The Great Thief

Chapter 1224: Single knife to the meeting

"Transfer the battlefield, treatment to save people," Lu Li saw the number of casualties, could not help but frowned.

"You really have the courage to dare to challenge the 60-level wild wave ss. Is the effect of a powerful mt really so big?" The water elf did not have the thought of digging the wall, but it was a long time ago.

"Mt is really important, but the reason for dare to play this wave of ss is mainly because of this..." Lu Li showed the charm of Gool, and then the water elf was speechless.

Just after the transfer position, the destroyer Gorol once again set off a burning frenzy, once again took away some of the player's life.

"Whether it will be too much loss," if it is still so fierce after reducing its ability by 30%, then how tyrannous it would be when Golol was in full bloom, even if the water elf now feels that the loss is a bit big. .

"It's only temporary. If you come a few times, they will know how to hide and burn." Lu is very calm.

The water elf thinks about it, and it is indeed the truth. In this case, there must be a premise that there can be no external interference. If there is external interference, how can the player learn how to avoid burning like this.

"Someone is coming," the root ran over, first the flushing elf nodded and said hello, and then talked to Lu.

"These people really do not give up, this time is how many people are there," Lu is quite helpless, even if they are not worried that these people can break through the line of defense here, still do not want someone to come to bother.

"Only one..." The root number is eccentric.

"A man dares to come over? There is no need to do it at all. It is good that he can break through the ogre's defense."

"It's a jade flower, do you want to pick him up," asked the root.

"Take it over and see what he wants to do. This person is a think tank with a **** battle flag. It is estimated that it is negotiating on behalf of the **** battle flag." Lu is still letting the sesame stuffed rice **** take a door and pull people over.

"I don't want to be too annoyed. Lu Luxiong, despite your command, I will leave with a few words." The flower jade is dressed in a casual dress and looks like a scholar. This is his personal style.

"Opening bloodthirsty, the violent output is a wave first," Lu Yi took a look at him, and he continued to command the battle without being affected.

"Hey, water mm is also ah, when did you join the ruling sword," said the flower jade smile, and the words are all ridiculous, and the female tyrant is not afraid of him.

"I am also coming to talk about things," the water elf said faintly.

"That's really a coincidence. I am here to represent the guild to show sincerity. We will never interfere with the ruling of the ruling, and we will never let the arrogant arrogance of the arrogance."

"You should have said this after observing the terrain." When Lu was commanding the battle, he could still look back and swear.

"Isn't it just a matter of teasing, why bother to come up and yell at me," said Yuhua, who said that he was wronged: "If I have a little bit of bad thoughts, I won't be alone."

"Single knife went to the meeting, great, how many thieves brought," Lu will not be fooled.

This flower is the favorite of the goods. I can't move it alone. I strongly urge myself to look at Zhuge Liang. Unfortunately, an insider broke the news that he had brought a lot of thieves every time he traveled.

"Oh..." The flower jade is a bit aggressive.

"There is something going on here, it’s busy, there’s no time for it, let’s just say it,” Lu said again to order the player to transfer a battlefield. The number of players who are currently burning on the fire has been much less.

"How about our alliance?" The flower jade looks up and smiles, and the look becomes serious.

"..." Lu and the water elf looked at each other and saw the surprise in the other's eyes. It is unlikely that the **** battle flag will find allies.

The **** battle flag has no history of glory, but it is also a veteran trade union. The characteristics of this guild are mainly retired military personnel, so it attracts many retired military personnel to join.

These soldiers are professionally trained and have a particularly good discipline. The elite team's combat power is not worse than the glory. It is not an exaggeration to say that they can't win, so they generally don't see the average player.

The **** battle flag has never had allies, they only have some clubs.

But now the flower-viewing jade is actually looking for an alliance, and Lu’s sincere heart expresses his own accident.

"Don't be kidding," the root does not believe.

"Oh, this alliance is also not divided. We secretly form alliances and watch each other. Once we encounter things, such as today's glory, those shameless people will interfere with your ss, and our **** battle flags will contain them from the side. What do you think about the land?"

"I think it's okay," it turned out to be the case, and Lu Li soon understood it.

The **** battle flag is still pursuing a policy of not forming alliances with the Ukrainian people. What they need is nothing but a cooperative relationship. Seriously speaking, it is a little tacit understanding of action.

There is no alliance and there is no common advance and retreat.

Just do something that is good for each other without jeopardizing your own interests.

There is no need to refuse the land, this is the way of the vertical and the cross. If you really want to bring down the capital of glory, it is undoubtedly the quickest and most effective means to unite with other big guilds. Unfortunately, people are selfish, and the guild is of course No exception.

"That's the way to say it, or let us swear by the swear," Yuhuai Yuhuai opened his mouth and smiled.

Although he didn't have to come here, he always felt that he was more sincere in face-to-face interviews, and it was a wonderful feeling that he was alone in the enemy camp and persuaded the enemy.

and many more……

"Hey, be careful..." Lu Yi had not had time to talk, and found that the jade flower jade was burned to death. Although the jade flower jade is a racer, the technology is quite powerful, but who let him wear equipment for nothing, just Set a casual dress.

Lu is standing on the high platform and the high platform is also the battle range. However, under normal circumstances, the wave ss will not attack them without hatred.

It’s difficult to see the flowers and jade, and I haven’t waited for the people to save him, and I went back to the city and resurrected.

"It's really impulsive, so I have to lose a lot of experience," said the Water Elves, who said something cool. She thought about Lu Lu: "Do you really want to form an alliance with the Scarlet War Flag?"

"This is what constitutes an alliance, and I don't know that their brains are cramping. I have to do more." Lu Yi shook his head.

The **** battle flags are mostly veterans, but if they think that they are too pure for this reason, then they will find themselves dead. The jade is a lord who does not spit.

"It is estimated that they can't sit still. You are now starting to kill the wild wave ss," the water elf laughed.

"Fortunately, you believe it or not, if you have the chance to fight the **** flag, you must not mind to take a hand to steal the wave ss," Lu is most thoroughly aware of this kind of thing.

Of course, a verbal commitment to alliance is undoubtedly more reliable than tacit understanding.

The **** battle flag and the ruling sword are all thinking of overthrowing the capital of glory. The two will not bother to find trouble for the glory capital if they have the opportunity. Now they have become verbal ally, which means more similar actions in the future. .

But if there is a chance to hang the glory capital and the **** battle flag in the future, such as the last time the glory capital and the **** battle flag are raging, do you still have to be the same?

After about three seconds of entanglement, I decided to continue to hang!

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