The Great Thief

Chapter 1230: Violent mage

After he died, it was naturally violent, but he could do anything. It was obvious that there was no way to go in the place before, and even if he went in, it would be a meat bun to hit a dog if there were few people.

As for the sword of the ruling, fight again...

To be honest, he thought, more than once thought about it, when the two guilds had a full-scale battle, all the people were waiting for the ruling sword, the unsettled new guild to suffer, and the innocent himself was confident. Who can expect the settlement will be he bowed his head.

The compensation will not be said, mainly because the Jiangnan nobles have become a joke.

Later, the Jiangnan nobles quickly recovered their strength, and because of the large capital injection, the strength went up to the next level, and the innocent wants to be more than once.

Unfortunately, they were all suppressed by the board of directors.

They opened several times to give an analysis of the innocent, and concluded that the Jiangnan nobles could not afford another failure.

Therefore, the innocent can only smash the teeth and swallow it in the stomach. Now he is not willing to go back to the house. He can only bury his head to clean up the ghost of the Master Tower. At least he has to check it out.

At this time, someone just sent a message to ask the situation.

It’s not just the Jiangnan nobles who are concerned about the ruling of the ruling. Even if they look for the ants that are going to cooperate with them, they are eager to look like ants on the hot pot. They don’t want to see the sword of the ruling kill one by one. Wave ss.

In fact, the phone that went to the game company’s complaint has already exploded.

The champions of the game professional leagues can be so playful, some people have invested in enthusiasm, some people have invested money, and some people have struggled for many years, and they are not able to resist the foul of the ruling sword.

But how can a game company respond to this little thing?

They can't even check the authenticity of the data, because the large computer group does not issue any kind of alert at all, which means that all the actions of the sword of the ruling are in line with the rules of the game.

The land has not been able to continue the gloating, and just after the harvest, Ollista has appeared in the secret.

"Fresh flesh!"

With a black staff in his hand, a few players immediately turned their heads and raised their butchers to their companions.

"Mage, ice them up, others are far away," Lu Yi did not expect this goods to come up with this rogue trick, can only temporarily avoid, but don't underestimate these controlled players, their injury at this time It is much stronger than normal.

After the order of Lu Yi was issued, there was a player who didn’t pay much attention to it. He might feel that even if he didn’t care about it, he wouldn’t have to talk about it.

As a result, he was sadly reminded of being given a second by a small partner.

In a sense, this damage is no longer lost to ordinary attacks.

Dealing with these controlled units is actually very simple. Just like the measures taken by Lu, they don’t want to kill them. Controlling them is the best result.

Control will last for twenty seconds and will return to normal after the time has elapsed.

"I am going, this attack is old, why is it so embarrassing," the blue sea breeze has pulled the first damage to make him dumbfounded, because today these three waves ss inside the sergeant Olesta is actually attacking The highest, even more frightening thing is that this is just a normal attack.

"Stable, pay attention to the use of reduction, other mt accumulation of hatred, mt can not take turns," Lu said.

He did not expect this attack to be so high, at least in his impression that Riolista did not show such a metamorphosis now, it seems to be a wild crater, a super wave ss that has not been weakened.

"Give me blood, fill the blood, this article has to read," the blue sea breeze screamed.

No one wants to hang up. If he hangs like this, the influence will be great. It is not impossible for the group to destroy. If he can't hold it, other mts are more difficult to resist.

Ollista is a mage, and it is also a relatively powerful one.

His instant skill is so sharp, once the reading is so powerful, the blue sea breeze is more normal.

The skill finally fell to the blue sea breeze.

Lu Li did not look at how much damage the azure sea breeze suffered, but quickly ordered other mt to steal hatred. Because the result of the blue sea breeze is like, he can't resist the next attack. If it hangs, it will pull up and continue. Hanging words will naturally be better.

The blue sea breeze did not hang, and in the case of the reduction of injury and full blood, it was possible to kill him at least not including Ollista.

The mt defense that took over was a little worse than the blue sea breeze. He resisted a few ordinary attacks and fell to the ground in front of an instant skill, becoming the first mt to sacrifice. Fortunately, the blue sea breeze grabbed hatred, otherwise Waves ss is likely to run to attack other people.

Non-defensive occupations are estimated to be the fate of being spiked in front of this wave of ss.

The fallen nature was attacked by the Druids. The Druids of the four hundred groups were arranged to work, and the queues were ready to fight mt. As for other occupations, they could only wait for a while to transfer. The battlefield is over.

“There are countless facts that the shadow is the most powerful force in the world...”

I must thank this skill for reading a long line of nonsense while reading the article. It’s only time for the land to make a loud announcement of all the damage reduction. After everyone’s injury reduction, they just saw a seemingly endless shadow light. The ss centered on the impact in all directions.

Shadow impact!

This skill has caused terrible damage. If someone takes a small book to calculate it, it may come to a conclusion that it is about a million injuries. This data is ridiculous at present.

Fortunately, it is a group injury skill. If you are assigned to everyone, it will be two or three thousand.

Two or three thousand damages, if you don't open the injury, there will be quite a few players hanging up, especially the treatment profession with a thin skin. If they hang too much, there is no difference between the group and the group, and the injury is reduced. After that, there are only a few players whose blood volume is not very much.

The shadow impact was used several times in succession, and finally entered the p2 stage.

Lu Yi slammed the wave ss has not made a rush to let everyone transfer the battlefield, the fallen talents can be pulled up to continue fighting.

This small secret transfer to the battlefield is particularly troublesome, because it is necessary to ensure that some people can escape from the battle. In addition to the battle of the Druids, others have no ability to resurrect their teammates in combat.

The p2 stage does not require shadow damage to this skill.

He mainly began to use the devil to come to this kind of transformation-like skills, the effect is that the single high-level continuous damage is not so dangerous. Lu is there is a treatment profession to add blood to them, as long as it is not spiked, no problem.

And in the form of transformation, the group injury skills are rarely used.

The p3 phase is once again full of crises.

At this stage, the wave ss will randomly name a player, turn the player into his own avatar, and the avatar will stare at the player to fight until he is killed to find the next target.

This phase requires a particularly fast response, but because there is no warning of the name, no one can detect it in advance.

Sometimes the people around you suddenly become avatars. The slow-responding players only have one dead end. In the first few days, many people are hung up. After all, the avatar can also kill the player, but if the name is fast, for example, once. I was named to a teammate who loved to eat meat. When she didn't see it, she immediately escaped from an escaped special effect. She then ran for 30 seconds and did not hurt a player until she was dissipated.

If the important person hangs, the druid will go to war. If the average player hangs more, he will transfer the battlefield and let the treatment go to resurrection.

In the absence of other guild players to disturb, Ollista is also the fate of being pushed down once. The only thing that makes Lu Yi feel uncomfortable is that the player loses too much. Almost everyone hangs at least once, especially mt. Repeatedly many times, his distressed tears almost fell.

Mt belongs to a profession with very low damage. It relies on other professions to carry the upgrade. The upgrade is slow, and the number of hangs is much worse. (To be continued...)

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