The Great Thief

Chapter 1222: Golor

Warrior belt, legendary level, with three powerful effects.

Seeing the property on the ground determines the ownership of the equipment. In the face of a eagerly looking at his own goals, he made a heartbreaking look: "This equipment, the guild will subsidize 10 points per person."

Suddenly a jubilant, but the soldiers will inevitably be lost.

Since the guild subsidizes so many points at once, this equipment will obviously be given to the players.

However, the moonlight has not been installed. For this piece of equipment, he has scored five thousand points. Even if it is a normal point auction, few of them can get this number, so that the people who participated in the battle can get a lot of points.

In the current points system, the most earning points are the competitions. There are a lot of points on the court and more points to get the kill.

The moonlight this mad warrior is a game killer. Even so, he has less than 10,000 points. Now he has taken out most of the time, and everyone is convinced.

"The legendary belt that has been eliminated, the fifty-five-level equipment, do you want it?" asked the moonlight.

This belt on his body is still quite good. Now it is considered to be a welfare soldier. After all, he is a pvp player. The wild pk is also very common. You must get some spare equipment. There is no such thing as a complete elimination. What's more, he is new. This piece of hand is a 60-level equipment, you must use a piece of stone to reduce the demand.

According to the rules, the equipment of the racer is not open to the public unless it is confirmed to have been eliminated.

Therefore, the soldiers in the regiment can't see the attributes of the equipment, they can only bid blindly, but what is unexpected is that everyone will not hesitate because they can't see the attributes. The team channel immediately shows a few bids.

From the beginning of the twenty-second price quickly soared more than one hundred.

In the end, it gradually slowed down in more than seven hundred years. Only a few senior soldiers with higher status were bidding. In the end, they actually broke through the thousand mark. Even the general new equipment may not be able to hit this price.

"You are stupid," said the soldier who got the equipment and smiled. "Don't you find that the equipment used in the 53rd grade is used? It can make him use garbage for such a long time. Light brother's equipment is estimated to be stone, intensive, and enchanted. Anything can be used directly, and one thousand points will not be lost."

"Hey, my heart is awkward..."

"Yeah, this is worth more than the average legendary equipment!"

"Everything is talking, let's start another one... Legendary equipment... Mold," the hand of the residual dream holds a long staff.

Actually it is a weapon, and when the eyes are bright, even the regrets of not using the equipment are gone, because the legendary weapons are not rare, and it is rare to make a better grinding than the general legend. With the best of the land, the casting hammer has long been hungry and thirsty.

Severn's will!

The warlock immediately cheered, but the next words poured a cold water on them: "You are so happy, this is the priest's equipment, and Sweeney's hand is a short stick, which obviously only hangs her. It’s just a name, it should be her collection.”

This is often the case in the dawn, and this is no way.

For example, playing a mage wave ss, if he only out of the mage equipment, then other professions who still go to fight, everyone wants to get rid of the wave ss of their professional equipment, so that the game is prone to problems.

So with a wave of ss collections, Master Ss can also have equipment such as armor locks.

Severn's will is a very typical collection. It is the best staff of a pastor's profession. The basic effects are a bondage, control special effects, and the special effect of adding blood is called 醍醐 顶, which can instantly Treat a large amount of health for a player, and attach a certain amount of damage reduction, the third special effect is random, under normal circumstances will not be too slag.

This weapon was given to the March rain, but it was first collected on the land.

He asked the guild logistical minister's white bread to collect the materials needed to cast the staff in the market at a high price. After the collection, the staff was made to give the March rain. In March, there was a lumbar wrist mold. Do it well.

Like the previous warrior belt, the guild subsidized a portion of the points, and the March rain also took out a lot of points.

If you touch it again, there will be no more equipment, but there will be some quest items. The little eight sauce triggers a reward for Sweeney at the orc chief of Stoneton. After all, Servini slaughtered many orcs. .

Then this task can be shared, and many people have shared this task.

A person with a task can pick up Sherwine's head, and if you get to Stonard, you can get a lot of money. The reward of the wild wave ss level is certainly not bad.

After the end of the battle, Lu Li did not disband the team, but took advantage of today's opportunity to enter the giant fortress.

Anyway, there are already players in the cursed land, and the subsequent words will become more and more lively, a large number of high-level monsters, rewarding a variety of tasks, as well as the ore that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness.

Today's ruling sword shows its position with a tough stance. At least it can deter the younger generation. Even the Grand Council will have to judge and the ruling sword is worthy of worthy.

As for whether someone will interfere with the land and ss, the land is not so worried.

The reason why the giant fortress is called the fortress is because the terrain is rather strange. Since the destroyer Gorol has turned to the fearful demon of Rather Lake, the tribal army has tried to capture this fortress one after another, but unfortunately failed.

The battle between npc forces is not like the players, you can clean up the past in a wave, it is all about the whole body.

Or the old rules, Lu away with a team to clean the giant ogres on the road, these ogre levels are all sixty, most of them are elite templates, each team has a quasi-wave ss.

The giant ogres were attacking the tribes and the coalition forces from time to time. When they were victorious, they robbed a large amount of tribal goods, and the boxes marked with tribes or alliances were placed in tents with large bones. They will fight if they are full.

It’s just the season of coming into the winter soon. They are smart and don’t forget to have a bunch of fire to warm themselves.

This time it was destined to be unsettled for the Ogre Fortress's ogre. They first saw the mighty and difficult of the adventurer. The ogre did not estimate the error. The individual players are not their opponents. Once these players are combined to work together, they are often fallen, and it is even more shameful that these adventurers can not only swallow pharmacy, but also a healing profession may not be a samurai spirit.

The ogre refreshed quickly, which is one of the reasons why the giant fortress is not broken.

Lu is not worried that the follow-up guild players can't keep up. Besides, even if you can't keep up, you can let the sesame stuffed dumplings start as a door. Before the guilds went to the storm altar, thousands of people were waiting for them. It’s the sesame stuffed dumplings that pull people a little bit.

After entering the fortress, Lu began to organize the staff.

The monsters here are really dense, so the normal Raiders will have to advance a little bit like the two armies.

It is still a group of two main attack, three groups of substitutes, four groups are responsible for guarding other guilds to interfere, this time there is no need to let the warlocks stand by, the destroyer Gorol will not immune to shadow magic.

"The scattered people or the small guild will not dare to fish in the water, but the Grand Council, especially the club guild will not be able to sit still," said the drifting zero without worry.

"The four regiments are guarded at the door. The giant fortress has only one such exit. As for the thieves who want to mix in and spy on the news, the ogres have their own ogres to help us solve them. The ogre itself has certain anti-sneak behavior. The ability, not to mention the quasi-wave ss level monster, when we fight the wave ss, the outer ogre will also enter the battle state, it will not be as lazy as it is now."

The order of the three wave ss of Lu Xing design is not untargeted. The ogre leader in the giant fortress is indeed more strategic than Severin.

Severin is a funnel with four sides, and Gool is a flower girl in the castle.

"In case the glory capital is fully interfered, you should contact your allies. Don't hold your feet at the moment. The water mm will not let you hold it or another thing."

Anyway, in his view, Lu is a typical example of an orphan.

There are flaws in the water and the elves, but these two people are not like being in love. Even if two people are busy, it is impossible to get tired all day, but at least there are often exchanges, but the real situation is These two people did not say hello for ten days and a half.

I thought about it for a while, and I really have to say it in advance.

The water elves replied simply. Everyone is an ally. Mutual support is what it should be, and Lu Yi also promised that these equipments also have the right to use the stadium.

The meaning is that if the sword of the ruling does not currently have a match, and the micro-rain pavilion has, then the equipment will be loaned to the micro-rain pavilion.

The squid of the giant clams will be emptied, and the destroyer Gorol will finally come out of his tent. This is an unusually tall heavy-armed ogres. He has only one thick head.

The ogre is a very interesting race. They are from Draenor like the orcs, and at the time they launched an offensive against Azeroth as a Confederate. After the second war, the stupid arrogant ogres thought that the little green worms were too weak to cut off their alliance.

They are all over Azeroth, talking in a mess, twisting the body-shaped pear shape and writing an easy-to-understand cooking tutorial...

Compared with those obscured expressions, Gool is undoubtedly smart and melancholy. However, because of this trait that rarely exists in the ogre, Groll has fallen to Russell’s majesty in order to obtain “super detachment”. The power of the giant hammer tribe leader believes that the ogre should rule other creatures as a more important race.

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