The Great Thief

Chapter 1257: Luna Prayer

Props, such things, no matter how bad the sky is.

The poison of revenge can still kill the boss, and Byegrave can kill a large piece with one shot, and he is still in the guard of countless guards.

"I heard that there is a skill called Luna Prayer..." Lu asked for a temptation.

" do you know the prayers of the gods, is it that Garona’s mentor told you?" Shantis could not conceal his surprise, she had to re-understand the weak adventure that could not be seen. By.

"It is said that Sir Lothar and others have been blessed by the prayers of the Moon, and then they raided Alazan, and killed the Master of Medivh with the blessing of the Moon God. I don't know if I am right," Lu asked.

"How do you know that this thing doesn't know much!" Shantis closed his mouth.

This kind of faint high can't be more proportionate, using the things that the past life knows to fool npc, no matter how powerful npc you are, it is not to be stunned.

"I have had the privilege of seeing Master Medivh. How wise is it? I can’t imagine that he once betrayed Azeroth and was killed by a few mortals." Although Lu said he couldn’t believe it, but the words What can't be concealed is a strong self-confidence, just like what he saw with his own eyes.

"Lord of the Guardian," Sandis awe.

At that time, under the influence of Sargeras, Medivh began to secretly study all kinds of evil magic and witchcraft, and built an identical underground tower in the underground of Karazhan as his place to carry out dark rituals.

During a long spiritual journey, Medivh got in touch with Gul'dan, who is eager for powerful energy, from the orc warlocks on the other side of the world. The Dark Titan Sargeras then told Medivh to tell Gul'dan about the existence of the tomb. In order to obtain Sargeras' "ultimate energy", the greedy orc warlock Gul'dan promised to drive the orc tribe into Azeroth soon.

Soon after, Medivh joined forces with Gul'dan's shadow parliament to open the dark door that connects the two worlds, and the tribal army was able to enter Azeroth.

It can be said that Medivh is the behind-the-scenes of the war.

However, Medivh's released soul has been in the astral plane for many years, and his mother Aegwynn resurrected his son with her last mana to maintain youth.

Twenty years later, a mysterious prophet who became a blood crow appeared on the mainland of Lordaeron. He has told the orcs Sal and Lordaeron King Terenas about the prophecy of the third invasion of the Burning Legion.

When the Orc tribe set off for Kalimdor, the latter Lordaeron King Terenas apparently had no interest in his words.

The sudden and terrible plague quickly swept through the northern towns of Lordaeron. Prince Alsace of Lordaeron even used the massacre to stop the spread of the plague: Stratholme was a boneless, messy.

The mysterious prophet reappeared. At this time, however, Prince Arthas could not listen to his persuasion. The young and flamboyant prince was blinded by the flame of revenge.

Soon after, King Terenas was killed by his son, the Kingdom of Lordaeron fell and the terrible plague continued to spread.

At this time, only a few humans followed the female mage, Jaina Proudmoore, and traveled to Kalimdor under the guidance of Medivh. They became survivors of the Lordaeron disaster. And formed a wartime alliance with the orc tribes who had previously reached the Kalimdor continent, and eventually defeated the invasion of the Burning Legion with the night elves.

Struggling before Archimonde reached the Tree of Eternity, Malfurion blew the Horn of Cenarius, and thousands of elves blew themselves up to create Archimonde, and then borrowed the power of the Tree of the World. Kemond killed.

After this war, Nordrassil is no longer eternal, the night elves are no longer eternal, and Nordrassil becomes a more common giant tree.

At this point, Medivh, as a prophet, completed his mission and delivered the responsibility of maintaining the world to every Azeroth people. When the twilight of the gods ended, the wise and vicissitudes of the old wizard washed away the shame that he was once controlled by the devil.

The night elves have always respected Medivh with respect.

The evil side of the human mage almost destroyed the entire continent, and his compassionate side also saved the continent and Nordrassil.

"Unfortunately, I am not a mage, or I will follow him to find the magic of the spell," Lu said, the whole person has been fragmented, and turned into a morning glow in the shimmering hills of Hillsbrad. Bloody crow.

"Oh..." Shantis has no idea what to say.

It stands to reason that the blessing of Luna God can of course not be added casually. Sandis has not given a few people since he learned it. As for the adventurer, it is even more impossible.

Under normal circumstances, the effect of the gain state is not to see the caster, but to see the caster.

For example, a 60-level priest adds a state to the 20th-level player. This state will not be judged by the strength of the 60th-level priest. For the 20th-level player, this state is no more than the priest of the same level. How many.

The prayer of the moon is not the same, and this state has nothing to do with the level.

The first-level trumpet has got this state, and it can completely kill the land of Xiaomo. This force is said to come directly from the moon god, and can temporarily raise the overall strength of the caster to a terrible level.

This is what this is, and in the case that Sandis can't take it, it is undoubtedly the safest way to find her to give herself a month to pray.

In order to increase persuasion, Lu also deliberately leaked something like the emblem on his left shoulder, the blessing of the priestess of the moon, and the most advanced kind, which is obviously more convincing than the **** crows.

"Well, I will give you two prayers of the Luna. In addition, I will let the sentinels attack the tribal lineup and cause damage to Baigefu as much as possible. I personally cannot participate in the battle," Sandis Made the final concession.

How Medivh was respected by her, and it was only an outsider, but the blessing of the priestess of the moon on the land proved that he was a real person, and with the commission of Garona, there was a place for two months of prayer.

As for the consequences of this, some people will stand up and calm down.

It is imperative to jointly resist the invasion of the Burning Legion. It is impossible to have the slightest influence of an old executioner. According to intelligence, Baygrave is not to be seen on the tribal side. Many people hope this crazy The guy died.

Two places, not two hundred people, it is deceptive to say no disappointment.

I can only take a step and see the step, get the bonus of the Luna Prayer, apply the revenge poison on the weapon, and start to mobilize the remote occupation as much as possible, preferably the Master occupation with the ice barrier.

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