The Great Thief

Chapter 1211: Trading principle

"Really only pick one, never give up," Lu said very seriously.

"Then you have to give me something first," said Ai Ai, the slavery of the fugitive period. His eyes began to drift around. He didn't know whether to fight the murder, or to take the abacus.

"In addition to weapons," Lu was throwing things into the hands of the fugitive slaves.

The fugitive slaves took a roast cockroach and began to eat it. Three or two mouths swallowed a fat roast cockroach into the stomach, and then ate something to put on the equipment.

The devil's slap is flying on the fingers of the land, and the poison is spread with the blue color of the poison. It is very difficult to get rid of at first glance.

The slave with only one knife in his hand took a deep look at the battle axe that was far away from him. This opened his own package and signaled that he could come and pick what he wanted.

The system prompts that you can pick one thing.

Lu Yi found a total of twenty things in front of himself, but unfortunately can only choose one, there are strange things, there are beautiful shells worthless, or the bones of certain beasts, there are some recipes and materials worthy. .

Gool's talisman is in it. It looks like an old wooden necklace. Non-gold and silver are not inlaid with jewels.

Lu Yi calmly chose this equipment, put away the selection interface and found that the fugitive slaves stood in front of their own axe, if it is later estimated that he will be attacked.

"This is not in line with the spirit of the transaction," Lu said about the opening.

"Haha, let the goblin's fart go to hell, kid, if you can honestly hand over the valuable things, maybe I can let you return to the forest completely."

"I guess you must have been a pirate or a bandit before you were captured." Lu was almost laughed.

This year, there are still people who dare to rob him on his head. Originally, he planned to let this guy get a horse as long as he got the talisman. After all, he was a lucky man who had just escaped from the wolf's nest. He did not expect him to die.

"No, no, you said wrong. I am not a pirate or a bandit. I have been a pirate. I have also been a bandit. Have you heard of the name of the red parrot? I have done two of them on the top. Today, you can only be unlucky. Now, I need to move my muscles and bones, and the shame of being captured by the ogre before washing."

"Then don't talk nonsense," Lu said, shaking his head, looking forward to the expression before his death.

The end of the battle is very fast, and how stupid is not to be able to beat a fifteen-level intensive elite, and this intensive elite also has a weak state.

Presumably, a long-time captive career has ruined his physical strength.

"Why is this happening, isn’t the sea **** no longer cares about your child?” The fugitive slave did not complete his escape route. He did not die under Gool’s stick, but died in an accident. Hey.

Rubbing the blood on the dagger, I don’t want to hold the hope and kneel down to touch the body.

This guy is carrying the so-called treasures on the road, but it is absolutely impossible to drop all the things out of his body, and someone's black hand is shrouded, that is, it can not fall out of good things.

Gool's treasure, a treasure chest!

Black parrot's treasure, a treasure chest!

Actually, two treasure chests were lost, and the land was almost stunned. This can almost be seen as a strange slash on the roadside, and it was as bizarre as a bunch of legendary equipment.

Both boxes require theft of theft to open, which is no obstacle to land.

Gool's treasure, opened two very good rare materials, so that just after the heavy purchase of Azshara crystal land slightly returned a little blood.

The black parrot's treasure, there are not many things inside, except for a nautical diary, which shows that a task can be triggered, and then there is only one scroll that has not yet been identified. The so-called unidentified is almost encrypted. A reel master or a person with relevant knowledge must be able to unravel.

Lu is suspected that this is an encrypted treasure map. He has no time to search for treasure at all. He can only wait for a chance to try again later.

The second talisman is of course to go to the talisman of Severina. It is said that this talisman is now in the hands of the fisherman, and this fisherman is not far from this beach. According to the task clue, he can judge where he is. The rock shelf overlooks the beach.

Lu was wandering around for a while and finally found a qualified location.

This rock frame is like a small island that stretches out of the sea. There are sporadic fishermen on the team. They are patrolling this barren territory and are always ready to attack the enemies.

Lu Yiyi received a warm hospitality, and he was able to solve these dirty things with stinking.

There are not many monsters on the rock shelf, almost at a glance, and there is no elite or quasi-wave ss in his imagination. All the soldiers are all mixed soldiers. It seems that this talisman has to be lucky. If you are lucky, you can kill it if you kill a monster. If you have bad luck...

Landed in a cold war, I can't imagine it.

The sap fisherman priest, with a few strange gangs, first kills the legal system, and then resolves the melee, and a small team of fish quickly becomes a corpse.

Unfortunately, after touching a few waves of blame, I didn't touch what I wanted. Lu decided to take back the argument that I thought it would be best to take it back. In front of the system of chance, he was full of frustration.

Almost all the monsters on the rock shelf were cleaned up, and Lu Wei picked up the charm of this Severn.

The last one relies on theft, mainly to test the player's stealth ability. If Lu is claiming to be the second in this respect, no one dares to stand up and say that he is the first. After all, the enhanced stealth is not learned casually.

The Master Tower is very worn, as if it had been burned.

As Trebble put it, this mage tower is full of tortured ghosts, and it is clear that the study done by the Master Olesta is not very glorious.

These souls are in the 60th grade, and the average thief is really bad.

If you are not a thief player to do the task, you need a small team of people to kill a little bit, time and effort, not to say that the group is not impossible.

In addition, Ollista's servants are also difficult to deal with, although it is not a wave ss, but with a group of intensified elite quasi-wave ss can not touch it.

The talisman is in the lab at the top of the Master's Tower, and the lock is opened with the unlocking skill.

I thought I could see a Master's lifelong collection. Even if I could only take a few pieces and send him a small fortune, who could expect why a Master's lab would be clean as if it had just been looted.

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