The Great Thief

Chapter 1223: Watch

“Do you need help in the past?” The water elf sent a message.

"No, there are enough people, I will find you when I need it," Lu said that he did not think about it.

"But I want to go," the water elf overstood, adding: "I want to see how you command the wild wave ss to fight, if you find it inconvenient, then forget it."

Lu Yi suddenly felt that the water elf's tone was very strange, but it was a bit like Lu Xin's emphasis on the time, but he quickly threw away such an idea, and could not believe that the water elf would be spoiled.

"Nothing is inconvenient, you enter the group, I let people pull you over," Lu did not hesitate this time.

Then the player of the ruling sword saw a newcomer join the team.

I have been playing for so long, how can anyone enter the group, if it is an elite group player who does not have time to go online, according to the truth, if you miss it, you will miss it. For the confidentiality and security of the task, you will not temporarily pull in. Groups, anyway, no one will affect the success of an event.

At first everyone didn't pay attention to who came in, but soon someone saw the three words.

Water Spirit!

Water Elf joins the team!

This is what to do, some players who are more occluded are still confused why the big sister of Weiyuge will join the team, and then the people around me screamed a dog and a man, and everyone will be amazed.

Is it to abuse the dog, why bother, isn't there a girlfriend? Isn't that the girlfriend is on the top list? Isn't the girlfriend a local tyrant?

Our boss is really shameless!

The summoning door before the sesame stuffed dumplings has been brushed off, and now I have re-released the skills to start a special trip to pull the water elves.

"I went, it really brightened my golden dog's eyes. I decided to take back my previous views. Maybe you can marry a wife in this life. Maybe you just said that you don't understand the style too much, you will fool people. Playing wave ss together, "Floating is very emotional.

"You think more, just..." Lu Li found himself unable to explain.

After the water elves came over, they saw hundreds of people paying attention to themselves. Fortunately, the image of her goddess of high coldness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, otherwise there will be many people who will sing her.

Even so, it would be uncomfortable to switch to a more introverted person who walked in so many eyes.

The water elf has become accustomed to this kind of attention. She glanced at it and saw the land standing on a high ground, and then it was very calm and elegant.

Lu is planning that the battle matrix order is not on the go, he must design a set of stations.

Realizing that someone came over, he turned his head and glanced at it and found that it was a water elf. He didn’t know which one of the brain had a problem. He extended his hand and definitely didn’t want to take advantage of it, but because he stood in a very high position. When climbing up and down, it is not very convenient, so I want to pull the water elf. He still remembers that the water elf is not coming to help fight the monster. She said that she wants to observe how to command the battle, so naturally she needs to stand with him. Going to the top of the platform.

The water elf looked at the hand that reached in front of him and hesitated very rarely.

The man of the ruling sword suddenly stunned, and then all the expressions were correct, and the brushed head stared at the destroyer Gorol, and almost no one deliberately went to see the land and the water elf.

As for how their hearts are shouting and jumping, it is not something that others can know.

The Water Elves did not hesitate for too long, and soon they took their hands on the ground, and then jumped onto the stone platform on the ground.

Lu felt the warmth and luster of the palm of his hand, and realized what he had done.

Shouldn't you apologize, even if he doesn't understand the style any more, how can he not be high-skilled, and know that he is a cheaper girl, and if it is a few hundred thousand years ago, such contact can even talk about innocence. the height of.

"What are you doing?" Fortunately, the water elf promptly cleared him.

"Planning the station, according to the information currently under control, the destroyer Gorol is a warrior who will magic," as long as he does not pursue the matter just now, Lu will soon return to calm and calm.

"So, are you letting them stand four yards now?" The water elf looked at the rules drawn on the team interface in front of Lu.

Players can also see the pictures of the land, and each team has a corresponding arrangement. The player only needs to find his position and stand on it. If there is any change, it will be reflected on this virtual interface.

"Accurately speaking, it is an eight-yard station. You can always separate them on both sides at any time." The fingers of the land are on the screen and immediately show a change in formation.

"It seems that you have done a lot of homework, will Golol ignite the magic of the class?" The water elf is also a team conductor, so the two have a common topic, and they can see the depth of this arrangement with a little thought. .

"I have seen a few cannibal magicians, so arrange it just in case," Lu said.

For a rebired person, knowing that Golol will ignite it is no difficulty. There are some ss theory in the twilight that there is a habit of professional mashup, which is a very magical thing for the player. After all, No warrior can use magic.

But it is not very difficult to explain, after all, the warrior's equipment effects can also be magic.

"A group enters the battle sequence, and the melee players disperse the station." Lu Yi began to assign tasks, and the group had the strongest strength, so the task on the back was the heaviest. They were responsible for the initial part of the output, and later they waited for the opening of Gool. After the talisman, they are still the main force of output.

The destroyer Gorol began to feel anxious after the player entered the giant fortress.

But the rules of the system constrain him. Before the players do not really enter the scope of hatred, even if it is a big threat, he can't start with it. This is not the same as the hero class ss. Golor's positioning in the game is only A wild wave ss.

"Wait a moment, wait for me to pull the hatred and fight again." A charge went up, but it only caused a little damage, and the accumulation of hatred was also very unsatisfactory. The experienced blue sea breeze instantly understood that Golol might not be A guy who honestly hates hatred.

The players who are about to start listening to him and immediately let go.

In this large-scale wave ss battle, the water stroke will certainly be criticized, but if the hatred is caused by someone stealing the output, causing casualties or even group death, it is not just a criticism.

Some of the points in the Swords Guild of the ruling are hundreds of points, which are all due to mistakes.

Lu Li knew that Gool’s hatred was not good, but he did not remind the blue sea breeze in advance. As an old partner, he might not have such a minimum trust in the blue sea breeze.

The water elves are somewhat envious, and they are the team of Weiyuge. Their mt may not be so quick to react.

"Melee out to the output, the Master waited ten seconds, the treatment is optimistic about the blood of the melee, the shaman is ready to open a wave of bloodthirsty," Lu looked at the hate list, began to let the players participate in the output.

Gool is a warrior, so ordinary attacks are basically melee.

"The wave ss of melee attacks generally have split attack attributes, so it is best to let the treatment pay attention to the blood volume of melee in advance." The gap between the command and the command of the land has not forgotten to explain to the water elves the intention of such arrangements.

Is it really for me to watch him command the battle?

The water elf almost believes it!

"If it is the legal system, then focus on the remote players. You see, Groll's attack has a splitting attribute." Lu did not find the singularity of the water elf expression. After explaining it, he shouted at the blue sea breeze: "The wind is low, pull the waves ss over, you face everyone against the wall."

"What did you find?" The water elf was curious.

"No matter what the ability of the wave ss, as long as there are conditions to face the wall, you must let mt do this, this can solve a lot of troubles, such as wave ss fire, such as flying players..." Lu is not hidden.

So many people saw that they couldn't help but turn their heads and talk to the water elves. The distance was too far. They couldn't hear what Lu Lu said, or they would be reprimanded.

A big beauty is standing next to you, and you are talking to others about how to fight ss.

I don't know if it is because of the presence of the water elves. In order to give the boss a good fight, everyone performed very well in the first stage. This stage of the wave ss is mainly a split attack against the group injury caused by melee. The test is the defense of mt. The treatment level of group therapy occupation.

The p2 stage really entered the wild wave ss strategy mode, which belonged to the pediatrics before.

I saw that Gool’s long-handled weapon quickly condensed a dark black fireball. This is actually a magical magic method. It is the ability that Goolle got after he fell to Russell Lake. The fireball hit the player’s pile. Immediately ignited a few players around.

"The ignited position is eight yards and spread out," Lu said long ago.

The water elf unconsciously bit his lower lip and deeply felt the enchanting precautions of the land, but she immediately relaxed and relaxed. At least she and the land were not enemies.

However, casualties are inevitable. The players who ignited for the first time reacted slowly. They were ignited and they were fine, but the players who were burned hanged a lot, mainly because of the incorrect position caused by the incorrect position. Burning, if someone encounters the burning of two or even three people around, even if there is treatment, he can't help but hurt him.

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