The Great Thief

Chapter 1237: Desperate counterattack

"It is said that the Windy Army intends to sign a top thief of six million, but unfortunately has not been able to do so," Sihai Youlong said with emotion.

The dawn of the rise, the value of the race is changing with each passing day. At the time of the transition of Wendeli, there were only one million. Although the relationship between the capital of glory and the squadron is complicated, Wendeli’s transfer is not just a simple interest model of annual salary, but the squadron It will be only 4.6 million annual salary to gaze at the income of this great god.

Now it is necessary for a thief to have six million, and has not yet named the surname, which shows what kind of changes have taken place in the market.

"It seems that after the end of this season, the squadron wants to add a thief, and six million is still very attractive." Jiufeng is also very envious. Her identity is very common, and the money she has earned has not been explained. .

"Oh, actually, there is a person who is quite suitable. If the squadron can dig it, it is really a tiger," the four-sea dragon swims his nose and laughs very badly.

"I am afraid of wood!" Jiufeng didn't have to think about it and blurted out.

"Yes, it is very afraid of wood," said Sihai Youlong with a sneer: "If the gods really can't find a way out at dusk, they shouldn't be trapped in a proper super game." local."

His words are really unwelcome, and it is equivalent to publicly accusing the gods of dusk.

The gods of the gods at dusk, Goddess of God, is a Liu Bei-style figure. He often likes to use emotions to win the game, but he is afraid that he would eat this set of wood.

Coupled with the fact that he was somewhat helped by the God of God in the early years of the wood, he could only be **** with the gods dusk day after day, year after year.

I am afraid that wood has been in service for eight years. The former young boy has now rushed to the third. Even if the competition of virtual online games has a broader requirement for age, the 30-year-old is also an age, thinking and reaction that ends everything. All aspects have begun to decline.

The four-sea dragon is much more afraid of wood than it was. He once taught that he was very afraid of wood for a while, and he appreciated this half apprentice.

Over the years, I have been persuaded that I am afraid that wood will leave the gods at dusk. The relationship between the two people is getting stiffer, but the Four Seas Dragons still hope that they are afraid of wood. The young people he values ​​have their own glory.

A commentary, saying this in a large audience, the gods at dusk really have to be true to the organizing committee to complain to him, but the four seas are not afraid of the dragon, although he is not the top player, but these years as a racer As a coach, when the commentary, friends all over the game circle, no one has dared to confront him.

"Ah, they encountered it. It turned out that the sword of the ruling got the first move, but the squadron was not weak. They played very well." Jiufeng worried that the four-sea dragon was too much, and quickly took the opportunity to reverse the topic.

When the four seas looked at the dragon, it was the sword of the ruling and the people of the squadron. He quickly grabbed the microphone: "The sword of the ruling will open the bloodthirsty when it comes up. It is obviously prepared, and the squadron also opened the bloodthirsty. The main element of the wrath of the city, minor treatment, is also a shaman with bloodthirsty."

The fifth-grade bloodthirsty is still the most powerful group outbreak skill of Dawning.

The bloodthirsty skills book is still very rare at present, but as a competitor, this thing is basically standard, so the current group battle is much faster than before.

"Lu is regarded as a goal, the wind is a step, well, this blast is just right," Jiu Feng began to applaud Lu.

"The people of the squadron are a bit targeted at the land. It is not a good thing. You should kill the monkey first. A mage in this case has more killing value than a thief." After seeing it for a while, Sihai Youlong saw it. The name of the squadron.

"But they will still succeed," Jiu Feng’s voice just fell, and the land that disappeared in the invincible state of the wind was lost by the second.

No way, a group of people kill him, he can't make any waves.

Twilight is such a game. The game does not exclude the birth of a hero, but it does not allow invincible heroes, especially in this kind of crowded stadium, as long as you are willing to pay the price to hope to kill the target.

The squadrons squandered the land, and the price paid was that they were mad at the city and the torrent, and both of them were killed.

An angry city should have been undead, but in order to ensure that the land was hanged, he used the means of attack when he used the escape skill. He could not die anymore, and he could not escape the whirlwind of the moonlight. cut.

This result is certainly not what the squadron expected.

According to their thoughts, it is best to be able to pay for the loss of a person to replace the land, so that the back is good to play, gaze is not worse than the moonlight, Yuntianye is a little better than the fat monkey, the other is also good or bad.

They can only turn to the scalp and go to collect the fire in March.

The March rain and half blood is the only chance for the squadron to turn over. If they can hang the March rain, they will not only be able to equalize the situation, but even better.

March rain is indeed a beautiful girl. When the audience is down, the people of the Windy Legion are actually not staring at you.

Especially the Paladin's wind, if it is not the gamer's restraint, he may have to run over to ask for contact, but now it is related to the team's life and death, all kinds of mentality of the beauty have to be released. The wind rushed to the front of the March rain, and he lifted the hammer against the face that made him dream.

If you want to kill the March rain, the others of the ruling sword can certainly not sit idly by.

The formation quickly adjusted, the fat monkey's fire shield was crumbling, still dare not step back, until other teammates stood in the position they should stand.

"If it is your command, what should I do in this situation?" asked the four seas.

"The squadrons are a little difficult. They lost two people." Jiufeng thought about it and said: "If it is my command, I may wait for Yuntianye to come over, Yuntianye, Liufeng, gaze, Wendeli, such a combination of four people. There is also a battle for it."

"Yes, but the ruling sword obviously understands this, so they will not let these people go," the four-sea dragon has already ended the game.

"So they can only play a positive raid. In fact, they also have the confidence. Wendeli's level is very high. It is worthy of Xiao Mo's royal treatment. The ruling sword wants to kill her. It is really no easier than the squadron to kill the March rain." Both sides attacked each other's treatment profession.

Protect your treatment and kill others.

This game has come to this step, in fact, it is so simple, simple, and it is too difficult to really do it.

The same reason as the unparalleled city before, if the team lost too much, the home game under the squadron may not be able to hope to regain the situation, now they do not need to leave another hand, the audience did not see before The means were made one by one from the hands of the Windy Legion.

The situation has changed slightly.

Originally, the sword of the ruling took advantage of four to three, but with the outbreak of the squadron, this advantage was not available for a moment.

One party keeps hands and one party goes all out, and the gap that can be created is very intuitive.

Another substitution!

The sword of the ruling hangs the rain in March, and the squadron also lost Wendrian.

"I believe that there must be a lot of people who feel that this game is evenly matched, and it seems to be a bit boring." Jiufeng was not yawning.

"This is a very normal thing, and the squadron can't match the ruling sword. Their strategy is a bit problematic. I haven't figured out why they took Lu's as the main goal. The way to save lives is too much. It is."

The first time the game started, the squadron was overturned by two people, and the opening was extremely unsatisfactory.

Although she has won the rain in March, Wendrian has not been spared.

Now the sword of the ruling is left with moonlight, fat monkeys, and cherry blossoms. The squadrons only have gaze and wind, and they are caught in a situation where the squadrons are paralyzed.

They seem to have a hard time getting rid of bad luck with less.

Fortunately, the reinforcements on both sides are almost ready to arrive. The first thing that comes to the scene is Yun Tianye. He is anxious on the waiting list, and almost all of them are flashing and rushing.

When I came here, I didn’t say anything. It’s not good for the fat monkey to start the moonlight. The bloodthirsty of the cherry blossoms will not cool down for a while. Compared with the other two people, her output is limited, no need to be on her. Wasting time, fat monkeys are dissatisfied with blood, and it is a fire method with less life-saving means.

Yun Tianye is indeed violent, and the wind is actually not weaker than the moonlight.

Paladins and druids are more moderate and have a lot of routes. The difference is that the current version of the Paladin seems to be much stronger than the Druids in those aspects. The Druid can't be on the court. No bodies were left on the battlefield.

Most of the Paladins will take advantage of their professionalism, either focusing on strengthening the defense, or focusing on strengthening the treatment, or focusing on enhancing the output...

But in any case, they will take into account other specialties, and they have the strength to play more roles.

The wind is different. He throws away the other specialties of the Paladin and simply pursues high output. So when he mentions him, everyone will immediately think of his superior injury value.

The fat monkey squatted and fled desperately. He just had a little care. He was wiped twice by the whirlwind of gaze. No one gave him blood after the rain fell in March. Now he has no help but a target, but he flees. The direction was not chosen indiscriminately, but went straight to Muqi, who came over from the waiting table.

Far from seeing the ruling sword substitute, the squadron of the squadron suddenly turned black.

Actually Mu Qiu!

Why isn't the cat and cat eating meat, the girl did not miss the game today.

It’s not that Mu Qiu is more powerful than cats and cats. The key is that at this moment, the opponent suddenly has a treatment, even if it is a half-hanging paladin with a treatment power that is not too top-notch, it will also make the squadron without treatment. Every effort is turned into nothing.

You can imagine a guy who has been playing for a long time, and the treatment of the other person has brushed up a few times to fill the blood. How disgusting is this feeling?

Yuntianye certainly did not allow such a thing to happen. He suddenly flashed forward and came to the back of the fat monkey. Then he raised the hand and fixed the fat monkey. The fat monkey had used the ice barrier before. I can only watch this master who is more famous than her own.

What I look at is my own treatment.

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