The Great Thief

Chapter 1244: Pain suppression

Leading three points!

Lu Li felt a huge pressure. If he changed to be the ruling sword and the Wei Yuge confrontation, can he guarantee a lead of three points?

It’s not just him. Everyone who thinks about this feels shocked. If the glory can control the gap between the three scores, then they are terrible. Fastest update

Some people think that this is the glory of the capital of glory, all of which may be normal things. The previous one lost a point because the map of the away game is not familiar. Today’s downfall lost one point because of the faction. A newcomer who is not reliable.

In any case, the team competition is still around.

"Hey, you said that if the Weiyu Pavilion wins, what can we do?" The root 叁 sits next to the land and looks sad.

"What can I do, fight with them," Lu said slowly.

"Wan, a little rainy pavilion cried, your water mm must face you, it seems that you can not find a wife in this life," said the root screaming and shaking his head.

"If the Weiyu Pavilion even kills the capital of glory, the confidence of the third brother where you can overcome them," Lu said very silently, whether the goods are in the water, or the sword of the ruling is invincible. .

"Oh..." The root number was suddenly forced.

Unexpectedly, the glory capital gave up the home court advantage and selected a map of the Great Round Table...

Even Lu Yi couldn’t help but sneak a sigh of relief. He really couldn’t figure out whether glory was to die, or to have unparalleled strong self-confidence, or to say that the female local tyrants swayed hundreds of millions of dollars and let Xiao Mo They all sang and conquered and began to drop the water to lose the game.

Obviously, there is a home court advantage, but it is not used. This is not an egg pain, and the glory capital is not like the sword of the previous ruling. Lu is unable to find a suitable sparring, and can only choose the map of the Great Round Platform.

Nine maps, a large round table, and the rest are unique, no matter what lineup team can find their own.

The micro-rain pavilion is on the side of the thief's squad, and the waiting seat is a paladin treatment.

The capital of glory is the lineup of the thief-legged sorcerer, and the waiting seat is also a paladin, which is also a route of treatment.

Because it is the Grand Round Table, the two sides of the game have a clear view, so there is no use of the terrain. After the game is announced, it will rush to the other side's goal. Anyway, it is selected and then put skills.

The micro-rainage treatment of the stars has become the object of the fire. Both sides are single treatments. As long as the second falls, the treatment of the other party is half, so the micro-rain pavilion is not welcome. Xishanbai was first received from the light rain. The cabinet outputs several professional attacks.

The cloth armor profession is difficult to support, relying on the reduction of injuries.

"In my opinion, the two sides seem to be planning to change the treatment for the child..." The root number is next to the land, and it is even more tense than Lu.

"This is unreasonable," Lu said frowningly. "If you change the treatment, it is absolutely impossible for the glory capital to lead by three points in the team competition. They must have something that everyone does not know and can avoid changing treatment. That is to say, the stars will hang, but Xishan Bai will not... Is it a reduction? What damage reduction can withstand the attack of four output occupations, and it must last for a long time..."

A little bit of analysis, the truth was quickly placed in front of him.

No, it should be said that the truth has already happened as he analyzed. The white mountain of Xishanbai, which is about to be bloody, has a thick white light, which makes him feel like a whole person...

Pain suppression?

Lu Lu certainly knows the priest's magical skills, but now it has not reached the 60th level, why is there such a thing that goes against the sky.

Pain suppression, instant, all damage taken after use reduced by 50% for five seconds, can still be cast in coma, cooldown for three minutes.

If you remember correctly, this is the effect of the first level of pain suppression. If you reach the fifth level, the reduction can be increased to 80%. Although it is not invincible, it is not too much. The most serious thing is For five seconds, this is a thief's hurdles.

The people in Weiyuge were directly forced.

No one can believe that his injury will suddenly become so low. He could have played three hundred. Now he can't even hit a hundred.

Down the mountain, this devout **** has already brushed up his blood.

Lu looked at the side and looked at it. The roots were like earthy colors. Both hands even started to tremble. He couldn’t see the reaction of other players. It is estimated that there should be no difference between the roots and the squad. This is a kind of devastating blow that is subversive. The priest who has been treated as the shortest board has been so resistant.

Although the star 囡囡 有 有 有 , , , , , , , 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡 囡囡

Although there is still a paladin treatment outside, unfortunately the battle has been unable to reverse now.

The final score of 6:1, Wei Yuge lost a full five points, almost shaved his head, such a team score is almost impossible to appear, especially in the high-end showdown such as the quarter-finals.

Perhaps there is a certain reason because Xishanbai’s painful suppression has too much impact on the Weiyuge game, which makes them messy, or perhaps because the water elf has given up the order to give up. She does not think that this battle may change. So I just hidden some killers.

Although the Weiyu Pavilion lost, the sword of the ruling can still fight again.

The capital of glory enters the finals!

All the light in this game is shrouded in Xishan Bai, and his amazing means of killing the pastor.

After leaving the arena, the ruling sword met immediately.

Although the ruling sword has not officially advanced to the finals, but their scores are more than the squadrons, the squadron has no possibility of any turnaround, so after the promotion of the glory capital, the champion of this league is only possible in the middle of the two clubs. born.

When I walked into the conference room, the scene was bleak, and even the cats and dads who were knowledgeable and optimistic were bitter.

The fat monkey is not too noisy. He holds his messy yellow head, sits in the corner and plays the meditator, and the moonlight that has always been calm, and the brow wrinkles can catch the flies.

If in the previous game, there are other general teams with such anti-day means, everyone does not feel like.

It is a pity that now it is the capital of glory. The point of exaggeration is that it is a club that is evenly matched with its own. In fact, it may be slightly higher than its own. Now there is such a counter-measure. (To be continued...) r

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