The Great Thief

Chapter 1252: The oriole is behind (request for a ticket)

Wendly Ann was very wrong. When she hanged, she didn’t know that her own people were not far from themselves. It was taken away from the land to let herself fall into lore. However, she will know sooner or later. After all, so many people in the virtual audience know that, under the word of mouth, every detail of this level of competition will be analyzed.

After Moonlight hangs up Winderian, he did not immediately go after the battle. He lost some blood after some battle.

Moreover, according to the previously agreed plan, Lu will bring people back, and when they wait for work, they may receive unexpected results.

Lu is indeed bringing people back, but his life is a bit lost.

So when he almost became a little leopard, he ran away, and there was almost no obstacle. This scene made the gaze and Yun Tianye who had received the news of Wendeli Ann thoroughly understand, but unfortunately the epiphany at this time could not enhance the realm. Without any reward, they couldn’t stop the land in the bushes.

Think about it too, the rainforest map terrain is very complicated, no matter what the profession is discounted on the maneuver.

The thief who relied on mobile eating was almost half-destroyed, but everyone ignored the fact that he could become a leopard, with a small size, low vision, and a terrain that humanoid players could not pass. He could easily drill in, so there was no mobility at all. The problem of deterioration.

It can even be said that the best mobility in this arena is the land, and the second is the anger of the wolf.

After leaving the battle, he left the battle. He did not immediately restore his blood. Instead, he replaced the book of Ur and summoned his pet "Erh", the name given to this strange summoner from the time of intermittent psychosis. .

The book of Ur is already full, and Lu will occasionally equip this thing. It is replaced with the anxious mantra. The attribute of the anxious manuscript may be better, and the value of the book of Ur is to change the wolf, in addition to being able to summon two Hardy scouts.

Erha had no fighting power, but after the book of Ur was full, it had several skills.

Sneak, concealment, and banditry are completely standard scout templates. After Lu Xie summoned it, he will quietly follow the gaze and Yun Tianye. The pet can't leave the owner too far, but the owner can feel the position of the pet. There are no problems with the spies.

The recovery was almost the same, the moonlight was found, and two people began to swim around the sky and the gaze.

There is a thief here, and it is too simple to want to be discovered. The moonlight is only a long way to go, and they have not rushed to go to war.

Naturally, it is impossible for the audience to follow them all the time. The four great men, the audience will see if they will spit for a long time. It is better to go see the beautiful girl like March Rain.

March rain has no damage skills, but she adds blood and the magic recovery is very fast. It is almost impossible for the monster to kill her, so the final result is that the monster is killed, and then the March rain continues to judge. Directions, please forgive that a beautiful woman will not climb the tree. It is too normal.

There is something that needs to be done on the tree to complete, naturally it is done by her brother.

The game has lasted for more than half an hour, and the players are not able to evade the battle, so they can only continue this way. Even if it is a system decision, it is necessary to judge the time according to different maps. The time limit is exactly two hours.

Finally, gaze and Yun Tianye saw a wolverine March rain.

In March, a white robe was gray, and it was covered with muddy water. It was so simple from a beautiful girl to a small Tu girl.

And her mental state is not good, and the few monsters she bumped made her hurt her brain.

So at first, I said that this rainforest map is too random. If the treatment is accidentally transmitted into the strange heap, even if the monster is strong, it is enough to treat a pot. Maybe the treatment will die directly in the monster's hand. in.

The rain has almost fallen in March.

I finally came out of the monster-intensive East District, and I had met the gaze of the Windy Legion and Yuntianye before I even had time to meet my teammates.

No matter which one of these two people she can beat.

The best defense is offense. In the same way, even the best defense will break down in a strong offense. The rain and blood in March will not be able to sustain it.


Just as the rain fell in love in March, and the gaze and Yun Tianye were overjoyed, the other side of them remembered the applause, and the sound that accompanied the land and the moonlight came out. Now there is no need to consider any tactics or skills, the strength is too great, and the squadron is over.

"You two have been following us!" Staring at the ugly face.

They have already been eliminated, and the finals have already decided the results. The reason why they still insist on playing team games and investing so much energy is to look good.

But now it is conceivable that they stupidly took the land and the moonlight and took them to find the March rain.

Everything is like a joke.

"Dare to dare to decide the outcome!" Yun Tianye asked.

His meaning does not need much explanation, that is, gaze at the moonlight, he himself is on the ground, and the March rain is standing by, and the two sides do not interfere with each other, and finally decide the result.

This is of course unfair to the ruling sword, and why people do not have treatment.

It is okay to say that if the squadrons are playing normally, the two of them will die, and it is still difficult to kill any one of the moonlights in March, which means that the score of the team has been fixed to six to three.

This kind of achievement is definitely a big win in the team competition.

However, since the other party raised it and did not accept the move, it seems that it is not very good. Everyone will feel that the ruling of the ruling, and then the results of the game have been confirmed, even if it is crazy, it seems that there is nothing.

Don't look at the land everywhere to focus on the overall situation, in fact, the man has no blood in his heart.

Moonlight is used to call the "urgent" gaze in the signing of the agreement, at least he also knows who is the captain of the team, no more shackles.

"Then play a good one," Lu and the moonlight looked at each other and nodded and agreed.

"No matter what the outcome, both of us will automatically confess to the exit," gaze added, and the rogue like Yun Tianye does not conform to his style.

"Silly, go to the side to rest in March."

As a result, the team competition immediately became a match-up game. Since they have dragged a lot of time, there is no big problem with cd. There is no problem with the tactics. In addition to the strangeness in the mentality, everyone is considered to be the strongest matchup.

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