The Great Thief

Chapter 1271: a pair of pocket watches

Garona looked at Lu, or she was just in a daze, and she didn't even turn her eyes after coming in from the land.

The mechanical **** turned away, and the voice was obviously more able to awaken the half-orc lady, who finally condensed her eyes on the head and the head he was holding, and then she made a laugh of unknown meaning.

Lu Yi can't hear any emotions from such laughter. There is no liberation from the big hatred, and there is no self-deprecation or anger.

"I knew you could do this task from the very beginning," Garona said. "You have a determination in your eyes that you can't give up, don't give up, throw away this dirty thing. What do I want him to do? Anyway, it has been going on for so many years."

The shrug shrug and re-enter the skull into the parcel.

Do you want me to, this thing can not be thrown away casually, look back and check which alliance towns the reward task is to kill the goods, holding the head can receive the bounty.

The system prompts Lu to complete the task of revenge poison, gains a number of experience rewards, rewards a number of rewards, and does not have the skill points that are expected, but he is not disappointed, these rewards are appetizers, and the real value belongs to the tutor personally. Give rewards.

"Your little girl," Garona asked.

"I look at it..." Lu said after confirming the water elf online: "She is waiting for your call. She has exerted a lot of power in this operation and suffered some injuries..."

"Hey," Garona interrupted the land with a funny smile, but she was not really angry, but squatted for a while, then she came out of her arms and found something similar to a pocket watch. The game is classified as an accessory.

More famous lucky watches such as Moros.

Moros is the boss of Karazhan. He was the steward of Medivh when he was alive. When he came here, Luna suspected that Garona might still know Moros, but he didn’t know if this pocket watch was Moros.

Moros’s pocket watch is a warrior’s outfit, and it’s useless to get it.

"This thing is for you," Garona rubbed a pocket watch for a while and handed it to the land.

If this is a mission reward, Lu Yi will probably feel very disappointed. What he wants is definitely not the equipment of this kind of jewelry. No matter how good the product can not satisfy him, he does not lack similar equipment, even if it is a legendary level. The last intensive skill book.

His mentor is one of the top (half-beast) people in Azeroth, and it is absolutely impossible to have no other tree of intensive skills.

However, he still honestly picked it up.

After he started, he discovered that it was actually two pieces of equipment, or a set, and they were perfectly stuck together.

And Lu also found that this should be a man and a woman's equipment, from the shape and color can be distinguished, the color of the softer pocket watch engraved with an unknown small flower inscription, open incomparably prosperous, from the icy machinery Still can feel its vitality.

The name of this lady's pocket watch is called "Dawn of All Lives."

The men's pocket watch shows the words "Twilight of the gods". They all have only two attributes. The first one is to speed up the recovery of fatigue by 50%, provided that the distance between two people wearing pocket watches cannot exceed five yards; One special effect is to summon another person with a pocket watch, three times a day.

Fatigue values ​​are always there, and Twilight can't keep a copy all the time, so every time you go to the group, you have to take a break, not only to prepare, but also to restore fatigue.

Not to mention the leveling, those leveling madness can not maintain the highest efficiency every day, because the fatigue value, when the fatigue value reaches a certain level, the player's attack power will be reduced to a certain extent, and the experience gained is also Will be cut off a part.

If the person using the two pocket watches can level together, then the efficiency will be extra high.

As for summoning another person, Lu has to remember the marriage system that was opened after the 60th grade. Many people who marry in the game do not necessarily love each other. Some people just want to take advantage of the convenience that the couple can send once a day.

This pocket watch is obviously an enhanced version because it can be used three times a day.

If you have to say the shortcomings, it is not without it. At least it will occupy the position of a jewelry, I am afraid it will be replaced.

"Teacher, this piece of equipment..." Lu is not very clear.

Logically speaking, this is of course a good thing, especially for some people who want to chase the girl. Before this thing is more than the artifact, it is the tie between the girl and herself.

But Lu is not really needing this kind of thing, what he needs is to improve his strength.

"Since she has also worked hard and suffered injuries, the dawn of this being should be rewarded for her," Garona said with a smile on her face, and then pointed to the pocket watch in her hand. .

Then, underneath the two pocket watches, a line of small characters was added. Under the dawn of all sentient beings, the water elves are exclusively under the sun, and the dusks of the gods are exclusive to the land.

The land was almost violent.

If these two pieces of equipment could sell a million real money, don't doubt the financial resources of the local tyrants. They prefer unique things, especially the ones that are paired and have very unique effects. It is not the price of Shen Wansan. problem.

But now these two rare props become worthless at once!

The exclusive thing means that it must be used by exclusive people, and the transaction can't be done by others, let alone selling money.

"Well, give it back to her after returning," Garona said after a pause. "Be careful for the girl, or you will have a day of regret."

People who are so slow, can feel the embarrassment and kindness in her words.

At this time, Garona did not look old, but this time I saw the mentor, and the accidents of the land were many times aware of the old man of the half-orc strong, and the kindness was actually a kind, which made Lu Lu’s fears also touched.

"Okay, I will give it to her. I think she will like it very much." Lu Wei’s pocket watch is bare and has no shape, and the shape is also a weird half moon shape. The one who intends to give the water elf is engraved with a lot of exquisite The small flower, the overall design also obviously spent too much thought.

Lu Yixiang, these two pocket watches must be created by men.

It is only for the most beloved one that it is possible to spend so much effort and enthusiasm, but who does not know who is designing and manufacturing this thing.

If it was given to Garona, the half-orc, then it was Medivh, or Lothar, or the Khadgar sergeant who accompanied Garona at the same time as Medivh.

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