The Great Thief

Chapter 1213: perish together

In fact, the so-called dark energy in Lorams is the energy absorbed from the storm altar when he was resurrected. This energy is not derived from the devil like other demon hunters, but directly from the twisted void. So Russell Lake will feel pure and cordial.

In a less appropriate sentence, Russell sees the energy of Lorams as if he saw his mother.

This kindness does not allow Russell to yield, only to make him violent.

Russell Lake was at a disadvantage, and it was almost impossible to kill his opponent with his own strength, and he was not willing to be tempted to break into the twisted void. At this time, he discovered the demon power of Lorams and decided to use this opportunity. I assimilate myself with Lorams.

Invading Lorams' body, controlling his mind, and letting his energy belong to himself, then he can become a more powerful demon.

At that moment, Lolamus grew his wings, his body turned black and exudes powerful demon energy. He has been possessed by the devil.

"You will belong to me, we will become the new Russell Lake." The devil laughed.

Lolamus's face showed a painful look, and part of the facial structure has turned to the devil Rather Lake. However, in this kind of awkwardness and pain, Lu Li saw the madness of knowing the devil and the demon hunter.

This is a conspiracy!

Yes, all of this is in Lorams's plan. He knows that the enemy will wait for an opportunity to invade his body and turn him into a demon.

"Damn elf, my dear fellow, what are you waiting for, hurry up with the dagger into my chest," Lorams wrestled with the devil in his body, and with a tenacious will instruction.

Lu Yi took out the curse of Hitala, and looked at it differently from the dark edge of other daggers. All previous guesses have explained.

It turns out that Hertha's **** is a seal, and it can seal all of Lorams and Russell in this demon hunter.

Therefore, a few friends of Lorams are so painful. They are helping their friends to end their lives and seal with the devil. I really can't imagine any better results.

Now that the devil is tempted to enter his body, the time has come!

Is it a thorn or a thorn?

If the thorns, Russell Lake will be trapped in the eternal cage, there will be no chance to come out to chaos, but Lorams is equivalent to death.

This respectable demon hunter sincerely defended Azeroth as his mission. If he simply revenge, he could not explain this fanaticism, a frenzy of sacrificing himself to complete his mission.

But if you don't stab, will Lorams be occupied by demons, and the devil is obviously more likely to manipulate the power from twisting the void than the demon hunter.

Lu Li soon realized that he was being sentimental.

He has no right to choose. When Lorams makes a choice, everything can only be developed as he predicted.

Even if he knew that this would let Lorams follow the demon, but Lorams worked hard for so long, and returned to the world from the world of death and graves. This hero pursued this moment.

It was too late to hesitate, and Lu’s face was basically replaced by Russell Lake.

If you don't act quickly, the sacrifice of Lorams will become a joke.

The discomfort of the heart of the Ninja, the seal dagger deeply penetrated the chest of Lorams.

The pain that the body was pierced at that moment did not seem to make Lorams feel any pain. Instead, he showed a relaxed look like relief. He used his last bit of strength to make a statement.

"Thank you, my family, everything is over. Without your help, I am afraid I will never be able to fulfill this wish. I will return to twisting the void and the devil's eternal entanglement."

"I am very honored to be selected by you, my respected family, every corner of the forest where your glory will be passed down." The feeling of loneliness is born, perhaps this is the fate of the hero to protect the earth with his own life. Challenge the evil that harms the world. What others can do is tell these more people and pass on their legendary stories.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I have been exiled, my family...hehe..."

With a low, taunting tone, Lorams took Russell Lake and disappeared along the road of Russell Lake forever in the land of Azeroth.

In addition to some traces of fighting, the top of this mountain seems to have never been a demon hunter.

"Thank you, thank you," Trebble had a fluttering figure, and it seemed to be dissipated at any time.

"May all brave souls be immortal," Lu said softly, saying that he would give away to Lolamus, but also to Trebble who was desperate to defeat Rather Lake.

"Thank you too, my friend, although you are an elf, I never thought that I would be so thankful to the elves," Trebble said. "You paid too much for me, but I can't give you Matching rewards."

"You are too polite, I have already harvested a lot of things," Lu is not too disgusted.

The system prompts him to complete the "Soul of the Horde Heroes" series of tasks, gain a certain reputation value, gain a number of experience points, and gain a skill point plus one.

The prestige is very rich, and Lu has never received such a rich reputational reward.

The experience is also very rich, not only let him directly rise to the 58th level, but also occupy the first position in the ranks, and almost everyone here knows that Lu has done a remarkable task.

Doing a task is really the quickest way to upgrade, provided that it triggers a good task.

Xiao Ba Sai almost never went to the field to level with the team, but her level never fell out of the top 20, which is a miracle for a high school student.

In this mission, the second time to get the skill point, the land is already very satisfied. Even if there is no other reward, just give him two skill points. It is too difficult to run the map before, and the complaints that are too cumbersome can be written off.

This mission is the most likely task in the legend to acquire skill points, but no one has ever thought that two skill points can be obtained.

"Lorams has already expected such a result, he left a little thing for me here," Trebble added after the reward, so that Lu is once again full of expectations.

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