The Great Thief

Chapter 1210: Runaway slave

In order to win the letter to Calvin, Lu will tell his own task flow.

"Sure enough, his style," after half a sigh, Calvin only sighed long, the whole person is as old as twenty years old, he squatted in front of the waist, swinging his hand to indicate the land to keep up.

There is no difficulty in casting, at least in terms of land, whether it is material or craft can only be considered as general.

Therefore, this attribute of "The Curse of Heratra" is acceptable to any extent, but I really can't understand why this dagger can kill the polluter Rather Lake.

"I hope he won't regret his choice," Calvin said only by saying a good weapon.

After leaving the road, thank you for leaving. Anyway, I took a step by step. I haven’t had a strategy for this task. I have no one in the last life. He is not sure. Even if the task fails, this skill point is earned.

"Very good, this is the most useful weapon against the big devil," Lorams is very satisfied.

The task of another stage is completed, and the system prompts that the land has gained a lot of experience value, a certain reputation, a number of gold coins, and it is a very large amount of money.

"What do I need to do next?" Lu asked.

"Let's go to Trebble. He should tell you how to summon Russell Lake. I still need to be prepared." Lorams is full of enthusiasm and is in stark contrast to his friends who have died.

Once again, Lu returned to the cursed land, and he could not remember that this was the first time to face the soul of a tribal hero.

"How, did Lord Lorams promise to help?" asked the soul of the soul.

"He has promised, and should be there later. I will take a step forward to see how to summon Rather Lake from the twisted void. Lolamus said that you may have a way."

"Of course, I have all inquired. The orc Ms. Swinnie, the human master Molita and the Ogre Glor have both held a magical charm. Combining these talismans and then going through special summoning rituals will allow Russell returned to the cursed land..." The soul of the dead eagerly said.

"It turns out that you have inquired. Now it is not going to let me kill these three guys?" This is not a good rhythm.

"Of course not. Sherwine's talisman is in the hands of a fisherman. He is in the far east, a rock stand overlooking the broken beach. How did this thing go to the fisherman, I also I don't know, but I'm sure that you can find it there."

"Okay, then the other two?" Lu Centrifugal wants to be in the hands of the mobs.

"Olista went out today. He hid his talisman in a box in the Master's Tower. You go to the Master Tower in the east to see it. The place is full of souls that have been tortured by his magical experiments. I don't dare to set foot."

"This is no problem," Lu was relieved, but it was stealing.

"Gallor was very violent recently. His treasure was stolen by a slave. If you can get to the broken beach before sunset, maybe you can intercept him. I am sure that the talisman is in that treasure... After matching these three guards, we can summon Rather Lake, we have the help of the demon hunter, and we can kill him."

Lu is too lazy to say anything more, look at the sun of the cursed land, decided to start with the third.

When I came to the broken beach, I saw a man who was squatting in the distance and would not expect to use this to escape.

"Sailor, are you going to the sea?" Lu asked.

"Adventurer, I don't have what you want here, it's better to stay away from me," said the fugitive slave.

However, it is an intensive elite. You can kill him from a person, but you can't do it because you don't know what he lost.

He stole so many treasures, and the talisman is just one of them.

"I heard that you took away the property of King Gloral, so come and see," Lu left the dagger and said that he is harmless: "Don't misunderstand, I admire you very much."

"Admiration admire, don't come over!" The fugitive slaves were full of vigilance.

"I am not malicious, just come over and see if there is any need to help," Lu took out a small dagger with a very bad attribute from the backpack before playing the mobs. He showed the dagger in front of the slave: "I don't see you." If you have such a dagger, do you still need to use stone to cut trees?"

"What do you want?" The slave suddenly moved, and with a knife, his speed of making a scorpion would increase several times.

"Of course it is a treasure, but I only need one of them," Lu said.

"A knife needs to change the treasure, you go to dream, a despicable elf," the slave was directly irritated.

"Whether things are good or bad, the key is practical and not practical. Can the treasure help you cut trees? If the king of Gool catches up with you, I am afraid that you will not see the sun of tomorrow, but this may not be the case. The ogres have invented a new way of eating. They slowly cut down the human flesh and eat it in front of your face. If you are lucky, you can enjoy it for a few days."

Hey, the fugitive slave swallowed a slobber, and he was really scared.

"Now the sea breeze is so cold, I think you still need a robe. If you encounter a lobster or something, you still need a weapon. If you can have a set of equipment, I am better off, you can take your Treasures are safe on the road, even if you encounter a sporadic ogre you can kill them, and you... my friend, I will only pick one thing in your treasure."

A knife that can cut trees, a warm-looking robe, a full-scale battle axe, and a armor with a gryphon pattern...

The sound of the slave's throat is louder.

"What are you insisting on? Why don't you sit down and talk about it, we can make a deal that is beneficial to both sides," Lu is also considerate and puts on several cooking products that are delicious at first glance.

This time, the slave could not control his saliva.

The food became the last straw to crush the camel. The poor guy has been caught and worked hard, eating food that the dog can't take every day, and worrying about whether he will be eaten or not. It’s a good meal that I have never eaten.

"Only one piece!" The slave looked at it all greedily. If it wasn't for the seemingly armed look of the land, he would grab it directly.

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