The Great Thief

Chapter 864: Entering Stratholme

It wasn't the primary school students who ran out of the woods and ran for a while before they stopped breathing. When they looked back, they found that Lu Yi did not keep up.

Was Lu was killed?

It’s not a primary school student’s brain to make up a picture: Lu Yuan did not escape to save her, but stayed behind to fight to the last moment, surrounded by a group of people, ran out of the last drop of blood...

After that, she was touched by the picture that her brain had made up: "No, I have to go back to find him, even if I die, I will die."

Little Loli turned around and ran towards the woods. Before she ran into the woods, she saw the limping out.

"Big brother, you didn't die," the primary school student didn't squat for a while, then he was overjoyed and rushed straight to the ground. Poor land was injured in the original arm and leg. I just shot another shot in the woods. It was not exaggerated to say that it was not far from death. Now I was thrown down by Xiao Loli, and I was directly thrown down.

"Hey..." Lu was soaked in his breath, and he did not faint.

"What's wrong with your big brother, do you have something to say?" It wasn't the ignorance of the pupils. I really don't understand why Lu Yi couldn't tell.

"Go down from me," Lu Yi wants to rise to Yu Yong to beat her ass.

"Is it painful? Is it hurt?" It wasn't that the primary school students climbed down from the land and helped the land to check the body. The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog.

Lu Yi is not easy to survive from the little Lolita, find the horse to leave with a small loli.

The heavy **** smell will attract carnivores, and other hunters will not be able to come and go cheap. Seriously injured and not fighting, it is not the primary school students who have no way to go through the battle.

A bush that is not large enough to hide.

The thirteen killed just now are not good classes. They may have killed a lot of people. Together with the points earned by their horses, the points of the land have suddenly rushed to a thousand points.

He doesn't remember how many first places, but he is definitely not low.

"Big brother, the game is coming to an end," not the primary school students lying next to the land, looking up at the blue sky, and there is no disguise in the tone.

"Yes, it's almost over," the land lost too much blood, and the game was very real to simulate the symptoms of weakness.

"I still don't know what you are calling. You don't tell me, tell me if it's okay? Okay, okay," the pupils didn't roll and rolled directly to the ground.

"Hey, I am not willing to play if you can't play," Lu said without words.

"Oh... I treat you as a friend, but" It’s not that the pupils are squinting, crying and crying.

"I am not a Lolita control, don't bother," this trick has been tried and tested, and men, women and children have been eating, but unfortunately it is completely useless.

"Hey, I know who you are," said the pupils who were not coming together. They said in a mysterious voice on the ear of the land: "You must be separated, you are right!"

"Is it because I am not Lori control?" Lu was really scared.

Just dying to live, crying and noisy, asking who he is, how can this blind eye be guessed out, and guessing is extremely accurate, even if it is easy to do, it may not be possible.

"What is not that you are not Lori control, your club eight sauces are full of loli, not Lolita control," the primary school student said very proudly: "A look at you is playing thieves, and playing very Ok, most of the good thieves I know, I don’t understand the style and I’m good at it. I’ve only seen you before.”

"It turns out that you are not a fool," Lu said this time did not deny.

He does not have to keep his identity secret, just don't want to tell this gimmick.

"Can I go to see you later?" Perhaps it was a good reason to be rescued and protected by the land. It was not that the primary school students had a sense of dependence on Lu.

It is a pity that Lu never knows how to pity the jade, but tells the truth: "I am very busy, I am afraid I have no time to take you to play."

Not the primary school students were caught by this sentence.

The time of the bear hunting contest soon reached the end. All the players were sent out, and all the sensory injuries were cured. When the equipment and skills returned to the body, the land felt the power of long absence.

According to the agreement, Lu is actively adding a friend who is not a primary school student.

This is not a strong demand from primary school students, because she also knows that Lu's friend function has been closed, and she can only be removed from her.

The characters on the list of the best, ordinary people want to add to Canada, and when they leave the land, they must be forced to add to their grievances, and then add them and leave them there.

The top three rewards for the Bear Hunting Competition are rewards such as equipment. Others can only redeem points for points.

Lu was not able to enter the top three, his more than a thousand points did not take experience, at least no one can surpass his level, he used these points for bear bile.

Bear bile can be used to make gold and make relatively high-end medicines.

"Tangyuan..." Lu opened the chat room.

"Everyone is leveling in the plague, waiting for you, the pharmacy is ready, the task is also received, you can share it with you," sesame stuffed rice **** are the highest alchemy room of the guild, it is the mercenary group Minister of logistics.

"Depart!" Lu Yi activities a hand and foot, summoned his mount to rush out of the Holy Light Wishing Chapel.

This mount is only produced by the Halloween headless knight wave ss. It is very rare, and it is dare to summon in the church. Other players are shocked.

What makes them even more incredible is that the paladins not only did not block, but also raised their weapons to the rider's owner.

Lu Yi did not pay attention to these npcs. He completed the task of Old Fording and got his blessing on this map. He didn't need to worry too much about it, but he didn't fly too.

Last time he entered the copy to do the task, the back door, this time to go to the front door.

At this time, Stratholme has already had a lot of players, and it is not easy to find a teammate in so many people.

The main city can go directly to the copy, but if you enter from the plague, you will get a 10% increase in the damage done to the undead creature by the gain status of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

There is no time limit for this state, only related to the region, and the place to leave the plague will disappear, so most people who come to the wasteland copy choose to enter from the copy gate.

Lu will set up everyone and said: "I set it up and everyone will come together and pay attention to safety." (~^~)

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