The Great Thief

Chapter 1269: Almost the wrong person

According to the scene that I heard later, when Sandis’ blood volume dropped to 30%, she entered the so-called p3 stage. She finally began to pay attention to this battle. Those who participated in the battle have not stopped for a long time. Death is a shame, and having fought with Sandis is enough to make them proud.

When Sandis entered the p3 stage, she began to read a name that was complicated and was later called the wrath of Luna.

Xingyue pierced the fog of war in the Battle of Hillsbrad. A beam of light was cast from the top of the fog, and Shantis was shrouded in it. Sandis kneeled down in such a starlight, silent. The spell began to slowly reverberate in this space.

Silent and tangible, it is like a stone on the water.

If you are on the spot, you may feel familiar, because when Sandis gives him and the Water Elves a prayer of the Moon, the spell is also like this.

As the spell gradually becomes violent from the mild, the moonlight condenses in midair, and then squats down.

Everyone is suffering!

Everyone, no matter how many people were present at the time, as long as the units that were hostile to her were all shrouded in the wrath of Luna.

According to one party's description, one word can be used to describe the effect of the skill's ablation. Everything is melted in the temper after the moonlight peace. Players, summoners, monsters, npc, no matter what, no body stays. There is no equipment, no one is not equipped, but completely eliminated.

The loss of the capital of glory...

The specific loss is not known to the outside world, but Xiao Mo was fainting at the time. His shield was very strong, and the treatment also added blood to him as much as possible. So he witnessed the whole incident and saw the horrible situation. The anger was dizzy, and then it was melted by the wrath of Luna.

The sixty-five-level staff who gave flowers to jade and others were praised.

However, in the end, there was a disagreement on how to distribute them. They did not know that the sixty-five-level equipment players could not be used for a short time, so when considering the problem, they used this equipment as something that can be used at the 59th level.



Still guessing?

The final plan is a duel. Each club has a player. Everyone is divided into groups and the flag is absolutely. The club that won the game will get the equipment.

Although there was no stipulation that the small guild could not participate in the decision, such a duel obviously had to be qualified to participate in the star race level, so it was counted that more than a dozen clubs participated in it, and finally it was actually the case that the club won the equipment for the club. Green flag wine.

In the last game, he defeated Mo Forrest, and he showed his true color.

In this aspect of the heads-up, the Green Flag Alcohol in the City of Musou does have a place to be proud of. Even in the face of Xiao Mo, he will lose and win.

But now the problem is coming, Qingqi Liquor is a matchless city.

After winning this piece of equipment, he was screamed by the League Club. After all, the unparalleled city and the ruling sword are allies. They are left-handed to the right hand, and they are clearly stunned, but since it is a rule that everyone has set together, Those who did not restrict the unparalleled city could not participate, so this staff was still given to the unparalleled city.

The problem now is that the abacus of the land is lost.

He didn't have any good intentions to send this out of the equipment. According to his expectations, no matter which big club got this equipment, it is estimated that it will not be put on hold, and it will inevitably find a demand-removing stone in the first time. And then use the club's strongest legal system.

At that time, they will find that the staff can't be equipped...

The stone that has been inlaid cannot be buckled down. It is estimated that it can live a depressing death. A stone that reduces the demand by 10% is not cheaper or even more valuable than the legendary equipment, and there is no market price. Some big guilds do not have to have a search in the warehouse. One.

Thousands of counts, I did not expect this equipment to turn to the hands of the unparalleled city.

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Lu to hang allies, and I have to send a message to Qingqi Liquor: "I said, brother, is the equipment still in your hands?"

Qingqi Liquor defeated several masters and won the ownership of the 65th-level legendary equipment. It was a fame and fortune. At this time, he just received a message from his heartbeat. He hesitated and asked: Brother, this is to get the equipment back?"

Although everyone is an ally, everything is negotiable, but the equipment that has been won by the unparalleled city has to go back, I am afraid it is not very kind.

"Drinking brother, you misunderstood, I don't mean that, equipment will not be divided?" Lu asked.

"Which is the use of points, to Xiannai, half of the cigarettes themselves gave up the competition, he can not afford to reduce the demand for the stone, Xian Naier has a piece on the hand ..." Qingqi said.

"I am going, let her stop, don't insert a stone," Lu is cold and sweaty. If Xian Nai really put the stone in, although it is not blamed on the sword of the ruling, but it will be a little bit uncomfortable, after all, this equipment is sent out.

"You will wait..." Qingqi alcoholism did not understand why Lu was doing this, but he quickly contacted Xiannai.

Lu Wei and so on are very anxious. This is not a move to smash your own feet. Originally, I wanted to know what kind of trade unions, such as the **** battle flag, such as the seventh heaven or something. Everyone is a competitor, and they are mutually reasonable. It is a surprise to be able to hang into the Jiangnan nobles. He never thought about arranging his own allies.

After a while, the information of Qingqi alcoholism came back.

"Lu Lui brother, you are talking about what happened, the equipment has not been inserted," Qingqi alcoholism is very curious.

"Cough, drink brother, don't be surprised, I don't have the meaning of you." After Lu Yisong breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a little embarrassed: "In fact, no matter how the 65-level equipment is inserted into the stone, it cannot be before the 60th level." equipment……"

Obviously know that the equipment of the sixty-fifth level can not be used before the 60th level after the stone is inserted, but he still gave the equipment to the major clubs without any sorrow. This is not obvious pit people, the Qingqi alcoholism and the old tycoon In an instant, I want to understand why Lu is awkward.

"This, Lu Lui tried?"

"No, but the news is very reliable. If you don't believe it, you can let Chanel try it," Lu said.

"Don't stop, this can't be tried, no, I have to go and talk to her face to face. Anyway, thank you Lu Lingxiong today. This person has me remembered," Qingqi alcoholism can not fully believe for a while. Lu, but in my heart, I have already believed in seven or eight points.

First of all, there is no need to lie to them, and even if they are deceiving them, it is too easy to debunk, and once the land is true, the loss of a stone that reduces the demand for equipment by 10% is too great.

Although it is regrettable that there is no pitfall, at least there is no wrong person.

If the unparalleled city is equipped, even if it is temporarily unavailable, you can take it to the town warehouse first. There is a 65-level legendary staff in the warehouse that is full of face.

Reluctantly, it is all happy.

Next, Lu is more expecting the reward of this mission. Garona is not a jealous person, and Baygrave may be of extraordinary significance to her, so the reward for this mission may be very rich.

I hope there is an intensive skill book, or a legendary equipment.

Legendary equipment does not say that it is flooding, but it is not unusual for Lu Lu. What he is most eager for now is the legendary suit, or a higher level of legendary equipment than the legend.

Only the legendary equipment, it is possible to open the gap between him and other players!

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