we must give it the ability to kill the devil. Have you ever heard of Hertala, she is a hypocritical and cruel guy, I have some children who are killed in her On hand, you kill her, and then bring back all her emblems." The task released by Yakorok obviously has his own selfishness. He and Getara have hatred, and he can't leave the temple now, so he Take the opportunity to end the life of the enemy with the help of the land.

Lu also felt that he might have been shot, but he did not mind helping Aka Rock to kill an enemy.

Yakorok, Hertala, these are all so-called gods. In fact, it is not worth mentioning at all. It is even simpler to pull out a tribal group to sweep out their tribes in minutes.

Hertala's lair is relatively hidden. So far, no one has ever discovered it. However, she has become the ruler of the sea. She is obliged to patrol the sea every day. It is only necessary to ambush in the place where she often patrols. To ensure efficiency and safety, he mobilized the swords of the rulings in the area around Azshara to form a group of twenty people.

Dealing with the standard b, such a lineup has given enough face.

Hertala is a three-headed snake monster. It is very large in size. It is good at water magic, and it also repairs spells. Otherwise, she can slowly kill her.

"Thank you, flying fish help me in the Stormwind City, please drink a meal," less than ten minutes, Lu Li picked up the three quest items, said to the team's loveless flying fish.

No love flying fish swings: "Do not worry, boss, everything I will arrange properly."

The blood-stained Hertha emblem, the broken Hertala emblem, and the **** Hertala emblem are three emblems, which are actually the three heads of Getala.

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