The Great Thief

Chapter 1256: Sandis

At that time, Shantis Yuyue was still a little girl.

In fact, this is a very false proposition. In the historical background of Twilight, perhaps because of the long life of the night elves, the life of this little girl can really be traced back to the Battle of the Ancients.

In short, Tyrande accidentally picked up the little girl and brought her back as the leader of the night elf. She might think that she had a due diligence for this tribe, or for the future consideration of this little girl, she Brought the little girl into the sisterhood of Elune.

The Sisters of Elune is the highest class of the pastor's group that serves the moon goddess Elune, and is one of the few organizations that have remained largely intact after the war.

For thousands of years, Elune’s priestess were spiritual leaders and powerful warriors of the night elf society. When the night elves were involved in the war, Elune’s sisters fought side by side with the soldiers, singing Elune and summoning her power. The moon goddess often responds by bringing anger to the enemy of the night elves. Even the legendary priestess can recall the mirror of the moon in the midday sky, allowing the night elves who are suitable for night activities to gain some of Elune's power. After the victory of the war, the priestess treated the wounded by prayer.

Members of the Sisterhood are extensively trained in combat skills, tactics and healing.

Shantis Yuyue, who entered the soror's meeting, also had to touch these things. Tyrande hoped she could gain a skill in some way.

However, Shantis Yuyue showed extraordinary strength under her observation.

When the Elf and the Burning Legion fought in front of Isaline City, Tyrande’s lover Malfurion Stormrage fainted Tyrande by the tree, the evil Satharvis, attempting to Rand grabbed it. When Malfurion was outnumbered by the crowd, Sandis helped Malfurion defeat Harvey with his archery, although Tyrande was finally taken to the palace where the upper elves were.

After this campaign, Sandis was broken into a trainee priest, and with other priestess to resist the attack of the Burning Legion.

It is said that at this time, Sandis Yuyue has been able to grasp the prayers of her signature skills, the priestess of the month. Now, Shantis Yuyue has grown into a sentinel commander, which seems to her in the form of a farce. The battle is just that she is at the mercy of her meeting.

However, when the land appeared, she did not think so.

That person, she respected Garona Hafhausen, and the Orc taught her a lot of things, although it turned out that this teaching had brought some kind of purpose from the beginning.

"Your mentor..." Shantis grinned. I really couldn't understand why the adults wanted to take the adventurers as disciples. They could barely squeeze their hands when they looked weak, but the night elf next to her. The women are very beautiful, very consistent with the aesthetics of Sandis himself.

If you accept a disciple, this can be considered, at least not pleasing to the eye.

"I am following the mentor to learn the thief's way." Lu can hear the scorn of the other party's words, but there is no dissatisfaction with this nominal teacher and sister. This is a game of strength first, when you are not strong enough. I have to go to the authority, only to explain the inner weakness.

The strength of Sandis is indeed worthy of his respect, the strongman who will be out of the sisters of Elune.

It is said that no player priest has been able to enter the Elune Sisters, and March rain may be possible, just waiting for a time in memory.

"So, what are you looking for from me?" Shantis asked, if she could, she didn't mind helping to get out of the house. After all, there was a part of the same door. She and Garona got along well.

"My tutor gave me a task, I hope I can kill General Baigrave for him," Lu said.

"Bregrave, what is that, need me to help you kill him?" Sandis asked curiously.

The land was very speechless. As a commander of a battle, the girl did not know who the enemy commander was. He had to explain it in detail, and by the way, Garona and Baigrave’s grudges.

"How is this possible, why not kill him, don't tell me that Garona's mentor can't kill him," Sandis couldn't believe.

She knows more or less about Garona's experience and knows about the experience of this half-orc. Frankly speaking, Sandis has a good relationship with Garona, and it is a kind of fellowship in fate.

Shantis had a double death from her parents. Before Tyrande, she did not receive any assistance. The suffering of her childhood made her extremely hate to those who brought her pain. She did not value the people she vowed to protect. More inclined to fight for the revenge of the Burning Legion.

Sandis hated those who lifted the butcher's knife to innocent civilians, such as the Tarong Gorefiend, such as Begrave, who is now on the ground.

Talon Gorefiend is almost the same orc warrior of Baygrave at the same time, perhaps even earlier. He and Baygrave are similar in cruel bloodthirsty.

As a warlock, Talon's ability is average, but his cruel and killing makes Gul'dan very important to him.

His most famous bloodthirsty act was born after the orcs occupied the temple of Karapo, the predecessor of the Dark Temple. Talon killed all the draenei captives in the original temple, regardless of men, women and children.

This inhuman act has even made many orcs feel ugly. In the orc's view of honor, it is not worth boasting to kill a person who has no ability to fight back.

Gul'dan's power was greatly weakened after the orcs first invaded Azeroth.

Orgrim Doomhammer took the opportunity to make a coup, and Taron was the first Shadow Council warlock to die under Doomhammer, but Orgrim did not kill Gul'dan. Because Gul'dan promised him to build a powerful cavalry team that only listened to Orgrim himself.

He ordered people to find the bodies of some dead human generals from Azeroth, and used the evil psychic spells to infuse the souls of the original Shadow Council's warlocks killed by Orgrim into the bodies. These resurrections The body is called the death knight.

Talon became the first death knight Tarong Gorefiend in history.

Fortunately, Baygrave did not become a member of the death knight. He later followed the black hand to Azeroth. After the black hand failed, he changed to the Doomhammer. After Thrall rose, he merged into the new tribe team.

Although the soldiers have rarely shot civilians because of Thrall's ban, the murderer of Baygrave is still a hateful person on the side of the league.

Sandis casually found a coalition soldier can hear the name of Baygrave.

This time the tribal commander, the former tribal warrior, a cruel old orc, and Sandis's evaluation of him is: the prolonged life.

"I can't do it directly to him," Sandis thought for a moment, sorry to say.

This unknown little character, the Ranger General can shoot at a single shot, but in the order she received, she did not include the act of killing the other commander.

The main body of this camp battle is the adventurer, and these aborigines are just a soy sauce.

"If you don't have your help, I don't think I can accomplish such a daunting task. My friends and I are not strong enough, and my mentor is hated by the hatred of day and night. She can't wait to see the enemy die. On this day, "the land is ugly."

"So, you need to help, my fellow and the same family," said Sandis.

She may be able to forcefully kill Begraf against the orders of the upper level, but the consequences can not be as simple as the punishment of her commander.

The battle of Hillsbrad was ridiculous to her, but she could not laugh at the threat of the undead.

As Jaina, Thrall and others insist, it is necessary to build a united common front. If Sandis kills the other commander in such a politically meaningful battle, the orc is a very violent race, who is also Unexpected consequences.

"But you can at least help us solve his guards," the Water Elf interjected.

"If you just solve his guards, with your strength..." Sandis is not very optimistic and shakes his head: "My current level is sixty-five. It must be the same as that of Graves. You don't care how many people go. ""

"The instructor gave me this," Lu took out the poison.

"What is this?" Shantis took the poison and actually smelled it under the nose. Then she squinted and then widened her eyes: "It's a good poison, but it really has such a thing."

"With these can you deal with Baygrave?" Lu asked.

Garona gave him this poison without any attributes, no harm, no effect, so he has been in the bottom of his heart, and now he saw the performance of Sandis he has the confidence.

"How can it be possible to kill a commander with this?" Shantis shook his head.

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