Chapter 62 I Have a Dream (3,000 words)

"Um."Warring States didn't say anything, but in his heart he disagreed. In his heart, he had no intention of starting a war with Luo An. Yes, the limiter may be able to restrict Luo An, but since it is a machine, the scope of its effect must be Limited, if Luo An goes beyond this limit, then he is still the same Luo An.

And even without Luo An, the strength of his own men is enough to fight to the death with the Navy. Even if they are finally destroyed, the Navy I will also be severely injured. It is even more likely that the outcome of this war is to die together, and there can be no winner at all.

In other words, the real winner can only be the pirates who are watching, and at most one world Not only is it not good for the navy itself, but the efforts of past naval marshals will also be completely wasted. The navy will once again become the autocratic tool of the world and become their real dog. This is something the warlords absolutely do not want to see.

"It's not good... it's not good... Marshal of the Warring States Period."

At this moment, a major general suddenly rushed in:"Marshal, the Revolutionary Army... the Revolutionary Army... Monchi D. Dolag, he... he……"

"What? What happened to Monkey D. Dorag? Akainu suddenly turned around, filled with murderous intent:"Did the revolutionary army overthrow another country?" Damn bastards, is this Monkey family specifically against our navy? Why don't we kill all such families?"

"Shut up." Warring States scolded. Although he did hate the Monchi family to the extreme in his heart, he really had nothing to do with this family. Because in the navy, there is still Garp, and Akainu said that he would If the Monchi family is all wiped out, doesn't this mean that Garp will also be killed?

The problem is that Garp is a hero in the navy. His influence in the navy is even greater than that of his own marshal. He is also the number one master in the navy, even himself. They are no match for him - do you also want to kill such a person? Do you dare to kill him? Is your brain flooded?

Even if you are asked to kill him, can you kill him?

If you really want to force Garp to rebel, It’s uncertain whether he will kill you or you will kill him?

Besides, Garp’s influence is so great, do you dare to kill him? Do you believe that if you kill Garp today, many people in the Navy will retire tomorrow? Do you really think he will


Is the title Navy Benchmark just a title?

"So what happened?"Although he disdained Akainu's lack of brains, Sengoku couldn't help but ask. At the same time, he had a bad feeling in his heart. Although Akainu's words were unreliable, one thing was right. That was Monkey. The family is too noisy. Either they don't make trouble, or they make a big deal. Dorag has never appeared in front of others, and this time... Warring States estimates that the impact of what he does may be greater than what Luo An caused. , maybe it is a big event that can affect the whole world or even the course of mankind.

"In this way, Dorag connected to the Internet all over the world and delivered a speech live."The major general said with great fear.

"Dorag’s live speech? Akainu's expression changed drastically:"Tell me quickly, what is going on?""

"My subordinates can't tell clearly for a while, so the general and marshal can see for themselves."The major general took out a mobile phone and connected it to the projector in the Warring States Office.

Driven by Luo An, the world's technological development has been changing rapidly in the past three years. Although the navy gnashed his teeth in hatred on the surface, Luo An disdained to use Luo An. They have developed technological products, but in fact they still use some of the products privately, such as this projector, such as mobile phones... Of course, these mobile phones are bought by the navy soldiers and officers themselves, and are used by the official navy. It’s still a phone bug. It’s not that the Navy is unwilling to welcome the new era, but it’s because of confidentiality reasons. After all, mobile phone communications may be intercepted. Once someone intercepts important military secrets, the consequences will be very serious. Seriously. The phone bug has no such worries. As long as there is a white phone bug that can prevent eavesdropping, there is basically no need to worry about being eavesdropped.

After the projector is turned on, Dorag's image appears on the big screen.

"Dorag……"Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figures on the screen, both Akainu and Sengoku had complicated expressions on their faces.

No one else knew the origin of Dorag, but these two people knew it clearly. Originally Dorag was also a member of the navy and was adopted by Garp as his heir. And Dorag himself is also very competitive, has made many military exploits, possesses the natural wind fruit ability, is powerful, and was already a vice admiral at a young age, becoming a lieutenant general earlier than Akainu and Kizaru. He is also one of the rising stars in the navy and the person most qualified to aspire to the throne of admiral.

If he had not betrayed the navy back then, but had continued to develop in the navy, he would definitely have a position among the three current generals, and he would even be more qualified to compete for the future marshal position than Akainu Aoji. With Garp's support behind him, it can be said that it is almost inevitable for him to ascend to the position of marshal.

However, such a promising newcomer suddenly disappeared one day when he was at the peak of his career more than 20 years ago. Even Garp didn't know where he went, and he completely lost contact with the Navy. When they got news from Dorag again, he had already formed a revolutionary army, determined to overthrow the world, and became an enemy of justice.

Now nearly thirty years have passed. Apart from photos, this is the first time Sengoku and Akainu have seen his image. Regarding this terrible enemy, Akainu and Sengoku are a little confused. What on earth is he doing?

At this time, Dorag's speech had obviously been going on for some time, but Sengoku Akainu still calmed down and listened carefully:"……I have a dream that is deeply rooted in dreams all over the world.

I have a dream that one day our people will stand up and truly live out the true meaning of their creed: 'We hold the truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. '

I have a dream that one day, at the pinnacle of the Red Earth Continent, the sons of former slaves will be able to sit down with the sons of former slave owners and talk about brotherhood.

I dream that one day, even the New World, a desert-like place where justice disappears and oppression prevails, will become an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that one day my children will live in a country where they will be judged not by their origin, status, or race, but by the quality of their character.

Today, I have a dream. I dream that one day, Mary Joa will be transformed. Although the Dracos who live there today still regard themselves as gods and regard all living beings as fish and meat, one day the slave boys and girls there will be able to love the Draco boys and girls. With the same flesh and blood, we go hand in hand.

Today, I have a dream.

I dream that one day, the valleys will rise and the mountains will descend; the rough and tortuous roads will become smooth, and the Holy Light will be revealed and shine upon the world.……"


Warring States didn't dare to listen anymore. He transformed into a golden Buddha and destroyed the projector and the mobile phone... He didn't dare to listen anymore.

"Simply... simply……"Warring States was so angry that he was trembling all over. He no longer knew how to describe Dorag. He really couldn't find a suitable adjective. He only had one thought now, that is, if this speech spreads... the whole world will be affected. All hell breaks loose. The problem is that Dorag gave a speech online, and his live broadcast has probably been seen by everyone... Now, the world is probably going to explode.

"marshal……"Akainu called out to Sengoku in a deep voice:"Please calm down."

"Sorry, I lost my temper." Warring States was woken up, and he immediately came to his senses and quickly recovered his body.

But you still felt uneasy:"Dorag... He really dares to say anything. How can he do this? What about the Tianlong people?……"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period. Akainu hesitated and said,"Actually, if such a dream can be realized,……"

"Sakaski, shut up, are you even fascinated? How dare you talk nonsense about this kind of thing? Besides, how could such a thing be possible? Sengoku glared at Akainu:"The world has been ruled for eight hundred years, and the Celestial Dragons have been suppressing the world for eight hundred years. If this dream could be realized, it would have been realized long ago. Why wait until now?" All of this is a lie, a lie that Monkey D. Dorag used to fool the world, a lie that he told to realize his ambitions. All of this is a lie, and he is deceiving the people of the world... Kaski, you have to understand that in this world, some dreams can be realized as long as you work hard, but some things can't be realized just by shouting a few slogans and expressing your attitude.……"

"Well, sorry Marshal, it's my fault."Akainu nodded. His words were indeed a bit inappropriate. After all, he was still eating under the master of the world, but he agreed with the words of the biggest enemy of the world. How inappropriate was this.

"So what do we do now?"

"wait."Zhan Guo said:"The World's Right Ax should have received the news. It is estimated that Wulaoxing's call will arrive soon."


Cao Cao was about to arrive. As he was talking, the phone on the desk rang.

"Moxi Moxi, this is the Warring States Period."Warring States answered the phone bug

"This is Wulao Xing, Dorag’s speech, Do you know the Warring States Period?"As expected, it was indeed the Five Old Stars on the other end of the phone, and it was the Bearded Five Old Stars who answered the phone.

"Yes, I just got the news."Warring States nodded and said:"The staff department is already analyzing Dorag's background. I believe they will get information about his location soon."

"The impact this time is very bad, and as far as we know, the whole world is now in chaos."The five old stars with long beards said:"CP has also started investigating here. I want your navy to be ready at all times. Once you find Dorag's location, you will immediately launch the demon-slaying order... This time you must completely eliminate the revolution. military"

"Yes, I understand."Ling Ran of the Warring States Period should be._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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