The Great Thief

Chapter 1214: Huge harvest

What left something for yourself?

It was a cloak, the style was not fancy, but the insightful glimpse of the cloak showed the extraordinaryness of the cloak, and all of them were inconspicuous in the inconspicuous shades.

At the very least, it is a legend!

Demon Hunter's Blessing (Legend): Armor 120, Agility +80, Strength +50, Constitution +30, Groove 2, Special Effect 1: Dodge increased by 15%, Special Effect 2: Shunfa, open a pair of demon wings after use, Instantly accelerates by 300% for 1.5 seconds, cooldown for sixty seconds, special effect 3: Demon Hunter's Asylum, 1 sec cast, after use, the caster gains power from the twisted void, magic resistance increased by 80%, attack damage increased by 60 %, immune to all fear effects, lasting five seconds, cooling time ten minutes, equipment demand level 60, durable 260/260.

A very good cloak, just look at the basic attributes and know that it is much better than the thin cloak on the ground.

This thin cloak on Lu's body is only a 50-level equipment, and it is not a legend. Lu said that he is no longer sure that his equipment level is higher than anyone else.

After all, money is a golden finger that is unavoidable in any era.

Thin cloak (dark gold): armor 55, agility 40, physique +25, groove 1, special effect 1: moving speed +10%, special effect 2: use, release a smoke bomb with a radius of three yards, the caster in the smoke range The internal dodge rate is increased by 30% for three seconds, the cooling time is two minutes, and the special effect 3: petrochemical, use, so that the caster obtains the damage exemption through petrification, reducing the damage suffered by himself by 60% for two seconds. Cooling time is eight minutes, equipment demand level is 50, durable 198/198.

This is the overall gap, and there is no room for choice.

Dodge can reduce the likelihood of being cricted and the total amount of damage when crit is a useful effect.

Special effects 2 This thing may be strange to other people, but the impression of the demon hunter's battle has just been very deep. This special effect is similar to teleportation. Lorams opens his wings and almost immediately deceives pollution. Russell Lake, and he often used this method when he walked, when the whole person was like a phantom.

This piece of equipment has a duration of only 1.5 seconds, which is worse than that of Lorams and can be seen as a castrated version.

Lu Yi does not know how many things he can do in such a short period of time. It may not have a good flash effect, but one thing is certain is that this special effect has no friends from the visual perception.

As for the last special effect, Lu can only say that this thing is more general, and the three effects are too affordable in a special effect.

However, if you want to equip this cloak, you must use a stone that reduces the demand.

The trading bank has not seen such stones for many days. So many people in the Huaxia District of Shuguang, of course, cannot be out of the box. They can only be explained as the finals. Everyone is saving money to reserve combat materials.

But this legendary cloak has to be changed, and the special effects of the outbreaks are never too few.

When it was about to dissipate, Trebble pointed to the three talismans that remained on the ground and said: "These three talismans have been used, and there is not much energy left, but..."

Lu Li immediately erected his ears, and these three garbage props have other effects.

"However, the survivors still fear the devil's pressure on the slaves, carrying his words, can reduce the strength of the three traitors by 30 percent... Thank you, then goodbye, my friend." Trebble accompanied The cursed land dissipated with the dust of the sand.

"Thank you, my friend," Lu Li almost carefully picked up the three talisman.

Sure enough, the attribute descriptions that originally only marked the task items have changed. Corresponding to their respective owners, they can apply the pressure from the Dreadlord to reduce the target strength by 30%, last for 30 minutes, and cool down for 10 minutes. The current usage is 2/2.

The sixty-level field wave ss is very difficult to provoke, and few guilds are willing to kill such waves.

When the wave ss attack is too fierce, few people can hold it. The casualty in the battle is also a big problem. Second, the battle time is too long. It is difficult to prevent the wind from leaking. When the time is broken, the woman is lost. Also folded soldiers.

But if you reduce the overall strength by 30%, then the 60-level wave ss is not so terrible.

Even if the wave ss is even more powerful, it is designed to be attacked by the player, and the number of uses is marked twice, which means that the player is allowed to fail once in the wave ss battle.

If you win it in one battle, it is also very simple. Waiting for the wave ss to refresh and kill once will not do.

These three detachments may not wait to see the talisman, which has become the main reward for this mission!

After all, this represents the output of three wild wave ss!

The land spreads its wings and flies away from the cursed land. The task that took almost a full day to finish has completely drawn a full stop. In this process, he got to know the soul of a tribal hero and got to know that he is willing to sacrifice to kill the devil. My own demon hunter, met a sea giant, and met a casting master...

Some of these people have disappeared, some may not be able to deal with them in the future, and some may still be useful in the future.

But in any case, this is part of the game, and whether or not you will be touched by him, he will no longer influence your game career.

Lu took a stone from the warehouse and smoothed the level of the cloak.

The other groove was inlaid with a synthetic stone with 200 life points, and then some strengthening stones were added to raise the equipment level to three. This is the legendary equipment of the finished product.

Of course, in the confrontation with the squadron, Lu is not going to use all the means.

The squadron is the enemy, and the arguable sword is not soft tofu. The biggest opponent of this professional league is still the capital of glory. As for the Weiyuge, which is about to compete with the glory, it is not the land that does not help the family, they will lose. undoubtedly.

Three waves of ss must also be played, and must be destroyed as soon as possible. Only when the power is raised before the final battle, all efforts are worthwhile.

Playing this sixty-level field wave ss, the small team in the land is obviously not good.

At least one or two hundred people are required, and there must be other coordinating forces. The whereabouts of a large group of people are exposed, and these people will fight for time on the periphery.

In addition, the order of killing these three waves ss is also very particular. It is best to be difficult first. After all, the notice of the first kill will tell you that the sword of the ruling is playing ss. If the two drags are too long, it may be To be entangled with other big guilds.

Solve the most difficult, the most dynamic, and then quietly kill the other two.

The abacus was slammed, but it could not be completed today. The land and mind are exhausted and there is no way to continue this high-intensity combat command.

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