Chapter 61 Two Methods (3,000 words)

"Another Yonko dies? It sounds easy to say, but how easy is it to actually implement it?"Akainu shook his head. Even with his character, he didn't have any hope for this.

If the four emperors died so easily, then they wouldn't have dominated the new world for more than 20 years, but no one could successfully challenge it. , the first Whitebeard to die was due to the full strength of the Navy and Blackbeard’s calculations.

Warring States nodded and said:"So, now is not the best time to enter the new world. We still have to wait."

"Is there no other way?"Akainu is still unwilling to give in. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once the new four emperors are elected, the new world will once again form a balance. The navy wants to level the new world, but they don't know how long it will take.

Sengoku smiled. :"Actually, you don't have to worry at all. The new world will indeed be chaotic, but new Yonko should not be born again.——At least until someone nods, it is impossible for a new Yonko to appear."

"Why?"Akainu looked confused.

"This is the information just sent by CP, about target No. 1."Sengoku took out a piece of information and handed it to Akainu.

"Monkey D. Roan……"When Akainu heard Target No. 1, the veins on his forehead began to beat, and lava boiled all over his body, and he was about to explode. Although Aizen is the taboo of the navy, in terms of the threat to the navy and the world, Luo An is more serious. Even the navy does not want to mention his name and just refers to target No. 1.

"Calm down, don't let your anger cover up your reason."Sengoku saw that the information was about to be ignited by the hot magma, and he quickly said:"The spies placed by CP in the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates sent back new information about Target No. 1. His wave We already know something about the wave fruit's abilities. Let's take a look."

"Sorry, it is my fault."Akainu finally suppressed his anger, calmed down and began to read the information.

"What? The Puppet Fruit controls Charlotte Lingling and Kaido? And also recovered the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates?"Akainu was shocked, and at the same time, he was stunned. No wonder the Sengokui said that there would be no new emperor in the new world.

Although the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates lost their captains, their own territory and strength were not the same. It has not dropped much. Now that he is under Luo An's command, it means that with Luo An as a strong man as his backer, and Charlotte Lingling and Kaido who have been made into puppets, it is impossible for these territories to be taken away by others—— Although Luo An doesn't like to grab territory, no one else can take away the meat that falls into his mouth. This is a conclusion that the Navy's staff researched on Luo An's behavior for a long time.

"But in this case, we need to take action even more. Akainu looked at Sengoku:"Target No. 1 is not a pirate, but he dominates the two major pirate groups and controls more than half of the territory of the New World. This will inevitably arouse the resentment of the pirates. We can take advantage of them and lose both sides." When the time comes, enter the battlefield and clear out the enemies. Otherwise, once he truly and completely consolidates his rule in the New World...then his title as Sea Emperor will really be implemented, and then we will really lose the qualification to intervene in the New World."

"What you said makes sense, but there is one point in your calculations that is wrong, which is why I don’t recommend entering the new world now."Sengoku pointed to the intelligence report:"The intelligence said that target No. 1 solved Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, and it didn't take half a day in total. Don't you understand what this means? This means that no one can be his opponent on the sea. Even if our entire navy is dispatched to enter the new world, he alone can withstand the attacks of at least three generals and win.

And he has at least three general-level powerful men under him, as well as the two Yonko-level puppets under him, plus the huge power under his command... Target No. 1, he has both strength and power. He is no longer someone that can be provoked by those little pirates. It can even be said that the power he currently controls has surpassed our navy headquarters... In other words, we are no longer his opponent."

"……"Akainu was speechless.

Warring States added:"Also, if you continue, the power he has is not just as simple as what we see on the surface. He probably has more power that has not been revealed."

"Emit light, discharge, vibrate, simulate soul……"The more he looked at Akainu, the more horrified he became. He never thought that Luo An would have so many abilities for just a mere Bobo Fruit.

"Where is this fruit? This is clearly a combination of five fruits. This is a foul. Is such an ability really allowed in the world?"Akainu is a bit doubtful about life. His rockberry fruit is also one of the top fruits. Its destructive power is first-class even in the natural system. After his painstaking development, it can be said that the rockberry fruit is even more powerful than the thunder fruit. It's not bad at all.

But even with Akainu's confidence, after seeing the Bobo Fruit, he was horrified:"No wonder he has such a strong strength, losing to him... is not unfair."

Akainu is finally convinced. He has always been ashamed of the battle ten years ago and has always wanted to seek revenge from Luo An, but he has never had the chance. Over the years, he has been practicing hard except for performing tasks. , there are also reasons for this. But when he saw the detailed description of Luo An’s fruit ability, he was finally convinced.

"However, even so, if I meet him, I will never back down."Although he is convinced in his heart, Akainu is Akainu, but he has never been convinced, and as a representative of justice, his heart will not allow him to retreat when he meets Luo An.

"Not five abilities." Warring States reminded

"What? Akainu was startled:"Is there any more?""

"I mean, Target One probably doesn't have just five abilities. According to the intelligence records, Target No. 1 is right in saying that fluctuation is one of the most important ways of operating energy. This has been recognized by Dr. Vegapunk."Sengoku took out another stack of paper and handed it to Akainu:"This is Dr. Vegapunk's understanding and description of fluctuations. He said that the movement of fluctuations often carries energy, so there is nothing wrong with target No. 1. And he also gave an example - if Target No. 1 can really simulate all fluctuations, then he may have mastered all the energy on it."

"Gravity, repulsion, magnetism, light, impact, electricity, wind control, water control, fire control, gravity……"The more Akainu looked, the more chilled he became. In the end, the hand holding the information began to tremble. He originally thought that Luo An had mastered the five powers was shocking enough, but after seeing the analysis report given by Vegapunk, even if Because of Akainu's coldness and pride, he also felt the despair of the end of the world.

"How can it be? How can it be? Why would such a powerful ability appear in an evil person? What happened to this world? Why?"Akainu roared. If he was just convinced by Luo An just now, but he still felt that he could fight to the death when they met, now he is really scared... If Luo An really masters such power, then this world will No one will be Luo An's opponent - he will be truly invincible. Even if he gathers all the power in the world, he may not be able to defeat him.

"Marshal, what should we do now? Is there any way we can face this person?"Akainu was really frightened. It wasn't that he was weak in his heart, but that he really couldn't think of a solution when facing an insoluble enemy like Luo An.

"Don't be discouraged. After all, this is just Dr. Vegapunk's guess. Target No. 1 may not be able to control so much power. And although he is powerful, he is not without targeted methods. Even if he only faces the enemy head-on, Dr. Vegapunk has given two solutions."When Warring States saw this, he quickly comforted him.

"any solution?"

"The first one is naturally the Sea Tower Stone. Although target No. 1 is strong, he is a Devil Fruit user after all. As long as we can pierce the Sea Tower Stone weapon into his body, then everything else will be easy to say."

"This simply cannot be done."Akainu shook his head. This method seems to be very effective. Hailou Stone is indeed the nemesis of those with fruit abilities, but with Luo An's strength, how could he let people get close to him? Let alone Luo An, Even Akainu himself, unless he is an evenly matched opponent, most people cannot get close to him.

"Of course I know it can't be done, but what if it's a trick?"Warring States sneered. What he called a strategy was naturally a conspiracy, such as a plan to alienate someone or bribe a spy.

"If it is a strategy, it is possible."Akainu's eyes lit up. He is not that kind of pedantic person. For him, as long as he can achieve his goal, it doesn't matter what method he uses.

After thinking about it, Akainu still said:"But this method will take time to operate slowly. , it has no effect yet. What's the second option?"

"The second way is to limit it. Dr. Vegapunk said that since his ability is a wave, we only need to develop a machine to limit the propagation of the wave."Warring States Road:" This requires the help of Dr. Vegapunk. I have entrusted Dr. Vegapunk to develop such a machine, and he also clearly told me that it only takes two months for the machine to be manufactured.. Akainu said happily:"

That's great. In two months, I guess target No. 1 hasn't even finished integrating the newly acquired territory."We can still afford to wait for this little time."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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