The Great Thief

Chapter 1221: Forgotten Soul (Happy New Year)

Accompanied by the system prompts, it is the fatal blow of the ruling sword player to rob the players.

The battle lasted for a short time. When the ruling sword tens of thousands of players came up from all sides, the four thousand people in the encirclement had been wiped out, and even the four leaders failed to return to the city.

They didn't even touch the core elite group, let alone influence the land ss.

At the very least, there are hundreds of thousands of pieces of equipment in one place. If you say something that is not good, this group of people is just about to come up and send the equipment together. By the way, the person who decides the sword of the ruling will set up a horse.

For a time, this cursed land is empty.

However, the world channel is once again bustling, and the players led by the four guilds began to use the fact of blood and tears to sue the hegemony of the ruling sword.

They are the cursed land to enter justice, and the ruling sword does not wait for them to reason.

This kind of public opinion war has not been used at all. At least it has succeeded in attracting many spectators to sue the ruling sword. They said that after they had experienced the initial hard work, they have become the tools of some game ambitions. I have forgotten the "initial heart."

However, people with a discerning eye can see the embarrassment, and the blinded spectator party is a war of words.

When the ruling sword was ignored, the time was long and they were consciously boring, and they all died. In the end, only a few people still screamed and screamed, and they could not afford to wave.

Lu and others knocked out the wave ss, and immediately surrounded a wall, ensuring that no thieves druids sneaked to steal equipment.

The little hunter licked the white little hand and went up to pick up the wave ss.

Increase the resistance to 5 percent of the synthetic stone, this stone is more suitable for inlaid in the armor, it is a very good synthetic stone, at least worthy of the status of the 60-level wild wave ss.

After all, although this resistance is not much, it does have all-round resistance, including fire resistance, dark resistance, ice resistance... and even physical defense.

If there is no Sherwin's talisman, there is almost no possibility that they can get rid of Severin, but there is no shortage of synthetic stones in the market, but none of them can reach 5 percent.

The average person is not qualified to use this stone, and it is assigned to the azure sea breeze, and it is specified to be embedded on the shield of his fire resistance.

There are six pieces of fortified stone at one time. The wild wave ss and the copy are really cool compared to the previous one. When the wave ss fell, several people got the skill points.

Then there is the warlock skill book without a warlock to participate in the war, but to drop the warlock skills book, it is their luck.

Playing the wild wave ss, rare material is one of the most important purposes. If the exclusive material of the wave ss is the kind that the other wave ss can't fall, then the whole wave ss is only one piece of material.

This rare material, which was smashed by the dream, is called the Spirit of Forgotten, and it looks like a slug of mud.

Don't talk about the dream, even Lu Yi is the first to hear the name of the soul of forgetting, to know that he is born again, and he likes to study in his life. Although it is impossible to remember all the material names, but this kind of wild wave ss produced Rare materials, as long as you see the name, you should have an impression.

Don't be naive to think that no one has ever heard of it is rare, and rare is very valuable.

There are two preconditions for a rare material to sell at a high price. One is very, very rare, and the second is very large. The two conditions are indispensable. If a single one is established, it is simply chicken.

Elwynn Forest has a fifteen-level wild wave ss Trapis, which produces a rare material jadeite shell. There is no such thing as a wave ss falling from it. This is rare, but it is very Few people went to the river to search for the trail of this wave of ss, because this material has no effect at all.

Only the land is sent to kill this wave of ss, and at least one hundred of this material has been piled up in one corner of the guild warehouse of the current ruling sword.

Because Lu Lu knows that the shield mold that started at the 60th level can increase the defense property of the shield by adding a jade shell.

At that time, the major guilds must face a dilemma. They must compete for a fifteen-level wavelet ss. For the 60th-level players, the fifteen-level wavelet ss is too easy to kill, so there is still ordinary competition. Player.

The reason why Lu was offended by the brothers and nobles was because of Trappis.

At that time, he snatched the emerald hard shell from the eyes of the brothers and nobles, which undoubtedly smashed the horse's nest. What is even more depressing is that he was intercepted and unfortunately lost the jade shell, so Even if there is no way to reconcile, he can't afford another jade shell to compensate the other party.

Now that he is born again, he no longer has to fear the brothers and nobles, but gives the other side a blow.

As for Trapies, this wave ss only he knows how precious it is, so at least until the 60th level can only be in the hands of the sword of ruling.

Unlike the emerald hard shell, the forgotten soul on the land does not know what it is.

He carefully put the material away, and he thought that if the material would come in handy in the future, the jadeite shell would not be a worthless material in everyone's eyes.

After the material is over, it is equipped.

The residual dream touched three pieces of gold equipment, and the attributes are very good, but after all, it is only the gold equipment, that is, the ordinary players will go to the body. These equipments will be placed in the guild warehouse and marked with the price of the points. A kind of welfare, ordinary players can not get the opportunity to get this 60-level wave ss, even the gold level is also very valuable.

Then there are five pieces of dark gold equipment, which can't be handled casually.

A sorcerer was smashed with a sesame filling, and a priest fell into the hands of the brother. He also paid a lot of guild points. These points will be awarded as guild rewards to the players who participated in the battle. On the head.

A paladin's equipment was taken away, it was a blood-red armor, and it looked extraordinarily beautiful.

The remaining two are the legal output equipment, but also the price of the points is not low, the original land is intended to use the player's priority rule to give the cats love meat, but finally thought about it or give up.

Cats and cats love to eat meat, even if they take it, there is not much improvement. It is better to find a way to get better.

This is not finished, the 60-level wild wave ss is really a joke if it is not legendary, even if the black-handed leader is going to touch it, at least two legendary equipment can be found.

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