The Great Thief

Chapter 1253: entering the finals

The battle of moonlight and gaze belongs to the warrior's civil war. The warrior skills are relatively restrained, and there are hardly any cool skill effects. Plus, the two know the roots, so it seems that there is no bright spot.

However, the thief-law battles on the side of Lu and Yun Tianye are more worth seeing.

The flag outside the city is absolutely, the most beautiful landscape is the thief-style battle, whether the king of the flag is a thief or a mage, there has never been a unified statement.

Now, on the open space temporarily circled by the stadium, the top masters and thieves in the game circle have started a match.

Of course, Lu Lu will not sway the frontal **** mage. He immediately entered the sneak line after the March rain announced the start of the game. At least this area is fairly flat, and the sneak can exert a certain effect.

Yun Tianye is waiting for him. He trains more on this map. He can judge the thief's behavior through some subtleties.

However, he is destined to be disappointed.

It is clear that Lu is not far from where it is, but he is unable to judge the location of the land by experience.

I have heard that Lu Li has gained intensive stealth skills. No one has believed it. After all, everyone knows that Lu is very good at stealth. Now it is encountered in the real harsh environment. Yun Tianye is convinced because it strengthens the main direction of sneak enhancement. There are two, one is a high-level monster, and the other is a harsh environment.

However, the reconnaissance did not come out and there was no reconnaissance to send out. Yun Tianye directed his baby to his back and then stood still.

This kind of play is very negative. If you meet a master, it will be very miserable. It is easy to avoid the water element, and the water element attack is not so high. However, Yuntianye is not a rookie who has no power to fight back. The master he can meet is also not seen. I can go anywhere better than him.

Since the Yuntianye posture is set up, Lu Lu certainly does not have to continue to circle.

Lurking behind the other side, going up is a sap. After the sap is good, it will not continue to attack. Lu will immediately use the special effects to flash to the side. He intends to consume the water element baby's frosty star and then say...

However, what made the land accident was that Yuntianye had already lowered his head and was dizzy there, and his water element baby was stupidly standing there, but he did nothing.

I don’t see the rabbit who doesn’t sprinkle the eagle. Yun Tianye obviously knows that she is rushing to use the baby. It may not have the effect. After all, the baby’s frost star is different from the player’s. It has a very obvious lifting finger. The process of the target, while the player's movements can be hidden in the daily combat movements.

Nothing can be done, Lu can only pounce on it again.

Yun Tianye has been commanding the water baby ice ring until the land attacked himself. In fact, the mage must play this way. The most people who use the sap are badges. In fact, they are the frost stars of the baby.

Assume that the water baby's Frost Nova has successfully frozen the land, but the Yuntianye is still in a frozen state. At this time, what can be done by freezing the land? Is it necessary to use the badge or similar means to lift the Sap and then start again?

After the damage caused by the land, the effect of the sap is small, the effect of the sneak attack begins to replace the stun, and Yuntianye uses the badge to release his control. A flashing jump, this process he basically did not receive any harm, it is an exchange. A little skill special effect.

Lu is not likely to be attacked silly, he disappeared from the ice and continued to find the right time.

In comparison, although the moonlight and the gaze are not warm, but at least the two are positive, it seems that people can be excited. If you add a few special effects such as shouting, it is even worse. It is.

In short, the final personal matchup in this team competition completely satisfied the audience.

Gazing at the blood to overcome the moonlight, this is no way. The gaze does not need any reservation at this time, and the moonlight has two important means but it is reserved for the glory capital. He can consume the gaze to the residual blood. Explain that he does not lose the strength of the other side.

The same reason can't be applied directly to Lu and Yun Tianye.

As Mo forgets Feng said, he can defeat the landed mages in one-on-one battles. For the time being, it may only be Xiao Mo. He had another sentence at the time. He was able to beat 100% of the land, only the game company. Refers to a generation of patch generation God's system update strategy.

Of course, Lu Li has not been arrogant to the game company to deal with himself, the recent changes in the thieves caused by the changes are all things that he will not happen again.

Therefore, in such a one-on-one battle, Lu Yi really did not lose the reason for Yun Tianye.

As long as Yun Tianye is under his control, immediately a large section of blood is gone. The damage caused by the high completion degree is currently not affordable.

But don't worry that the freedom of melee career will affect the balance of the game. In the near future, after most of the free-style melees are familiar with this rhythm, the smart calculator group estimates that it will begin to evaluate and then complete the degree. The percentage of damage that can be caused is moving the knife.

There is no chance for the legal profession to gloat, and their crit system will be re-planned.

The current legal crit damage also appears in the second person's clues, equipped with the best such as Yun Tianye, a big attack that produces crit, very few people can survive.

After entangled for a while, Yun Tianye was killed by land.

After gazing and killing the moonlight, she stood with her arms and stood next to her. In March, the rain was worried that he would eat and say fat, and if he and the gaze were killed together, she might not have time to rescue. Fortunately, gazing at such a person is obviously a more serious commitment, and when Yun Tianye hangs, he will withdraw from the game.

The ruling sword was announced to the squadron's team competition with a score of six to four. At the same time, the squad of the squad was officially announced. They will officially compete with the glory capital next weekend.

As for the order of the game, it has not yet come out, but this does not seem to matter. Anyway, there are home and away games, but there are differences.

In Chengdu, it didn't take too long, and Lu and others couldn't let go of their fun.

After going back, the most important thing is leveling.

In terms of the current competition time, it is not impossible to rise to the 60th level in the final.

At present, the highest rank is the **** battle flag of the wizard wild, he has risen to the 59th level, in addition to only the glory of the hundred tears can not be riding the sister behind, the same is amazing 59 level.

The top ten of the top ten in the list are all fifty-eight. The same level of experience has a large gap. Tens of them are at this level. The third is the flower-based and the fifth is with him. In addition to these two, the highest level of the ruling sword is the small eight sauce, but the top ten has already been discharged from the ranks.

The fourth place in the rankings is Mo Forrest, and the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre was eliminated early. This dying of the dynasty was painted on the wall, and the sang was lost in the east. It actually entered the top five on the ranks.

Sixth to tenth, respectively, South Bosri, Mo Ming, very afraid of wood, Xiao Mo, empty forest.

Lu Yi has already fallen out of the top twenty.

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