The Great Thief

Chapter 1243: Killing new people

The most domineering declaration of the game circle this year was born.

The water elf from the top of the list is not right, the new stage of the list has already ranked her first.

The water elves in the past are very low-key. I like to wear the equipment with veil and mask. Everyone only thinks she is beautiful, but there are very few people who have actually seen her. With some snaps or messages, she has also made her shine. The list, and rankings have not been low.

In the recent period, the Water Elves have been low-key before, and even made a cover for a fashion magazine.

Although the mighty domineering has made the limelight, it does not reduce the difficulty of the Weiyuge competition. After all, they are faced with the glory capital of the giants who have dominated the game for many years.

However, in the scene of the support situation, Weiyu Pavilion is not inferior to the away game, and can even be said to completely suppress the glory capital of the home game. Many fans of Weiyu Pavilion rushed to the Imperial Capital from all over the country to participate. This rare event.

In fact, the front of the glory capital, Wei Yuge has not lost this season.

The most eye-catching day was a fan clash, the cause was still the fencing of the French fries, and it was said that fans of the Glory Capital were gloating, and the fans of Weiyuge could not be forbeared, plus the industry has been rumored this time. Digging the corner is the hand and foot of the glory capital, so a small range of physical conflicts broke out at that time, and the number of people involved subsequently increased.

Fortunately, the location is in the Imperial Capital, and the policing force is stronger than other airports, so the situation is timely controlled.

According to media reports, seven of the fans who were sent to the hospital were slightly injured. One of the injuries was that the schadenfather was fortunately not in danger.

In fact, Lu Yi does not believe in the glory of the capital.

They are not afraid of the micro-rain pavilion at all, why should they dig a second-line racer in one fell swoop, and they will not even dare to let it out.

Perhaps even the glory capital is a victim. The man behind the scenes is to make the Weiyu Pavilion and the Glory Capital both unhappy. Now it seems that the effect is really good, and the fans of both of them have begun to smash.

Due to such a thing, it is certainly not possible to have more harmony in the game.

This time, the competition was arranged at the National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest. It was an ancient venue that was built more than two hundred years ago. It has been used as a venue for large-scale competitions and concerts for many years, but it is used for game competitions. This is the first time.

Some things have not been valued before, but as the economic situation changes, there will be a day in the morning and evening.

The last time the game between Weiyu Pavilion and the Capital of Glory, the competition was defeated by one point. In fact, it is already very good, but I don’t know what will happen this time.

Due to the relationship between the competition system, the ace player's practice of putting the final pressure on the bottom of the box is purely death.

However, placing the ace player directly in the first overall position seems to be too radical, the combat rhythm is not easy to grasp, and it seems that there is no need.

In the professional arena, one pick and three are rare, and the more common performance in the competition is to beat two opponents.

Lu was doing a pick and even more than a long time ago, but at that time he faced ordinary players, the level is very different from him. Now it is the semi-finals, as long as there are two players who can play. Putting a brush, there is no such thing as a pick.

The so-called two or so, one case is that sometimes after defeating one person, the second one will also be half-dead, but one can not support it first.

In another case, the second person is also defeated, but there is no skill special effect and blood volume in the face of the third person, and the third person has not effectively harmed.

Even so, the ability to pick two or so can be considered a rare achievement in the ring.

The first overall pick will only allow two people to come to power. One is the strength. Even if you can't get a first win, you can use the other person's blood consumption. The other is the newly trained newcomer. You can never get out of the big gods, only in the real game, especially in the more important games can you sharpen the super master.

The glory capital is such a young master who launched this year’s youth training camp.

His opponent is the water elf!

The Master's professional junior is only 16 or 17 years old. This time it was his first time as the racer officially set foot on the field. I didn't expect to meet the Water Elf in the first show.

If Mo Dao ecstasy can become a character like Xiao Mo in the future, then the media will definitely make a strong impression when mentioning his debut.

The premise is that he can withstand the pressure from the water elves, will not fall because of the oppression of the master, will not be stunned from this, in the memory of the land, the young racer has not met the world of the water elf rebirth today. Deviated from the original trajectory, he should emerge in a small event a few months later, fortunately defeated the Ziyuedong Tianshou hand "despicable young master", and laid the status of the race.

Of course, he is a semi-finished product.

In the eyes of the public, he succeeded in debuting, quickly got his own fans and status, and was able to gradually participate in large-scale events, the rhythm of a complete life winner.

But who knows, he is the successor of Xiao Mo's training, Xiao Mo is almost thirty, he spent a few years personally training out the ecstasy, but Mo Daosheng did not reach him after he set foot on the field. The expectations are only a good match.

A mage, a thief.

A newcomer, a famous star player in the circle.

In fact, the water elf has made great progress in this half year, but her original fame is high and outrageous, and mainly depends on the beauty of the face to eat, naturally few people pay attention to how much her strength increases.

Looking at the live broadcast of the competition, Lu Yi recalled the scene when he first met the water elf.

At that time, he sold equipment, and the water elf local tyrants saved money, and then asked Lu to play with her. The result was naturally a win.

Now look at the operation of the water elf, and at the beginning is not a level, the female local tyrant has been separated from the stage of saving money to wear equipment and equipment to crush others.

Modao ecstasy was very miserable under the water elves. When he fell, the water elves even had 80% of the blood. It’s even more ridiculous that the water elves simply didn’t use any powerful means. It was like Killing a little rookie who just entered the game.

Lu Yi shook his head and laughed, this woman's revenge is really heavy.

No matter who digs up her, she will scatter the gas on the glory capital, or she will not spend so much effort to abuse the food.

The average person may think that the water elf will kill the ecstasy without any effort, but the poor players can understand how much it takes to kill a quasi-sportsman, that is to say, the water elf is useless. Great means, from the technical level, have gone all out.

Under normal circumstances, an old racer will not be too much to meet the new tender.

After all, everybody will have several new tenders every year. I hope that the old players I meet will not be too worried. After all, the first game is very important for the newcomers. If the attack is too big, it will not be so weak. It is quite possible to explain that the racer is unqualified but is languishing for a while.

The next opponent of the Water Elves, Xiao Mo, came to power.

It’s still the expression of no joy and no anger, and everyone can’t see if Xiao Mo is angry, but from his action point of view, it really brings a three-point fire, and in addition to the means of pressing the bottom of the box, it’s all about it. Lu Lu even sharply discovered some fighting skills that he had not used before.

It’s normal to be angry!

His own apprentice was mad at the face, and the master’s nature was to find the way back.

Lu Yi did not anger because Xiao Mo's water elves could not find the north, but squinted carefully to observe Xiao Mo's current fighting style, and analyzed the methods used by Xiao Mo from the injury effect of the water elves.

The water elf's equipment itself is very good, and from the land to get a lot of the best parts, even the suit is given to her.

Therefore, even if the Xiaomo technology is higher than the water elves, the equipment may be better, but if you want to abuse the water elves like the water elves, you want to know the impossible.

Xiao Mo won the game and the water elf lost.

Then Wei Yu Ge was a blue-orange cricket player. She smashed Xiao Mo. After all, Xiao Mo just defeated a water elf in a near-complete state. He could not kill the two star racers of Wei Yu Ge alone. This is like a desert. It is ridiculous to kill **** and smashing in a row.

Bloody went up and smashed the blue-orange cockroaches, and then the racer who was on the stage again was smashed.

The final result, actually, is a leading point for Weiyu Pavilion.

The lens gave a cloak of ecstasy. The newcomer of the glory capital is almost crying. In his opinion, it is because of his sake that he has lost the original competition from the club.

The audience and the commentary were very excited to speculate whether it was possible for Weiyuge to defeat the capital of glory and then compete with the sword of the ruling for the champion of this league.

Listening to the excited voices of the people around him, Lu Yi shook his head in the audience. He knew the level of equipment on the Weiyuge racer and the means they might exist. He could conclude that the Weiyu Pavilion came to power. Several players have gone all out.

However, the capital of glory still makes him invisible, which shows that the capital of glory is still preserving strength.

However, in the last game of Wei Yu Ge at home, Wei Yu Ge led a point to win, and now the Wei Yu Ge has already led a point, which means that the glory capital must lead at least two in the team competition. It is only possible to add a new game because of the draw. Only by leading by three points, they can completely defeat the Wei Yuge.

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