The Great Thief

Chapter 1209: Calvin

When the warrior player heard 6 words, he almost collapsed. Eight? One Chinese? Net? 1?81

What kind of racers, what big guilds, this concept is too far away from them, but in the face of ordinary casual players, they are the tyrants of the tyrants. On weekdays, other people say hello to call a big brother. Now let him give people a bow, not as good as Kill him.

Looking at the warrior player who was barely speaking, the head of the team bite his teeth and finally made a decision.

Then everyone saw that the polar bear pattern on the chest of the warrior player slowly dissipated, and actually kicked out the mercenary group directly. The warrior player is not just a face, but even the lining is gone.

At this time, the warrior player realized that he had something to do. He and the head of the team also experienced several games. The relationship has always been very good. It is absolutely impossible to do this kind of thing.

The warrior couldn't imagine what would happen if he left the mercenary group.

By the time he falls to the same people who are usually bullied by himself, it is estimated that many people will fall down on him, so he looks at his head and his eyes are pleading.

"First solve this problem," the head of the group was afraid that he would say something ugly, and talked privately.

Even if the warrior is stupid, he begins to understand that the root of all this is from the person sitting cross-legged and sitting next to the stall. He really kicked the iron plate this time.

"I am now driving him out of the mercenary group, and I will guarantee that this situation will be severely punished in the future. I also ask you to let us go," the head of the team asked for help. I feel like playing a game, why bother to be so low, not big to play.

In fact, you can understand the conversion of the idea, the workplace is still low, the sly tricks can make the paragraphs stunned, and the sly objects are sometimes unrelated people.

Now, the behemoth of the ruling sword is absolutely capable of making this mercenary group difficult.

The most important thing for the mercenary group to offend is the Grand Council. They would rather offend the masters of loner, because the damage caused by the masters is limited. If the sword of the ruling says to let them withdraw from Azshara, I believe that someone will be on Azshara soon. All players wearing the Polar Bear logo are madly hunting.

The leader of the squad's hunter group is Moonlight, which is an endless madman. The most important thing is that he is also a master of Nima.

6 Nod and nodded, how can he not see the tricks of these two people, it is estimated that he will re-enter the kick-out people when he turns back. As for punishment, he did not accept the Azshara crystals that they don’t want money at the end. It is punishment.

The implication is that you have to get out of Azshara.

This group leader is also a person who knows the time. In a few minutes, Azshara no longer has any polar bear mercenary group to stay, and well-informed players quickly explore deeper secrets.

The polar bear monopolizes the business of Azshara Crystal, who inadvertently angered the sword of the ruling.

Then the ruling sword released, let the polar bear roll out of Azshara.

The polar bear mercenary group withdrew from this map of Azshara, and even if they could not see their figures on several nearby maps, it is estimated that they will go around in the future.

It is worthy of being a Grand Council. It is easy to deal with such a small organization.

Then, 6 times from time to time to receive what I want, the blink of an eye will have 20 pieces of Azshara crystal, spent a lot of his gold coins.

The polar bear is only a small episode for 6, but Azshara has been affected for a long time.

There is no mercenary group and the guild to dare to pay attention to these Azshara crystals, because they do not know what the meaning of the ruling sword is, occasionally for it, or stare at this place, as for the club guild, who will do this for the little things Go to rub with the sword of ruling.

The scattered players have a lot of income, and some places with higher refresh rates have at least no bully.

However, there are people and places where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes with interests, even if there is no mercenary group to squash, the scattered players can also grab a dead and alive, killing a dark day.

The next step is the casting of weapons.

Lorams recommended the founder of the Stranglethorn Valley, Calvin, to the 6th.

Calvin is 6 who knows this because he is involved in a decoration called "Silver's Secret Silver Insignia". This kind of decoration is most sought after, in addition to increasing resistance, it can also immunize fear.

If the non-flashing Mithril insignia is relatively poor in comprehensive attributes, it is estimated that anyone will be willing to bring one on the body.

In that case, players who use fear and b can cry with a headache, that is, when the next copy meets a specific b, everyone will take this.

From Azshara to Stranglethorn, it is a long journey.

Calvin did not honestly stay in the city. In order to find him, he ran for more than half an hour before he met this guy in the area between Zul'Gurub and Mossog's Ogre Mountain.

A dilapidated overalls with a mining bag on his shoulders. When he saw a mine, he ran over his ass.

Those who don't know will definitely think that he is a player, but if he thinks about it, he is not being killed in the Stranglethorn Valley. It is enough to show his strong strength.

What is Stranglethorn Vale, one of the most insane areas of the current tribe and player wild p.

6 From the direct dialogue, I hope that the other party can cast such a weapon.

He is already a master casting master. However, as long as he does not step into the guru's threshold, he can only beat the weapons according to the existing drawings. It can be seen that Calvin is obviously at least one level higher than the 6th.

"No time," Calvin refused completely.

6 I thought I was a master casting artist. Everyone is a peer. If you say it is your own person, this task will be better or not. I didn't expect it to be rejected directly.

"It was Lorams? Surrey Bidis introduced me." 6 left helpless, had to move out of the demon hunter.

The demon hunter really had a wide range of visits. When he heard the name, Calvin smashed the cold mask and asked with amazement: "Where did you meet Lorams, is he still alive?"

"Also alive, he entrusted me to ask you to cast a weapon," 6 is too much risk to imagine the demon hunter, why his friends feel that he can die at any time.

"Show me the materials and the list," Calvin reached out.

6 Divorced the prepared materials and orders to the senior blacksmith of the Mithril Club. I hope that the other party will not dig into the collection of materials. If a small amount of rare materials is needed, he can choose to go bankrupt.

"Hertala?" Calvin screamed and almost threw things away.

Hertala is just a three-headed snake that is not weathered. Is it necessary to be so surprised? 6 is not attributable to it.

"He is determined to cast such weapons, instead of sending a **** elf to fool me?" Calvin caught the beard with anxious eyes, his eyes flashing with shock and sad eyes.

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