The Great Thief

Chapter 1270: Tutor reward

</strong> At the end of the event, the level of land separation did not rise much, at least there is still a big gap between the sixty levels.し

In fact, even if it is at the 60th level, there is no use of eggs. In the case that everyone is already fifty-eight, fifty-nine, the sixty-level can not open the gap of three or more levels, and naturally it will not constitute a threat to the battle. .

The main harvest of this event was to kill Baygrave.

Lu Yi waited for a few days before finally waiting for Garona's call, the thief tutor does not seem to lack patience.

After a dizzying transmission, Lu Li opened his eyes and saw the bat beast that had been huge. At first glance, it was like a real bat beast. But Lu Li soon discovered that this thing was only mechanical. Unit, he couldn't understand why people who design bat beasts would like this quirky image.

And Lu is very sure that this is a master of the gnome, he found a mark of the gnome family on the head of the bat beast.

Just next to the family mark, there is a animal skin on it, it is so conspicuous, it is seen at a glance, the bat beast is not as attractive as this note, as if it is magical.

"It’s really troublesome, this woman is more and more equipped," Lu Lu certainly didn’t dare to scream, just in his heart.

There are only a few words on the skin, saying: ride it.

Lu He did not hesitate, and he obediently climbed onto the back of the bat beast. If there is a chance, Lu Yi hopes to give a suggestion to the designer of the flying mechanical unit. This thing is not comfortable at all. Only one animal skin is placed on the mechanical skeleton. Above, it feels like a pain in the buttocks.

The mechanical beast took off from the ground and flew deep into the mountains with a little mechanical sound.

At this time, the sky was clear, dotted with a few stars, the moon had risen, and the silvery white brilliance, under the soft moonlight, the reddish mountain peaks rushed to the sky, and there were pieces between the mountains. Forests, they are gloomy in the moonlight,

Lu from the memory, or from the system map can not find what the mountain system is, and finally he simply gave up identifying where this is, perhaps Garona will tell him maybe.

Flying for about half an hour or so, sitting on the ground and constantly adjusting posture to avoid the **** being worn.

The landing site is at the top of a tower.

This area, like the red-red mountain, was cut off by a sharp point, and then a tall tower was built on it. It might have been built by some white stones. I remember that I saw this stone somewhere. It is thick and heavy, and it is like a beacon in the mountains under the moonlight.

I looked closely at the time when I was close to the tower.

At the bottom of the tower there seems to be a low wall surrounding the outer court of the castle. Inside the wall is a ruined wall of a stable and a blacksmith shop. Then it is a lightning-like wake up after landing on the platform at the top of the tower. This is Karazhan. !

However, he randomly rejected this guess.

Karazhan has been there, and more than once, so it is no stranger to the headwinds where Karazhan is located. It is absolutely impossible to be Karazhan. There is no similarity except this tower.

The bat beast will be completely quiet after leaving the destination, and the quietness is like death. However, Lu Yi feels that the owner here does not like jealousy, so the mechanical units he maintains will stand silently. Behind this is a mechanical dog, or a mechanical **** dog. As a practitioner of engineering, he never understands the idea of ​​this engineering master. Both the bat beast and the mechanical dog have a strong inferior aesthetic style. .

The mechanical dog certainly can't talk, so the land is quietly behind it.

It seems to be a mage tower. If it is built according to Karazhan's model, I don't know who is calling him to be Garona. Lu has been waiting for his mentor to reward himself.

Lu is very disgusted with his mentor's actions at this moment. According to the strength of Garona, she can directly summon the land to the front.

This half-orc thief is very powerful. Although she doesn't know her record, she has seen a lot of speculations and analysis posts about her strength. It is generally believed that there are some npcs that should belong to Azeroth. No less powerful than some demigods.

A half-orc, even if it is alive for a long time, it can't be so powerful. This is only relative. If she compares with the night elves like Sandis, it may be that Garona is a very small one.

In short, under normal circumstances, Garona can not be compared with a half **** even if she is talented.

Later, she went to Azeroth with Gul'dan and then failed to assassinate Medivh. Although she was defeated, she was still sent to Medivh by Gul'dan. She met Sir Lothar, met King Len and met Medivh. .

The original emotional entanglement was not known, and many people thought that she was jealous with Sir Lothar, but the truth is that she gave birth to a child for Medivh.

In an unspeakable process, Garona received an energy from the body of McGrady. This energy may belong to Sargeras. After all, Sargeras was parasitic on Medivh, but why is this power? No one knows what will be passed to Garona.

Frankly speaking, Lu Li felt that Sargeras might have been brain pumping at the time.

It is also possible that even Sargeras does not understand why this is. He has no reason to transmit power to a half-orc after all, but it was the case at the time. Garona’s strength gradually began to grow until she began to peep at the ultimate thief’s ambition. .

If you have to choose the strongest person in a thief profession, it is definitely Garona, which is why Lu chooses her as a mentor.

The mechanical dog walked down the steps with a lot of thoughts. The only thing that rusted the joints of the mechanical dog was from the ear, and the rest was all sorts of thoughts in the head.

In the library's position, if the rows of bookshelves and a book are true, Lu Li saw Garona sitting on a soft couch.

This completely subverts the three views of the land, my mentor can not be so lazy, his impression of Garona seems to be plain, but as long as the confidence of the experience can feel that it is a restrained to the limit of the peerless edge, now Everything has changed, and Garona’s laziness is like the queen sleeping in the palace.

"Hello, my mentor, I brought good news about Beggrave," Lu said while showing the head of Baygrave, he did not have any moves to sell off.

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