The Great Thief

Chapter 1229: Jinse innocent tears two lines

In the first years, Ollista was still a kind and upright magician, and the magic theory he studied was within his control. However, as he grew older, his research was frustrated, his heart. Full of suffering.

The real taboo magic opened the door to him.

The fall is rarely reversible. Once it begins to fall, it will only get deeper and deeper. Ollista completed the over-the-level magician's transition to the middle-level wizard in ten years, and the price paid is to create countless souls. .

When Rather Lake appeared in front of him with a sinful breath, he chose loyalty without hesitation in the face of a stronger power temptation than the high-level Master of Dalaran.

Since then, Olesta has died completely.

He would not recall the sky on the white roof of Dalaran, nor would he recall the wildflowers that were filled with wilderness trails. Even the teacher's face and warnings gradually disappeared into the dark night sky of the cursed land.

Instead, it is a more crazy demonic mage.

He put on a white robe, but a new layer of darkness was shrouded in the cursed land. The name of Orlista, the name, even the ogre was retreating.

Now, a group of unbelievable adventurers stepped into his mage tower.

Ollista felt an unprecedented anger, because dignity was violated, because the head of the thief was holding the demon talisman that he regarded as a treasure.

It was the token of his master's great fear, Rather Lake, who gave him.

Lu Yi took four elite groups and made rapid progress in the Master Tower. The advantage of no ghost blocking is that they will not cause casualties and do not need to stop to rescue their companions.

Seeing that it was almost at the top of the tower, everyone suddenly had a feeling of turning around.

After stabilizing, I found that I was no longer in the Master Tower. This is a dimly lit space. The black paint of the silk is scattered in the air, and there is a rancid smell floating in the wind.

This is the secret!

An undiscovered, or abandoned secret, can be connected to the Master's Master Tower after magic blessing and positioning. The magician who owns the Master Tower in the Twilight likes to do so. The only difference is the size of the secret.

From the perspective of monsters or waves ss, only the wild wave ss, human form, and wisdom have a mystery.

This kind of benefit is actually not much, at most it will not be disturbed.

Before the land, I guess that Ollista has such a space, so I don't worry about being disturbed by other players. Even if all the guilds are reunited, they will not interfere with them.

The downside is not that there is no, that is, the number of people entering is limited, and after the start of the battle, there is no follow-up support.

"Boss, look at you!"

Some people's screams alarmed the land, following the direction of the player, Lu Lu saw a scene he absolutely could not imagine, and then with his stereotyped character all day, at this time almost laughed and sprayed.

The players of a dozen non-ruling swords stunned and stunned.

Ollista used magic to transfer all the people of the Master's Tower to his secrets, including not only the four hundred people of the ruling sword, but also the innocent people who followed the Master Tower. It is.

Ollista is innocent, and the ghost knows if you are a group, and it is his enemy anyway.

Jin Sai was vomiting blood. He just met the tough ghost when he first entered the Master Tower. He then entered the tower with the strongest man, trying to make a foothold, and then let the people behind him come in.

I did not expect that a blink of an eye was transmitted into this ghost place.

What is even more frightening is that the elite standing in front of them are the swords of more than 400 rulings. They feel like a little sheep who have entered the wolves. What is even more terrifying is that they have no space in the place where they flee. It’s such a big place.

"Hey, don't come innocent," the fat monkey waved, and a group of people immediately went up.

"It turned out to be the master of the ruling sword. This is a misunderstanding." It’s a long time, and it’s hard to get angry now. In fact, it’s such a person’s innocence, and it’s a **** battle flag. If you are a flower jade, even if he looks like a scholar, he would rather die than say it.

"Don't be so embarrassed, if we are singled out, if you win, you will leave with your people. If you lose, you will lie flat." Fat monkey smiled.

The innocent face of Jin Sai was dark, and he was only fifty-five, which was brought up by the people under his hand.

Let him go to a professional with a level of fifty-eight, to let him go to the stone, even if he is lucky to win, who can ensure that the other party speaks.

"It's a pity, you are too embarrassed, you can only say sorry," the fat monkey waved, and a large piece of skill immediately drowned the dozens of people. Although some people resisted, their resistance was obviously impossible to make too big. The spray.

Lu did not say anything from beginning to end. He was not the Virgin. At this time, he couldn’t get the good feelings of the other.

And it is obvious that this group of people is in trouble to find the sword of the ruling, to report the blame to report the morality, so that killing the other party can not only let the other party lose some experience, but also have some equipment to harvest.

"Dancing grass, boss, there are legendary equipment!" Fat monkey screamed.

Lu Li just thought about having equipment to harvest, the facts verified his thoughts, but did not expect to actually drop the legendary equipment.

When the Jiangnan nobles were so rich and wealthy, they came to a dozen or so people to drop the legendary equipment. If they really have this kind of strength, they will not be able to enter the top 16 in this season.

"This group of people is too cattle, there is no lower than the dark gold, there are rare materials," the fat monkey checked and reported.

"How many pieces of equipment?" The land is not convinced, these children are killed by a wave, but the things that are dropped are more powerful than the ordinary wave ss, even if the wild wave ss will drop gold.

"Seven pieces of equipment, one of which is a legendary armored glove, and six pieces of dark gold, very good look, two rare materials."

Lu Yi checked the equipment, the property is really good, and they have been inserted into the stone, strengthening the appearance of two or three times. From this point of view, this group of people should be at least the core elite.

It is also convenient to equip the equipment. The lock is a treatment pack and is given a treatment shaman with a high score.

The other six pieces are also divided in this way. Rare materials are placed in the guild warehouse. Other miscellaneous things are just used by a few hands-on people to sell and drink. (To be continued...)

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