The Great Thief

Chapter 1207: Return to life

"I am back, this is what you want," Lu will hand over the quest items, and the system prompts him to complete the task.

This time there is no skill point, but the reputation is very much. Usually, ten tasks are not necessarily given this time. It can be seen that the task is not really as hard to earn as everyone imagines. The premise is that you must find reputation and reward. The task is OK.

"Yes, your performance is amazing, the elves," Yakolok said with appreciation.

"What do you need to do next?"

"I can combine these three emblems, so that the casting weapons are divine. Although Hertha is not strong, she has a very useful talent," Yakorok said while operating.

Lu was inadvertently heard about the past of Lorams and the reason that Akok Rock was shocked before.

The life of Lorams is said to be very tragic. The whole family was killed by the Burning Legion, including his newlywed wife and the children in his wife’s belly. When the full hate of Lorams met the powerful existence, he gave up. I exchanged myself into the devil's way and became a demon hunter.

He hunted the devil everywhere and had a small name on the Kalimdor continent.

It is said that the Devil Hunter has only two homes, one is crazy in the endless killing, the other is killed in the encounter of a more powerful demon.

That year, Lorams met an enemy he could not defeat.

The result of the battle was that he was defeated and killed. The demon split the body of Lorams into three pieces, the head, the upper body and the lower body. With such a result, the hero who is eager to protect the world falls to such a position. Very miserable.

However, Lorams did not completely die. In the process of dealing with the devil for a long time, he has already peeked into the mystery of the devil's immortality.

Perhaps for this reason, he spent a long time in the endless distortion of the void.

His three-part body was found by the gnome teacher Kassim. Kassim and Lorams had a relationship. They used to team up to hunt the devil. Kassim found the blood elf in order to resurrect Lorams. Master of the Master, Lenore and Dragia.

Many mages do not have the concept of camp, they only have magic in their eyes.

The three technical homes conceived a way to resurrect Lorams, which was divided into three pieces.

Of course, it involves the application of some dark magic. Their practice is to bring the complete body of Lorams to the storm altar for dark rituals, when Lorams can resurrect the powerful demon power of the altar.

The world of technical homes is unimaginable. They are unconstrained, but they are often justified. They actually resurrected Lorams. Regardless of the principle of resurrection, these three technical houses are enough. Glory for a lifetime.

After all, in the history of Twilight, it seems that only a few cows such as Aegwynn and Ysera are able to perform the resurrection.

Lorams was not happy after the resurrection, because he was resurrected by absorbing the power of demons, and now his body is full of fallen energy. However, people have already lived and can't go back. Lorams decided that this may be the way fate wants him to walk again, so he returned to his old business and became more unscrupulous.

"Do you know, what is the talent of Hitala?" asked Akorok.

Lu Yi shook his head, even if he read more books, he had never heard of the talent of the so-called God of Hitara. There was no pressure when he killed her with two teams.

"Forget it, take this thing, you go to Lorams," Yakook sighed and sighed: "Please tell me, old friend hopes that he can live bravely, when a person dies Not afraid, what else can make him fear?"

The earth is sinking in the air, and this task seems to be a bit too far out of control.

Run back to Lorams again? Surrey Bidis here, he has not wanted to vomit to run too many maps today, I hope to finish the task, how to say that there should be a legendary equipment reward.

"Is this what he said," Lorams whispered. "These so-called gods are really hypocritical. If you really don't want me to use that method, let you bring this over." what?"

Lu Yi did not know how to answer the words. Fortunately, Lorams did not expect to be separated. He studied the synthetic emblem of Getala and began to send to Lu.

This time it’s time to collect twenty Azshara crystals. This is also a painful task. Azshara crystals are only refreshed in a small area on the edge of the cliff. There is a very good task that requires players to collect two crystals. So this place is guarded all the year round, as long as it is brushed out, it will be dug up.

Twenty Azshara crystals, this is what you want!

Lu Li resisted the pain of blood in his heart, and placed an automatic acquisition booth in the small camp next to it: the acquisition of Azshara crystal, twenty pieces of hardware, only 20 pieces.

There are similar booths next to them, and the price is usually 15 yuan. More than 20, after all, this thing is sold in the transaction line is a little more than 20 gold, but also to pay the system fee, the land of the twenty hardware is definitely a very attractive price.

"Brother, forty gold, how do I sell you twenty?" A warrior-like player came over and stalked.

Lu is as stable as the old man, even if the eyelids are not lifted, he bought Aisha Crystal at a higher price than the market price to save time, but this does not mean that he has no bottom line, and he has not been regarded as a big head. The habit of slaughtering.

"I don't look at the brothers. You don't have to pay for this. It's not good to delay the task. Besides, there are so many meats on the market. If you don't buy it from me, you estimate that you will not receive 20 Azshara crystals tomorrow. "The warrior player is half-truthful, and the tone is unconsciously brought with a threat."

"This group of scum is bullying again, the mercenary group is terrific," said the mouth, nothing to say, in fact, when the spit is not dare to speak loudly, it can be seen that the mercenary group of the warrior player is very powerful.

"Let's say a few words, or the camp will not go out," the small partner next to him hurriedly pulled him away and pulled the person away.

The players who had been heart-warming because of the hardware were hesitating for a while, but they didn’t dare to sell them to Lu, unless they didn’t want to continue to mix in the refreshing area of ​​Azshara’s crystal. The mercenary group did not dare to be like the Grand Council, but they There are so many people, ordinary players are simply not qualified to grab resources with them.

Lu was also bullied by the mercenary group in his last life, so he really didn't like this kind of person.

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