The Great Thief

Chapter 1251: Take the bait

If there is still some distance from the moonlight, Lu Yi suspects that he and the moonlight are not coming together.

But he soon realized that the moonlight and what he encountered were not a group of people. If there were two people on his side, then there was only one person in the moonlight. There were two men talking on the moonlight. It will only be the sister Wendrian.

The red silk cloth over the moonlight danced a bit and then slammed down.

According to the information that was discussed before, this kind of signal means that he intends to do it himself. The same way is done here, the meaning is basically the same, that is to say, Lu will not go there to support, he will also be here.

After he returned to the ground, he became a little leopard, and went on his way, facing the place where someone had just spoken.

The audience was full of boiling, filled with the anxiety and tension that the war is coming.

Is it crazy?

of course not!

"This is a tacit understanding. If it is my words, it may be a secret past and moonlight cooperation to hang up Wendeli's side of the moonlight." Zhang Zhen, the commentator of this game, did not mind exposing himself to short.

“Zhang Zhen’s teacher is self-important,” another explanation of the dark tone, such as the wind, explains: “You can observe the distance between the two battlefields. This distance is not too far. If you shout, you can listen to each other. Even if it is a skill, if there is a popping sound, you can pass that far."

"In this case, Wendlyan is likely to get support. Her pastor is not good at killing. It is not a problem to insist on the arrival of support. Once the people of the squadron succeed, the Lu and the moonlight will be miserable." Zhang Zhen continued: "Please The pilot teacher switched to the position of the March rain. You see, she is farther away and is caught in the most widely distributed Eastern District."

"So, what is the land rushing at this time?"

"There is no doubt that he will not ask for trouble." Zhang Zhen has not waited for the guide to switch the screen over, and has already made a statement.

Their degree of explanation, in the case of being able to see the whole map, there is very little to be able to hold them, not to mention the behavior of Lu Li is not difficult to guess, but it is to lead his gaze and Yuntian Ye, giving the moonlight a chance to kill Wendeli.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting!

It’s as if I don’t know that someone in this area seems to be rampant. I directly hit the back of the gaze. He tried to test the performance and gave a response time to Yun Tianye. The Grand Master raised his hand as an ice gun. Come over.

The gaze has also turned around, and the face is inevitably exposed to the excitement of catching the big fish.

Both of them have a battle with the land, not to mention that two people are here. The most important thing now is not to let the goods run.

There was an ice gun in the body. The ice spell made his movement speed drop slightly, and the running momentum stopped helplessly, but his four claws slammed and slid away from him. Charge.

Don't be kidding, an ice gun can't threaten him, but once it's controlled by gaze, it's hard to get out.

Lu was just about to get into the bushes, but a cold arrow screamed and screamed at his head, which made Lu Yi have to stop, and still have to step back two steps, otherwise the ice arrow will blast at his waist. Ice flower, compared to the insignificant deceleration effect of ice gun, Yun Tianye's strengthened Frostbolt deceleration is as high as 50%.

Perhaps, the land can be blasted, and then the shadow cloak can also be immune to slow down, and then slip away.

However, his purpose is not to really run away.

He must let the opponent feel that he can control the rhythm and have the ability to leave the land.

Lu left and rushed to the right several times before he barely escaped a short distance, and had not escaped the gaze and Yuntianye's skill range. If it was changed to normal times, perhaps gaze and Yuntianye would feel like this. The behavior is very weird, but today it is a game, the map is a rainforest with complex terrain, so it is also appropriate to escape.

Losing blood while losing.

He does not eat big skills and control skills. Only those insignificant skills will cut off his blood.

You chased me, the battlefield has gradually deviated from the original position, the fans of the squadron almost cried, and the action of this sinister and sinister, took away the last hope of the squadron team.

"Cough, the game has been very unexpected," Zhang Zhen is almost unaware of how to explain.

"He has always been very good, and he is growing fast. If he didn't study his resume, I suspect that he is a veteran racer and changed his vest to start again," said the dark tone.

"Hey, I don't mean this. I am talking about his acting skills," Zhang Zhen said with a smile. "I used to think that Lu is a very simple person. It belongs to the kind of high talent, but the style of acting is silent and will only work hard. Can't do anything too dark..."

"Haha, is it now being subverted by three views?" The dark tone is as deep as the wind.

"I would like to advise the girl who looks at this guy, don't be fooled by his appearance," Zhang Zhen is not young, and his children have it, so occasionally he will use a mode to watch out for bad guys who may marry their own prostitutes. Thinking, even though his niece is only six years old.

"This is actually a private chat to a female racer. I heard that they are close to the good things." The dark tone is like the wind, and there are various rumors in the game circle. For example, some people say that they have seen the water elves in Jiangnan City. Some people say that dogs and men live in the same community, and some say they are already together...

"These words can't be said casually. Otherwise, people may exclude us when they have a banquet," Zhang Zhen said seriously.

"Hey, a flower is inserted in the cow dung, I don't know how many men are mad," the dark tone raised the sound like a wind: "The moonlight started to shoot, Wendeli was going to run, she took out something, one Whistle, if I am not mistaken, it should be a dog whistle produced by Scarlet Monastery, but unfortunately,..."

"Yeah, if they are not leading away from the gaze and the sky, they should probably hear the whistle," Zhang Zhen said.

The squadron has indeed prepared a lot of things for this team competition. Whether it is identifying the direction, familiarizing with the map, or fighting in the rainforest, they can see that they are more capable than the ruling swordsman.

Unfortunately, Wendlyan is destined to summon her companions.

As a small short-legged occupation, the priest obviously has no chance to run a mad warrior who has been ambushed and rushed out next to him.

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