The Great Thief

Chapter 1389: Invincible BOSS

"The guardian runes were destroyed, brothers, killing these invaders."

"The ridiculous mortal, smog in front of the son of the flames!"

The appearance was very imposing, and the lines were very compelling. The manager, Exotus, was the top executive of the Molten Heart. He took eight younger brothers. Please don’t underestimate his lineup. After all, those bosses either bring Both, with four, with eight can not have one.

"I can't move for Mao," he is already mentally prepared. The blue sea breeze can accept how much blood he can play on his boss. However, this does not include a drop of blood.

Obviously this boss is a bit special, and the team quickly came to the conclusion that he could not kill.

"As long as the mobs are not invincible," Lu left to pick up the mobs, but fortunately they can play, but these eight mobs look very **** or defensive.

The boss is invincible, and there is something more **** than this, he can play the player, but the player can only play his younger brother.

"It's too hurt, I can't do it anymore," Float felt tired, because he found that he couldn't even resist the four mobs. The other tank friend did not speak, but the land was suddenly from him. The blood volume of a roller coaster can also be seen.

The three tanks are not enough.

No way, I had to let the board professional go up to make up the number.

The eight younger brothers of Exotus, four Flamewalker physicians and four Flamewalker elites, the first four are doctors and the last four are warriors.

Just wearing a fire and resisting will be abused into a dog, but not wearing a fire-resistant suit will also be abused into a dog, because the flames of the elite will be fire damage, and the flame walker physician is not the player's kind of light or natural control The legal person, their attack skills belong to the shadow system.

It is not uncommon for the priest to belong to the shadow system. The shadow priest will appear in people's field of vision soon, similar to the formal profession.

The next time the system version is updated, the most topical should be the marriage system, but for the content of the game itself, the most disruptive ones should be the special effects reduction and talent system.

The principle of declining effects affects the player's fit, and the talent system directly affects the player's development path.

Warriors plan anti-war talents and violent warfare talents from attribute point resets, exclusive skills, etc. The priests are divided into healing priests and shadow priests. The thieves are divided into keen thieves and fighting thieves. Paladins are more excessively developed for milk riding. Anti-riding, disciplinary riding, this is not the most excessive, the most excessive is that the Druid extends the milk, the bird, the bear, the cat, and maybe there is nothing to sell the Mengde...

In short, the equipment still has to be re-matched, while retaining the fire defense, you must take into account the shadow damage.

Exotus is invincible, the player can not cause damage to him, but his invincibility does not mean no hit, and he will randomly attack the surrounding targets, which means that hatred is not stable enough, when the boss runs, someone must put It pulls back, so the person responsible for anti-boss must be uplifted. It is best to have a master and a pair of two to deal with the boss.

The blue sea breeze and the drifting old partner, the friend of the world, the moonlight, and two well-equipped paladins one to hold a fierce walker elite, as for the four flamewalker physicians, Lu Shi assigned four mages to go to the sheep.

The Flame Walker Physician must be given to the sheep, otherwise they will add blood.

"I am going, what the hell!"

Regardless of the players being scared, the mage who suddenly became a sheep screamed became a sheep.

Looking at the green orange 殒 turned into a little sheep, this funny scene everyone can not laugh, because the green orange 殒 became a sheep, the flame walker physician is naturally free, and the free flame walker physician can only recover Very good, immediately added blood to the elite of the flames who are about to be killed by half blood.

It’s completely white!

Magic Reflex causes all nearby ally to reflect 50% of harmful spells for 10秒.

This skill is also called anti-magic shield. It is a very shameless skill. It has a sub-state unit. Anyone who attacks it will be bounced by the skill that he uses. It must be released by the Flame Walker Physician. This sheep-changing technique was bounced back to her caster.

"March!" shouted Lu.

In March, the heart of the rain understood the magic of the green orange, and the green orange was not the master of the race. The doctor who had been responsible for the sheep had just returned to the sheep.

"When you change your sheep, you should pay attention to whether there is a state called magic reflection on the target. If there is any, don't release the skill to him," Lu said.

"Plus me!" The Iraqi who was responsible for the anti-blame suddenly screamed and screamed, and then hanged.

The detached flamewalker elite rushed into the remote professional crowd. Because the real mt distance is far, and the ordinary paladin has no taunting skills, the result is a lot of people, and finally stabilized the situation because of the reduction of the staff, the land Have to announce the abandonment.

"Why would you die?" Lu asked the Iraqi people to tears and gently add blood to him.

Falling is not anti-riding, Mu Qiu is not here today, Yi people tears around the soft and this local player should be the best equipped paladin here, I did not expect him to hang up suddenly.

The treatment of the player is still so aggressive: "No attention, the soft brother hangs, hanging too suddenly."

"It seems to have bounced my injury. I just used a big move. I just gave myself to the second." The Iraqi tears are not so aggressive, but he obviously cannot accept it because his attack is too high. The fact that I killed myself.

"It should be similar to the anti-magic shield before, this should be the anti-injury shield," Lu said.

I have long heard that Exxus can add two shields to the mobs, one can rebound magic, one can rebound damage, and now finally see, he asked some details, re-strategized, responsible Pull the strange person, don't use big tricks, anyway, just hold the blame on the line, the Iraqi tears linger on the softness, even if you use a big move, you can't lose much blood.

In addition, it is responsible for the treatment of adding blood to the tank, as much as possible to their goals.

Lu Yi thought about it, swapped out an output knight, and changed the long song of Xiong De Cang in Wei Yuge. The long song of Cang Shui was the first bear of Twilight. He could act as a deputy to assist the blue sea breeze against the boss. In this case, If you drift to zero, you can go against a fierce elite.

The Yi people’s tears are so good that they are so good, or let him be responsible for the monsters.

Then he switched to a mage, so that there are five wizards here. Once someone has been turned into an anti-magic shield and the priest has no time to lift the magic, he can have a substitute mage.

Lu's strategy is very simple, that is, first kill two elite elites, then kill four flamewalker physicians, and finally kill two elite elites.

However, they did not wait for them to knock out the first elite of the flames, and they met again.

Exotus randomly sent a player to him in front of him. It was a place like a melting pot. The ground was very hot. The players who were sent up were still releasing their own skills. They didn’t pay attention to their blood. It will be emptied soon.

"Hey, how did I hang up, did you find out that I actually hanged."

other people:……

The heart is really big, and even hanging out is the last discovery.

"Boss will send a person to that place. Everyone will pay attention and find out that if they are transmitted, they will immediately run away," Lu said weakly. It is unrealistic to expect these guys to look at the six directions while listening to the Raiders. .

There is also a situation in which the group is often destroyed.

In the p1 stage, the boss usually gives his younger brothers an anti-magic shield and anti-injury shield. In the p2 stage, the boss will occasionally give him himself in addition to his younger brother.

This is very troublesome, because this is a boss that does not follow the law of hate.

He sometimes hates to clear, and then randomly attacks other players, this time mt must re-taunt to establish hatred.

If this ridicule is bounced...

The azure sea breeze was dumbfounded at the time, and he mocked himself for not hurting, but he could not establish hatred.

"Long songs ridicule!"

He shouted, he had to voice the command, not all people have the level of reaction of the blue sea breeze, Cang Shui long song is not expected to be boasted on the boss will be rebounded, but the reaction is not only a good thing original.

So long after a while, the boss has killed several players.

"A rest for a while, playing is actually quite good, how to say it also enters the p2 stage, pay attention to the transfer and rebound is much easier," Lu said to give up this time, although it has not been much progress, but after all, it is Kill a mob.

Being able to get rid of the first mob, it means that everyone still hopes to play, or simply give up.

This boss is very complicated, so the equipment requirements are on the one hand, and the player's cooperation in all aspects can not be mistaken. After all, it is necessary to face nine opponents.

Especially when the main t can't ridicule the boss, the deputy t must play its due role.

There are Raiders that bear t is more likely to ridicule the boss in this case. Lu is not convinced by this statement, but since there is a Twilight first bear t as a substitute, why not pull in to let him play a little light and heat.

When he was resting, he still fished with the water elves.

No matter how anxious the mood is, this time he will slowly calm down, which is probably an unexpected gain.

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