The Great Thief

Chapter 1255: Sister or sister

Even if no one interferes, the four elites with the ruling of the ruling may not be able to win Baygrave. If you don't want to know that he must be a 60-level heroic boss, even if it is not a hero, it is bigger than the normal field. The boss is stronger.

Lu is able to kill three 60-level bosses in the cursed land, because the talisman that reduces their strength is at work.

Although the average rank of the ruling elite group is almost fifty-seven, but to deal with Baygrave, it is still at the level of the stone, which makes Lu Yi question the feasibility of the task.

"Do you know who the commander of the Allies is?" Garona asked.

"I don't know," Lu was shaking his head.

"Santis Yu Yue, for your night elves, she may be just a young girl, but Tyrande valued her very much, in order to ask a lot of instructors for special training," Garona said.

"Hey," Lu was almost sprayed. Just now, he felt that Baygrave was strong and invincible. He did not expect the commander on the side of the alliance to be a fierce person.

Although many people suspect that Sandis Yu Yue is the daughter of Tyrande and Malfurion, she is actually an orphan. When she was very young, she wandered in the forest alone, almost swallowing the big tail wolf. Tyrande's style of words immediately saved her.

For the first time, Lolly saw such a powerful force (killing a wolf, what is powerful), so she wanted a piece of cowhide sugar to rely on Tyrande style.

I can't get rid of it, Tyrande style has to take her to join the sisterhood of Elune. No one would have thought that this little girl would become the commander of the Night Elf Sentinel Force, one of the most powerful legions of Azeroth in the future, and become the most prominent presence on the mainland food chain.

According to the background time of the game, she should still be in the learning stage at present, then the commanding of this battle is to come out for an internship.

"She will shoot?" Lu is still skeptical.

In fact, this time the Battle of Hillsbrad is designed to give players a happy, npc army will participate in the war, but will not deliberately grab the limelight of the players.

"I have taught her for a while, you don't want to look at me with this kind of eyes. Sandis is not a thief. She just needs to be familiar with the thief's fighting style, so she has promised to help me to send someone to wait for you to go to Yuyue. The fortress saw her, she usually practiced there," Garona said with confidence.

"Okay, mentor, I will do my best to complete the task," Lu is awe-inspiring.

"Your two capitals are very good, so I won't give you weapons. There is a poison of hatred, spread it on the dagger, and the key moments can help you," Garona took out. Pack things.

Lu is almost vomiting blood, he is really stupid, and the tutor should be replaced with a broken dagger in his backpack.

The crying child has milk to eat, because the weapon in his hand is good, so the things that should have been given are omitted.

"Thank you, instructor," even so, Lu was still suffering from the burning pain of the heart, and then Garona disappeared silently as she came, and Luke suspected that the npc would send spells.

Revenge poison: After years of precipitation, the poison became more and more horrible, lasting six hours, occupational restrictions on thieves, the number of uses 2/2, countdown 29 minutes and 58 seconds.

Half an hour later, the battle of Hillsbrad will begin, which means that the land must be used at the beginning of the battle. Fortunately, it can last for six hours. Otherwise, you should consider the time to use it. One problem, that is 2/2.

If it is not necessary to use it within 30 minutes, Lu Li can leave the poison for later use.

Coupled with the restrictions on the thieves occupation, so the land must now do not immediately contact Shantis Yu Yue, that morning and evening can be, the full use of this poison is the most important.

However, Lu Li does not seem to be too careful to consider.

When the figure of the water elf appeared in the field of vision, the face on the land had already received a smile that he did not notice.

"I will start the war immediately, tell me what is going on?" asked the water elf.

"I will help me a little," Lu said.

"doing what?"

"Help me kill the tribal commander," Lu is looking forward to watching the expression of the water elf.

The water elf was shocked. The eyes were very small, the black and white eyes were distinct, and the long eyelashes were like a pair of small fans. She said incredulously: "Do you want to be the best equipment to be crazy? Actually, I dare to attack the idea of ​​the other commander. We all target the ordinary npc."

According to the consistent style of this game, this activity npc level will not be too high.

At present, the player ranks at the highest level of 59, rounding off is 60, then the npc, the ordinary is 60, and the strongest is also 65, which is the commander of both sides.

However, a level is a earth-shaking change. When the players are generally fifty-seven and seventy-six, the sixty-five bosses can sweep a large piece. There is no way to solve the problem. Therefore, these club associations including the Weiyu Pavilion are large. Some of them choose ordinary npc for killing.

The so-called ordinary npc here also belongs to the boss, but the strength is relatively general, in the upward is the small officer, and finally the commander.

If Lu Li asked her to help fight the small officers, it would not be impossible for the two clubs to join forces.

But the commander...

"When did I do something that is not reliable?" Lu asked.

"Well, is there any plan?" The water elf turned to think, Lu Lu has always been very reliable, no matter what seems impossible, there will be miracles happening to him, not to mention the water elves are witnessing the land The process of the sixty bosses.

Her first direct response was that there was something like the demon talisman.

"When I listen to my arrangement, I will gather a few elite groups to stand by, as long as they are elite, and the rest will be handed over to the floating camp to let him fight with the participating camps." Lu Yi estimated that it is really useless for people. If you can't show it in the middle, it may be a casual injury.

"No problem, it is more assured to give to the drifting," said the water elf.

The drifting command is not too focused on the details, like to open the big match, it may be easy to solve problems in the copy, but in the command of the big regiment is very unique, anyone who has worked with him will be convinced, there are many ruling swords The person who wants to dig the water elves should be counted as one.

"You and I went to see a person, and now there is still some time left," Lu took a look at the time, and there was still less than half an hour left. At this time, Sandis Yuyue should prepare for the battle in Hillsbrad. .

In this continent, there are many regional alliances and tribal towns, such as Atlasna and Broken Wood Village in Ash Valley, the refuge valley in Arathi Highlands and the town of Hammer, and the silly marsh of Theramore. And the fern wall village, in addition to many other places.

Some players like to attack the strongholds of the hostile camp to seek fun. It doesn't matter whether it is good or evil. It is a dream that a man has a war of iron wars. There is no such thing as a physiological structure.

These players will explore the towns where the defenses are weak, and many of the sheltered players in these towns have just stepped into the neutral zone. Once the war broke out, more players flocked to it. The camps of both sides continue to invest in the battlefield in order to find even potential.

Players like chaos, like conflicts, like this bloodthirsty feeling, and even death can't stop them.

No one remembers when the first war took place, which village and town, and the war has ignited the continent of Azeroth. In the official forum, even a section was opened, which was filled with battle reports from all over the country. Countless war madmen were waiting with red eyes.

But why put this pvp war in the Hillsbrad hills between Nanhai Town and Tarren Mill?

In the first few versions of the game, the tribal players were really ugly, so the league has an absolute advantage in the population. Most of the players are still together and are not scattered around the world to take risks. The only starting point for the Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms is the Tirisfal Glades near the Hillsbrad Foothills, a region where most of the Alliance players first encountered real enemies.

The Hillsbrad Foothills are also close to the Eastern Plaguelands and the Eastern Plaguelands, which are the main venues for both the 50th and full-level characters.

Here is the main supply point for senior characters to do tasks and brush the dungeon. As long as several high-level characters are added, the battle will be upgraded one after another. Generally speaking, starting from the encounter between low-level characters, as players call reinforcements in the guild or the world channel, more and more senior and full-level players come to help, and eventually form a battle that cannot be ended.

From the perspective of military strategy, the distance between the two towns is very close, and the corpse is more rapid.

Both towns do not have strong defense facilities or npcs to prevent the expansion of the war. In addition, the undulating terrain is also a battle to become more interesting. These ideal factors come together and eventually create an epic battle of Hillsbrad.

Based on these considerations, the official opened the national pk war.

It’s not innocent to think about it, maybe it’s a mistake to balance the player’s level. In this kind of battle, the middle and upper players are actually the main force. They hang more times, experience more, and then join the game. Players are more likely to catch up with them.

System: The Battle of Hillsbrad is about to begin, please go to the area to prepare for the battle.

System: The Hillsbrad map has been upgraded. Any player who participates in the battle will receive an additional five points of glory in the battle. The auxiliary kill will receive two additional glory values ​​and kill the high rank rank owner. Get an extra glory value of more than ten points. If you complete the npc assignment task, you can get more glory bonuses.

In the twilight, players in the wild to kill the enemy camp will receive certain honors according to the level of both sides. If the kill is five levels lower than their own level, there is almost no honor value for a group of people to encircle you.

In addition, there are differences between killing and assisted killing. As the name implies, it is the difference between single killing and siege killing.

These rewards reported by the system are actually quite rich. If you kill one at a time, you will reward five points. Even if you fish in troubled waters, you will not return empty-handed.

As for the map upgrade, this may be a temporary arrangement made by the intelligent computer group for this event. The original Hillsbrad hills are certainly not enough to accommodate so many players, so the system is temporarily upgraded and the map is enlarged many times. .

And there are a lot of posts and camps on the map, and these places will also be the trigger points for the war.

The Lu and the Water Elves soon found the Sandis Feathermoon, who was setting the task for the sentinels. The night elf girl was very mighty sitting on a lookout, and a group of sentinels nervously protected her in the middle. .

This is the future general of the night elves!

"Who is this letter for you?" Shantis Yuyue was holding a letter of introduction from Garona.

"My mentor, she asked me to come over to you," Lu said very calmly back.

Having said that, is Sandis Yuyu not counting his own sister, or sister?

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