Chapter 76 Fluctuation Limiter

"Master, there is news from the Chambord Islands that the world's axe, navy and army have deployed powerful forces to prepare to keep us there."

On the Eagle, Betty said to Roan with a piece of information.

"oh? Luo An laughed as soon as he heard this:"I'm just bored. I want to see what arrangements the world has made. Who are the people who take action?""

"As far as we know so far, they are Admiral Kizaru, Field Marshal Manfred, Admiral Black Wolf, CP0 Captain Vulture, and others are unknown."

"No way? Isn’t this too disrespectful? Do they treat me like a scumbag?"Luo An frowned deeply. There are only three general-level masters. Even if there are secrets, the total number will not exceed five. Where does the confidence in this world come from?

"Or another possibility is that they find a way to restrain you."Robin said from the side. After three years of running in, she has long been used to it. She no longer feels the shame she felt when she was first caught by Luo An. Especially after forming the pirate group with Betty, she has completely integrated into it. Luo An’s big family

"It's indeed possible. It's really troublesome. I just came to see Luffy and they didn't stop here. Luo An said helplessly:"In that case, let me scare them.""

"Eh? frighten? How to scare?"Betty asked curiously

"It’s simple, you’ll find out later." Luo An smiled mysteriously, but did not answer.

Here at the Chambord Islands, the overall commander in charge is Manfred, who has become Field Marshal.

Looking around, Manfred said coldly:"Everyone, I think everyone is very clear about our goals, so I won’t say more. I have only one request, and that is to keep Monkey D. Luo An completely. As long as this goal is achieved, all losses are okay. This is what I mean, and it is also the meaning of the world. I don’t know what you guys have. different opinions?"

"No."Everyone at the meeting shook their heads, even Kizaru didn't say anything. Manfred's brain was obviously filled with hatred at this time. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to raise objections at this time?

"Great, let’s talk about our specific plans."Manfred nodded with satisfaction and opened a document:"Although there are not many top experts who ambushed us this time, it is based on the technical support of the world's number one scientist Dr. Vegapunk and the full strength of the world's positive axe. Support, we have a great possibility to limit Monchi D. Luoan’s fruit ability, thereby reducing his strength. Without Monchi D. Luoan’s fruit ability, he only relies on physical skills and swordsmanship. We are not our opponents - after all, although the sword-drawing technique is extraordinary, its disadvantages are also obvious. I think everyone sitting here has your own way to deal with it, right?"

Kizaru raised his hand:"You are absolutely right, but what I want to ask is, I don't know how Dr. Vegapunk's equipment works, and what is the scope of its effect? Manfred looked at Kizaru and said with a smile:"General Kizaru asked a very good question. Please ask Dr. Guale, a scientist from the science force, to help us answer this question.""

"yes."A frail young man wearing glasses stood up next to him:"The device studied by Dr. Vegapunk is called the wave limiter. Its main ability is to limit the spread of waves. This is also the reason why it can restrain Monkey D. Roan's ability. The reason is that since the waves cannot propagate, the Bobo Fruit will naturally not be able to emit waves, and this ability will naturally be completely useless. As for the coverage, please rest assured that the effective range of this machine is enough to cover the entire Shampoo Islands, so you don’t have to worry about your opponents escaping."

"So I don't know if there are any disadvantages?"Someone asked

"Of course there is."Dr. Guale nodded:"As I said in the first place, this machine is very big and very inconvenient to move. So if you are thinking of chasing Monkey D. Luoan with the machine, then please give up. The idea is that you can only resolve the battle in the Chambord Islands. Secondly, since it is a machine, it naturally has its limits. Once the frequency of fluctuation exceeds the limit of the machine, the machine will not be able to function. But please don’t worry about this. The doctor thought of it when he designed the machine. In this regard, the power of the machine is very high, and the other party should not be able to break through the limits of the equipment so easily."

Manfred smiled and said:"These two shortcomings are not shortcomings. As long as Monkey D. Roan's ability is restricted, we can completely solve him on the island. As for the limit of the machine, it is not a problem. As long as we can restrain Monkey D. Roan for a moment, we can inflict heavy damage on him, so this is not a problem."

"If that's the case, there's no downside."Dr. Guale nodded and sat down. He is just a technician. He only cares about the operation of the fluctuation limiter, and other things are out of his hands.

There is just one question that Dr. Guale has always wanted to ask but has not been able to do so. I didn’t even ask, that is, since the fluctuation limiter limits fluctuations, the problem is that this thing does not distinguish between friends and foes. If the fluctuations in a space are restricted, then once it comes, those who cannot release the ability will not It's just Luo An - after all, Kizaru's light is also one of the fluctuations. Doesn't this mean that even Kizaru's ability is limited? And Manfred, his fruit is bombing Fruit, the way to hurt the enemy also relies on shock waves. Wouldn't Manfred be unable to use his abilities?

What's more terrible is that fluctuations are the main way of energy movement, ranging from the movement of the planet to a person talking, walking and breathing. It generates fluctuations, and what the fluctuation limiter limits is the fluctuation of the Devil Fruit's ability. That is to say, once the limiter is successful, let alone attack Luo An, you can't even move - this is simply going to happen. The entire space was fixed.

But although Dr. Guale had doubts, he still suppressed the doubts out of respect for Bega Punk:"Maybe the doctor has his own solution, after all, it is He is the number one scientist in the world. It is normal to have such ability. I am still too stupid and need to study more with doctors."

I have to say that the harm of personality worship is huge. Obviously some ideas are right, but out of trust in idols, they deny their own ideas and choose to blindly and brainlessly trust their idols - not knowing that their idols Are you simply cheating yourself?

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