Chapter 75 Ambush?

The army hates Luo An, and the Tianlong people hate him even more. It can be said that they are the forces in the world that most want Luo An to die without a burial place.

If Luo An brought hatred and shame to the army, then what he brought to the Tianlong people was boundless fear - according to statistics, many Tianlong people have died directly or indirectly at the hands of Luo An in recent years. There were twenty people, forcing the Heavenly Dragons to hide in the Holy Land Mary Joa Arthur and tremble. Except for a few brave or arrogant people, the remaining Heavenly Dragons were really completely trapped in Mary Joa. The three I have been holding back endless anger for many years.

If the Chambordi Islands can be used to destroy Luo An, the Tianlong people will definitely agree 100%. After all, the Chambordi Islands are good, but compared with their own lives, they are not at the same level. There is such a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, which may come out to deal a fatal blow to itself at any time. The Tianlong people cannot eat well, sleep well, and even dare not sleep deeply for fear of being killed by Luo An at night. After taking off the head, they will never wake up again - it can be said that their hatred for Luo An is like an endless river, or like the rolling Yellow River overflowing, out of control.

How much the Tianlong people want Luo An to die, Kizaru knows very well. Not to mention other places, the bounty on Luo An in his own mercenary union alone has reached tens of billions, of which nine Chengdu was the work of the Tianlong people, and they had resorted to any means to kill Luo An - by the way, Luo An was actually offered a reward by the organization he established, which can be regarded as setting a new historical record.

For the Tianlong people, killing Luo An is a top priority. As long as they can kill Luo An, let alone the Chambord Islands, they will not care even if the entire great sea route is destroyed - this He only has shit and dung in his mind, but he never cares about other people's feelings.

The question is, even if it destroys the Chambord Islands, can it definitely kill Luo An?

Where could such a simple thing exist?

If Luo An was so easy to kill, he wouldn't be alive today.

Shaking his head to get rid of these distracting thoughts, Kizaru was too lazy to think about it. Anyway, the matter here has been handed over to the world. As for how the world should deal with it, he has no control over it.

Kizaru's judgment was correct. This time, the World Master really wanted to ambush Luo An in the Chambord Islands. However, they also knew that facing a master like Luo An, ordinary soldiers were of no use. Only masters could attack him. Luo An worked, so before Luo An arrived, they ordered the navy on the island to evacuate to avoid hurting innocent people - this is not to say how caring they are for the soldiers, but they also know that the navy will be there in a few days In the duel with the Whitebeard Pirates, if there were casualties before this, it would be too damaging to morale.

But it was obviously impossible for tens of thousands of people to evacuate within an hour, so as a last resort, Kizaru could only order the remaining navy to temporarily hide in the illegal zone.

After everything was arranged, just as Kizaru was about to leave, a guy in a black suit appeared in front of him:"General Kizaru, we need your help."

"It’s really troublesome. Can I not go?"Kizaru was troubled. He knew the purpose of this guy clearly. Originally, he thought he could escape this trouble after receiving the order from the Navy Headquarters, but he was stopped just as he was about to run away.

"sure."The master of the world's positive ax is unexpectedly easy to talk to:"It's just that even if you leave, we will ask the Navy Headquarters for help, and you will still come back when the time comes."

"This is really troublesome, okay, okay, I lost to you."Kizaru was helpless:"I just hope my luck will be better this time and I won't die in the hands of my opponent.""

"Please rest assured, General Kizaru, that we are fully prepared."The man in the suit said:"Monkey D. Luo An is dead this time. What he should never have done is to expose his fruit ability. He developed the Bobo fruit and performed miracles, but the world is changing. The background of Ax is beyond his imagination. As long as we know his background, we can make corresponding preparations."

"Yeah? It seems like you already know the power of the Bobo Fruit, right?"Kizaru slapped him directly in the face:"He has never hidden his abilities. Since you can prepare early, why don't you deal with him early? Then there would be no such thing as today."

Although Kizaru is careless, he doesn't give any face to these scoundrels in the world. He knows very well how low the bottom line of these intelligence agents is... or they simply don't. There is no bottom line. Of the ten sentences they say, only half of them are true at most. The rest are either outright lies or have literal traps. If you believe them, you are stepping into hell.

"……"The man in the suit's face darkened, but there was really nothing he could do about Kizaru. Although he seemed to be able to mobilize Kizaru, it was because he was using the command of the World's True Axe. If this was excluded, Kizaru would not be favored by any bird.. No matter how bad Kizaru is, no matter how careless he is, he is still an admiral, one of the highest-status people in the naval system besides the marshal.

The man in the suit is just an ordinary intelligence officer, the kind of being who can be sacrificed at any time. The status of the two is completely different. If he really wants to make Kizaru unhappy, even if Kizaru kills him, the most he can do is kill him. It's just a little reprimand in the face of the world, not even a punishment.

Although his face looked ugly, the man in the suit stillExplained:"This time is different. We are really well prepared. As long as Monkey D. Luoan dares to come, this is his burial place.""

"Okay, okay, whatever you want."Kizaru was too lazy to tell him. Anyway, he positioned himself as a thug, not a commander. He only had to follow the arrangements of the world. It would be best if he could beat him. Even if he couldn't beat him, he could escape. ——Anyway, with his own speed, there are not many people in this world who can catch up with him...except for that idiot Namikaze Minato.

"By the way, did Monkey D. Luan come alone this time?"Thinking of Namikaze Minato, Kizaru couldn't help but ask again. There was no way, he was really cast into the shadow. His strength is good, but the most important thing is his speed, but facing Namikaze Minato who can teleport Door, his speed is meaningless.

The man in the suit said:"Monkey D. Luoan's ship is the Eagle. We dare not approach it, but on the surface, only Monkey D. Luoan and the eldest sister Dahai have appeared. The three core cadres of the thieves group, 'Paper Girl' Klein Betty, 'Flower Girl' Nami and 'Devil Son' Nico Robin, should be Monkey D. Roan on his honeymoon, so there are It's unlikely that others will follow. Although the strength of these three cadres is very strong, it is nothing to us. We are fully prepared to deal with it."

"That's fine, but I always feel like it's not that simple."Kizaru said slowly. ps: I got sick again yesterday. I spent a whole day and night in the hospital. I just came back to catch up on a chapter. Now I have to rest. Sorry._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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