The Great Thief

Chapter 1390: its stuck

Throughout the day, the progress of the copy is still stuck here.

The mood of the land is not good at all. According to his original plan, it should be to destroy the old nine today, and then familiarize with the final boss screw, and then tomorrow, that is, the first day of the week to win the first kill.

But things did not develop in the direction he expected.

There was no gain in the whole day, and other players were also forced. Under the low-altitude mood of the land, no one dared to say something.

Anyone can see that the boss is very upset now, and if he gets acquainted with him, who knows if he will be retaliated by dkp.

After so long to get along, everyone knows that the land is black and black, and it is possible to wear small shoes in the back, and the typical Scorpio style is revenge.

Everyone turned their attention to the water elf, looking forward to her performance, even if the blacks are black, at least they should give the water elf face, unless he wants to be single for a lifetime, the blue sea breeze even squeezes his eyes, seeing his mouth meaning is to let the water The elf went up and explored the tone of the mouth. It was really hard for him to be tired for a whole day and to squeeze his eyebrows so vividly.

"The game time is up now," said the Water Elves.

"Well," Lu said that he was awake: "Yes, the game time is coming to an end. Everyone is going to clean up the line. I will remember to go online on time, and I will ask for leave in advance."

"The last day of tomorrow, it seems that we can't fight it," the blue sea breeze looked at today and it was quite good to talk, and immediately came together.

"Oh, if you can't finish it, you don't have to fight. You don't want to come, don't you think that dkp is too much, or I will give you some deductions, lest you feel that you have too many slacks of dkp, if today is not You always make mistakes, this boss has already been beaten, I will ask you, we can't hold the boss, or can't hold the blood, or can't hold the blue, eh?"

Fog grass!

This style of painting is too subversive.

The blue sea breeze has an impulse to cry, and it is good to talk to the water elves in front of the hair. I don’t just send a feeling of emotion. I immediately poked a lot of knives on my heart. The difference is not so obvious. The head of the land is heavy and light.

"Oh, it’s really not convinced..." patted the shoulders of the blue sea breeze: "I think you can consider buying a ticket to go to Thailand."

"Thailand? Why are you going to Thailand?" The blue sea breeze is very puzzled. Why do you want to go abroad for no reason? What kind of land is there in this projectile, except for curry, which is full of shemale... shemale? Don't go, let's go out and practice.

Lu Yi vented a little, and he had a meal with the water elf.

"You really aren't angry," the water elf put the plate on the opposite side, sat down and ate with the land.

They didn't go to any high-end restaurant, and they didn't go to any romantic place. Here is actually the canteen of the ruling sword guild. The better place than the university canteen is that the ingredients are better, the master craftsmanship is better, and the small pot is hot. Instead of boiling a large bucket of vegetables.

Under the simple environment, it is impossible to conceal the value of the female natives.

She wore a lake blue dress today, embroidered a little simple flower on the edge, and there was no other embellishment. It looked very elegant.

The water elves seem to prefer this type of dressing, except for professional wear, which seems to be similar costumes.

Her waist is very thin, she seems to be able to hold it in a thin circle, but it is not the kind of deliberate waist. The skirt is just not able to shorten the curve of her lower body, but because the calf is slender, the waist is The curve of the cockroach is clear, and the more it looks like a pair of legs.

Use the adjective of Xiaoba Sauce, that is, all the legs below the chest.

The water elf is a sword site that has only recently been ruling. After all, it lives nearby. The trainer of the ruling sword will occasionally patronize. Sometimes she will use some equipment to practice, and sometimes she will train the martial sword. Some useful suggestions.

It stands to reason that such a goddess-level character appears in the otaku world, and there should be countless people fascinated.

However, because of the reputation of dogs and men, no one has dared to take the initiative to talk.

Well, the otaku is such a creature, perhaps in his plan, he has been with the goddess for a few decades, and the cruel reality is that he has not yet reached the goddess’ mobile phone number, and the goddess still does not know him. What is your name.

A bunch of things in the plate of the land is in stark contrast to the simplicity of the water elves.

He heard the water elf ask himself, immediately spit out a bone in his mouth and the water elf once again contrasted, but he did not care: "How could not be angry, I thought this d can take the first kill, hey, it seems Our grades and equipment are still a little worse."

If he remembers correctly, the heart of Molten in the memory of his life is taken by a group of 60 players.

That is to say, he is still a little early, and the Raiders he knows are not enough to let the team win the first kill, at least with a group of 59 players.

The gap between the 59th and 60th levels is still quite large.

The equipment they are harvesting is basically all 60 grades. It is impossible to insert all the stones to reduce demand. The sword of the ruling does not have that financial power, so don’t look at the recent copy of the copy and explode a lot of equipment, but everyone’s equipment. Not much improvement.

"Tomorrow can almost beat the old nine, the next d to take the first kill no problem," the water elf comforted.

"Well, I will brush the level after I have lost the old nine tomorrow, and I will fight for a few more than sixty grades. I will also have the 60th grade tomorrow." The experience difference of Lu Li is not much, and the mobs will be brushed off tomorrow. Make a boss, properly rise to 60, wait for him 60, at least half of the team is also 60.

The next d is basically a 60-level player who wears a 60-level equipment to play a copy.

The strength is improved more than a star and a half. If you can't get the heart of the melt, if you can't get it, then Lu is dead, and he has that self-confidence. Since the sword of the ruling can't be done, other guilds don't even think about it.

"More than a few groups tomorrow, let them try this week's d, it is good to be able to play a boss," said the water elf.

If you play more than one piece of equipment, you can have more strength. The most important thing next week is the fortress.

If Weiyuge wants to win the wilderness in the west, it doesn't mean to take it. There are bound to be many clubs competing with them. Unfortunately, neither the ruling sword nor the unparalleled city can help them. At most, they can borrow equipment and borrow. Not much, because the battle happens at the same time, unless the sword of the ruling does not fight.

As for the transfer, it is not impossible. It is only necessary to transfer to complete the battle in a week before it can not be hydrolyzed.

"What is the Raiders, the drifting should be sorted out almost, let the unparalleled city also open the group into the book," Lu Li is not very heavy on the Raiders, the Raiders of the Raiders will sooner or later know, and can really decide It is not as simple as the Raiders to get through the copy. Lu will know the Raiders now, and it will not be able to beat the boss.

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