The Great Thief

Chapter 1236: Gobi Desert

"Dear friends, everyone, now is the beginning of the Twilight Cup's first quarter of the league's semi-finals, the ruling of the sword at home against the squadron," both sides, the commentator Jiufeng began to announce that the game into the countdown is about to begin. The fastest update

Both players have already slid into the game compartment, and each face is calm, just like falling asleep.

No one can think of the calm behind the scene is a decision to decide which side to enter the final to compete for the champion.

"What happened on the big screen is the information of the contestants in this issue. I don't know if you have found out that the squadron is not worse than the ruling sword in the composition of the squad. The gaze and the moonlight are half a catty. Although the fat monkey rises quickly, it is better than The sky is still a little worse..." Four Seas Dragon began to analyze the lineup of the two sides.

"Widelyan is no worse than the March rain. I am angry with the city, the wind, the torrent are strong players. I think we can actually look forward to the annoying performance of the squadron." Jiufeng agrees.

In fact, no matter what they think in their hearts, they must say so.

Only in this way can we attract everyone's attention, otherwise we will feel that the squadron will lose at the beginning, and this game will have nothing to look at.

The game officially began, the ruling Jianfei monkey came on the scene, the opposite is also the Master Yun Tianye just two explanations are still mentioning them two, the four seas dragon is very sure that the fat monkey is not as good as Yuntianye, if the result of the game does not match his statement, That's really a bit embarrassing.

The fat monkey is also an ambitious standing here, and is not nervous because the opposite is a more famous peer.

He is the best newcomer to the rise of the Magic Cup. He has his own status in the professional circle. He not only fame out, but also earns a lot of wealth by endorsing the products in the two realities. Buying a house and buying a car is fine. Go out and be smart, life is fascinating.

It may not be a shame that his name seems to be limited to the best newcomer in the Magic Cup.

When mentioning the most powerful mage of today, he was regretted by everyone. The fat monkey was not reconciled. His goal was the first mage, not the so-called best newcomer who was turned over and over.

Needless to say nonsense, Yun Tianye took the lead, fat monkey is not welcome.

They have two ice methods, one fire method, the fire method output is higher, there are more continuous damage skills, and the ice law is biased with some control, plus the water element baby with Yun Tianye, two hits are not necessarily There is less output.

At the beginning, the two men were evenly matched, but as the battle progressed, the fat monkey began to burn.

Perhaps it is from this moment that the fat monkey is doomed to failure.

Yun Tianye won the first victory in the ring game with a good advantage. He faced a full moonlight. Even if he had two refrigerators, he could not win. Moreover, he must keep the equipment. The refrigerator played a role in the team competition.

Needless to know, the special effect of the ice barrier, the cooling time is not generally long.

In the competition, the ruling sword has a slight advantage. After all, there are two great gods who are good at heads-up and moonlight, and the squadron only gaze. The final score is five to three. You don’t have to think that the ruling sword is two points ahead. .

"Is there any discovery, in fact, the fighting spirit of the squadron is very good, they are still playing fairly stable," the four seas are very keen, always find some highlights of the two sides of the game.

"Especially the torrent, he is almost a crushing posture to kill half of the blood. If you think about it from another angle, once the torrent has the same level and equipment, it is possible to fight in one-on-one front. What is the victory over the land?" Jiufeng named the torrent.

I am afraid that only the people of the squadron know that the reason why torrents can beat the land is entirely because of their pre-war agitation.

After the competition, the most eye-catching team competition finally began.

The current system is two games, the main game, the five-point match, the six-point team competition, the total score of eleven points, the team competition accounted for the bulk. Although winning the team competition may not necessarily win, but the failure of the team competition, the difficulty of winning is undoubtedly increased a lot.

"I am going, why is this picture?" Jiufeng was already out of order after the map was displayed.

Like many people, she believes that the ruling sword will choose the simple map of the Great Round Table for the home game. I did not expect it to be a complex terrain like the Gobi Desert.

Gobi Desert!

The Gobi is different from the desert. The desert is dominated by sand. There is no gravel and a small amount of plants. The surface of the Gobi is mainly gravel. There is no sand or soil. There is basically no plant growth.

The Gobi Desert terrain as a game map is more complex, with weathered rocky cliffs everywhere.

"Hey, this is the rarest picture in a few maps," said the Four Seas Dragon Sigh. He quickly thought that he should be the sword of the ruling sword of the unparalleled city, but he sat on the commentary. Did not mention a sentence.

In his view, it is somewhat unbelievable that the unparalleled city can become a sparring sword.

Allies are not all heart-warming. Most of the so-called allies are hot-faced behind the knives. There is no need for the unparalleled city to waste time with the sword of the ruling. Besides, their true allies, Wei Yuge, have not been eliminated. No one can say whether he will encounter the sword of ruling in the championship.

On the contrary, the squadron did not show much surprise.

Wendly Ann sighed with a long sigh of relief. After the suspicion of the ruling sword in the heart, she took her teammates to highlight a few more difficult maps. This Gobi beach was also trained many times, completely in them. Accepted within the scope.

The terrain of the Gobi Desert belongs to the basin type, with the two heads high and low, the steepest places and even the cliffs. The place where the two sides appear is the cliff.

A normal person will drop at least half of the blood from the top, so this map will make everyone dissatisfied with the blood, but this situation will hardly happen. Some occupations have the means to reduce the drop from the height. Injury, and the priest is the most buggy, the priest who learned the floating technique directly added the status to the teammates, and one by one can float down.

The terrain is complex and the tactics are very important. In the process of many trainings, everyone has explored a lot of tactics.

Land will generally explore the road not far from the front. When he perceives the formation of the other party, he will immediately arrange for the people behind to take countermeasures. As for the squadron, they do not have excellent thieves and can only passively defend.

If someone asks what the squad is missing, there is no doubt that there is a thief. (To be continued...)

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