The Great Thief

Chapter 865: Sylvanas

Although the Light Hope Chapel is a neutral city, the nearest main city to the Plaguelands is indeed the Undercity.

The labyrinth was originally the basement below the capital of Lordaeron, but the forgotten was built with passages, caves and various structures. Under the majesty of Sylvanas, the city commanded countless undead army and Scourge. confrontation.

Sylvanas Windrunner used to be the Ranger General of Silvermoon City, and was ordered to defend the Elven Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

She was killed in the third war, and her home was ravaged by Arthas and the Undead Scourge, but death was not her end. Arthas cruelly stripped her soul and body and turned her into a hateful banshee. Become a member of the Scourge.

When the attack of Illidan Stormrage weakened the Lich King, Sylvanas and other willing undeads got rid of his control and established a new home under the ruins of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

They called themselves "forgotten" and vowed to eradicate the Lich King at all costs.

However, not all the undead are obedient to the Queen’s orders.

According to Lu Zhizhi, there is an organization in the Undercity called the Royal Pharmacists Association, an organization that studies pharmacy, venom, disease and other evil alchemy. Their leader, the great pharmacist Faranier, has sent countless forgotten people. Come to the plague.

A Dreadlord named Warimasas is now a deputy and personal advisor to Sylvanas. Warimasas was once the biggest enemy of Sylvanas, and later he betrayed the Scourge and Burning Legion and turned to Sylvanas.

There is no doubt that Warimasas is in power.

In addition to executing some of the Queen's orders, Warimasas also privately issued a mission to the players, asking them to eradicate the Paladin of the Plaguelands.

The Queen was provoked by the Scarlet Crusade and would never have to distinguish between right and wrong, so all the paladins became victims of the mission.

The most dangerous of the Plaguelands are the powerful monsters and the players of the Forsaken.

Headed by the Forsaken, other Horde players also have an advantage here. It is more difficult for the Alliance players to stand here. In a sense, this copy is the same as the Scarlet Monastery.

Lu said that they are careful to be careful about these players.

They occupy a favorable terrain, release skills to the passing players, and then go to the equipment after the target is dead.

However, such a person is not without risk. For example, when they encounter hard bones, they will leave the body and equipment of a place, and the pk value on the body is even worse.

The land was separated from the ghosts and appeared on the periphery. The mage who stood in the highlands and released the blizzard was smashed. The land was hacked to death almost a few times, and their companions could not catch him.

These people are ordinary players, and there is no organization and no record, which poses no threat to the land.

He quickly came to the position of the copy door, the door was locked, and the battle was more intense, and it would be affected if you accidentally.

After waiting for a moment, he saw the blue sea breeze and other people rude all the way to kill, many league players united around them, all the way to the front of them can only lose experience.

Therefore, the killer is always killing, and it is necessary to return it.

Lu and their front and rear pinch, clean a safe area at the copy door, and then open the door into the copy.

Nightmare difficulty!

There is no doubt that this kind of difficulty will be chosen. The elite is difficult to play, but the equipment of the elite difficulty can’t be seen. His teammates are also used to the difficulty of nightmares, and there are no accidents.

In the 20th year of the Dark Portal, the Scourge Corps, who crouched on the Northrend continent, began to invade the Kingdom of Lordaeron and released the deadly plague of the undead.

The Prince of Alsace, the only son of King Terenas, took on the responsibility of fighting against the natural disasters of the dead.

But as the war progressed, the army of the undead did not decrease. Instead, more dead human soldiers and civilians infected with the plague became new undead.

In the face of unstoppable evil forces and frustrations of failure, Arthas's fear and determination led to crazy moves.

In order to prevent the residents of the northern town of Stratholme from becoming the new force of the Scourge, Arthas ordered the massacre, which directly led to the dismissal of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Arthas and his mentor, the messenger Uther, broke. .

The prosperous Stratholme became a **** overnight, and the local lord, Baron Rivendell, was meeting with King Terenas at Lordaeron City. The news that he received Stratholme’s slaughter was half. Things after the month...

On the way to Alsace's invasion of the old main city of Quel'Thalas, Arthas once again passed through the ruined city of Stratholme.

There, he met Baron Rivendell, who wanted to revenge for the city and for Revenge.

"We defend the honor with blood!"

This slogan that allowed countless paladins to follow the slogan resounded that time and space.

Under the leadership of the brave paladin Rivendell, the knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand launched an assault, and a fierce battle broke out between him and the death knight Alsace.

In the end, Baron Rivendell was defeated by Arthas, who had infinite power, and Frostmourne ran through his heart.

The baron turned over and died in the city of Stratholme where he vowed to protect his life.

But soon, he opened his eyes again. His eyes are no longer the eyes of dignity and justice, but the evil energy of darkness and nothingness. His soul was controlled by Frostmourne, and it has since become another death knight under Arthas, following Alsace to level Quel'Thalas.

After the seal of the Lich King Ner'zhul's Frozen Throne was destroyed by Illidan's spell, Arthas was urgently recalled to Northrend.

The banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, who was freed from the control of Arthas, also led half of the undead corps at this time to launch a coup attempt to subvert the rule of Arthas.

In order to return to protect the Lich King as soon as possible, Arthas handed over the leadership to his deputy Kel'Thuzad.

The Baron Rivendell was sent to the city of Stratholme to rule the Scourge in the north of Lordaeron. Now, the death knight Baron Rivendell is alone in Stratholme, commanding his undead troops to fight everywhere.

The player must kill the rebellious baron and complete the Raiders of the copy of Stratholme.

Lu is very fond of this copy, although the difficulty is high, but the things out are good, even the mount can burst out.

Baron Rivendell became one of the most smashed waves in the early game, because he could burst the reins of the dead army horse, and Ravendale's sword is also a rare weapon. (To be continued.)

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