The Great Thief

Chapter 1254: Teacher's life is hard to beat

"For the Horde!"

"Long live the Allies!"

When such slogans appeared on the world's channels more and more, Lu, who had just started a day and a half of his leveling career, basically declared bankruptcy.

Before the start of the large-scale player event of the "Azeroth Defence Against the Scourge", it should be mentioned that the upcoming Battle of Hillsbrad.

In fact, natural disasters have always existed, the plague of the land, or the original King of Lordaeron has long been a natural disaster, but the Alliance and the Horde Resistance Army have curbed their spread momentum, and large-scale battles have gradually entered a stalemate. However, small and medium-sized conflicts have occurred from time to time.

Now, the game is obviously going to launch a large-scale task involving players to create a worldview that defends Azeroth.

However, the alliance and the Horde players have been plagued by the killing for half a year, so a battle of the camp came into being. The subtext is that we will fight to solve the grudges. After the fight, we will build a harmonious and beautiful Azeroth continent. Let's go.

This battle can also be said to be the battle that the players gave birth to, but with the impact of the upgrade, there are many npcs involved.

"I want you to kill Begrave," Garona appeared in front of the land, without warning.

At this time, the sun is shining, the scenery in the wild is infinitely good, and the strangeness of the selection is also pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, the instructor’s sinister thief costume broke the atmosphere.

"Follow your instructions, my mentor," Lu did not feel that Garona was so wrong, he did not hesitate to agree: "But I think I have the power to know the reason, and the origin of Beggrave, can It’s not easy to be put in your eyes."

"Bregrave is an old orc warrior. He has enjoyed the name of the Warrior from the Orcs' tribes during the Draenor period. Blackhan regards him as his most trusted person..." Garona said slowly.

Blackhan, when he heard the name, couldn’t help but tremble.

Perhaps the name Blackham will make some people look blank, but if you change to another big chief named Black Hand and Destroyer Blackstone Clan, I am afraid I know a little about Azeroth's history.

Gul'dan and Medivh joined forces to open the door of darkness, and then used the chieftain of the cricket to gather the orc army to send Azeroth. This so-called sergeant is Blackhan.

As early as the orcs had not invaded Azeroth, Blackhan had already entered the stage of history.

If the old thing of Braygrave is the most trusted person of Blackhan, then it must be said from his master and his tribe.

The Blackrock clan, where the black hand is located, is the most powerful clan of the orc forging industry. They live in the Gordon Mountains and live next to Goron and the Ogre. Perennial with high temperature and anvil, giving the Black Stone Orc gray-black special skin color, and the endless conflict with the ogre, they gave them a strong body and awkward tactics.

The black hand is one of the best. No matter what kind of enemy, the black hand can always find out their weaknesses and use them to lead their clan to victory.

The origin of the name of the black hand is not always like the land, so there is still a story.

It is said that the black-handed adjutant, Orgrim Doomhammer, had changed the powerful fate of his legendary weapon Doomhammer and threw it into the lava pool, but the elements recovered the weapon in order to punish his arrogance. Seal it in the lava pool.

After many years, countless orcs entered the lava pool because of the coveted hammer of destruction, but they all turned into bones.

In the past few years, the ogres have been eroding the territory of the Blackrock clan. In the end, even the Blackrock clan was trapped in the foundry. On the eve of the final battle, Orgrim went to the secret cave of the Doomhammer and reflected it alone. Going to the Doomhammer, he only explored the lava pool and tried to take out the Doomhammer.

The element feels the determination to die in the heart of the black hand and the will to save the Blackrock clan. The black hand does not come for glory and pride. He only hopes to save his clan and even pay the price of life.

The element returned the Doomhammer to the black hand and taught him the knowledge of forging, allowing him to use the Doomhammer to build weapons for the clan.

But the element warns the black hand that he does not deserve to have the Hammer of Destruction, but will play an important role in the prophecy of Doomhammer. The contract of the element left a permanent proof of the black hand's body, and his right hand was condensed with a black stone shell, with eternity of lava flowing between them.

The black hand armed the entire clan with the knowledge taught him by the element, and launched a raid before dawn to defeat the ogre in one fell swoop. Since then, he has changed his name to black hand to commemorate this legendary experience.

Begrave is the most trusted person of the black hand. It is very honored to be changed the surname and I don’t know how old Baygrave thought about it. Since then, this little orc has started his crazy killing life, as long as the black finger is pointing, Bygrave and his armored regiment will wipe out all the obstacles that hinder the sight of the black hand.

Despite repeated wars, Baygrave himself was disabled and weak, and his men were killed and wounded, but in the tribe, Beggrave was still a war madman. He served in this Battle of Hillsbrad. Tribal commander.

"My birth may have to be thanks to this person," Garona has always had a look of no expression on her face.

I am going, it will not be Garona's father, Lu Li feels that the whole person is stunned, and between them, suddenly feels that the brain is like being smoked. It is true that Garona is indeed moving away. The back of the head took a slap and directly flew away.

When I got up and looked up, I actually had only one drop of blood.

Such a precise damage control, this is not the legendary god-level thief, Lu Yi have forgotten to worry, just remember to marvel that they have not been killed.

"Retract your wretched thoughts," Garona said with a sigh: "The reason I want you to kill Begrave is because he killed my mother, my only relative, but I was ancient. Erdan forced to swear that this life can not be used for this bastard."

"I think that if you send a killer in the organization, you can solve it." Lu is still in doubt.

"Only my son or disciple can start, or the vows in the void will break the knife of revenge," Garona slowly subsided: "If you refuse this task, I can understand."

"I promise you, the mentor, but I am not confident to complete such a task. It is a senior orc officer and the head of the Iron Armor Corps." Lu said honestly, it is not because he is a difficult advantage, but indeed No ability to complete.

This battle of Hillsbrad was also mentioned in the memory before the reunion.

But the commanders of both sides do not have much description. Lu Lu does not even know who they are, and naturally it is impossible for a party commander to be killed.

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