The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 190 Sir, There Seems To Be Something Glued To Your Face! (Put On The Shelves And Ask For A S

Zephyr frowned even more upon hearing this.

As Admiral who does not kill, Zephyr has always captured pirates alive, even if he is heinous, he will only be caught and imprisoned in Impel down.

Therefore, I express my extreme resistance to Akainu's behavior of threatening to kill people at every turn.

He was about to reprimand him when Sengoku spoke suddenly.

"What Doflamingo did was suppressed by the Five Elders. Even if the old man wants to arrest him, he can't be arrested, but Virgo's actions have stained his Marine uniform. No matter what, you can't let him go unpunished!"

On the other side of the phone bug, after hearing Akainu's murderous words, Sengoku felt for the first time that this guy was so attractive to him, but he had to explain that Juban suppressed Chiju's killing intent.

"Okay, I know about this matter, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation then."

Zephyr nodded in agreement, then hung up the phone and looked at Akainu.

However, before Zephyr could speak, Akainu spoke first.

"Mr. Zephyr, no matter what you want to say, I will not change my mind. Virgo has tarnished Marine's justice. I will never let him have a chance to live."

"You..." Seeing Akainu's attitude that a dead dog is not afraid of boiling water, Zephyr shook his head and didn't bother to say anything.

Although he doesn't kill Admiral, he doesn't force other Marines to do the same.

Just when the warship Zephyr and Akainu were on was about to arrive at the G5 branch, the sailors of the G5 branch were already standing in line at the port, looking forward to it.

The G5 branch is as big as thirty basketball courts.

It is connected in series by several small islands, and expanded by land reclamation.

The internal facilities of the island are complete, including office buildings, temporary prisons, and various training places, which can accommodate tens of thousands of sailors.

There are dozens of warships moored in the port, and its scale can be seen as Madara.

Most of the sailors have already lined up to welcome Zephyr and Akainu, while the head of the branch, Virgo Vice Admiral, finally arrived at the port without any haste.

Virgo is wearing a plaid suit and sunglasses, with lightning-shaped folds on both sides of his cheeks and a beard around his chin.

But what is surprising is that there is a yellow-brown long cylindrical object stuck to the left side of Virgo's cheek, but the person concerned did not notice it at all.

When the adjutant came up to greet him, he happened to see a foreign object on the face of the branch chief, and immediately reminded Virgo Vice Admiral in a low voice.

"Sir, did you eat something and forgot to wipe your mouth? There seems to be some food residue on your face."

Virgo was taken aback: "No, I just went to the toilet just now."


At this time, a picture appeared subconsciously in the mind of the adjutant...


Could it be that my own official ate something in the toilet?

That yellowish-brown long tube-shaped object looks like a reincarnation of five grains. Could it be that my own official has such a heavy taste?

"Sir, you really have something stuck on your face, why don't you check it in the mirror, in case Mr. Zephyr and Mr. Akainu see it, the effect will not be very good."

The adjutant put it as tactfully as possible.

If Zephyr and Akainu saw that Virgo's face was glued with the reincarnation of grains, they would be so angry that they would run away on the spot.

"I said I didn't eat if I didn't eat." Virgo didn't care.

The adjutant didn't do anything to reassure him, he could only pray in his heart that Zephyr and Akainu would not notice the long yellowish-brown cylindrical object.

Soon, the port of the Zephyr branch, Zephyr and Chi walked down first, followed by a heavily armed sailor.

Most of the sailors disembarked and lined up, while a small number of sailors remained on the warship to prevent people with ulterior motives from sneaking into the warship.

Zephyr and Akainu stepped off the warship, and did not act rashly, but waited until Wiljian and his deputy rushed up and acted decisively.

In just three or five rounds, Virgo was subdued by Zephyr and Akainu.

Akainu vowed to kill Virgo but didn't do it. It's not that he was soft-hearted, but Zephyr told him that he could lure Doflamingo out through Virgo.

Because of this, Akainu temporarily dismissed his plan to kill Virgo.

The adjutant stood where he was, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

It's over, the dirty things on the face of his own parents really caught the attention of the two big bosses, and the beating was obviously a fact.

I just don't know if the head of the family can keep his position.

It is said that the officers of Naval Headquarters all have great tempers, and it is impossible to say that they will directly dismiss all positions because of the image of their own officers.

Hey wait, if Mr. Virgo is really dismissed, wouldn't he have a chance to be promoted to Vice Admiral and serve as branch chief?

While the adjutant was chuckling, Akainu's voice suddenly came: "After investigation, Virgo is involved in a major case and is now in custody."

Marine's face always comes first, so Zhiyin did not tell everyone the truth.

However, this scene made the adjutant more convinced of his guess.

Sure enough, the rumors that the generals of Naval Headquarters would accuse anyone who was upset would not be groundless.

However, as a bystander and a person with vested interests, the adjutant naturally dared not say anything or ask anything.

After Virgo was arrested, Zephyr returned to the warship and dialed the phone bug of Marshal Sengoku again to report the matter.

On the other end of the phone, after hearing the news of Virgo's arrest, Sengoku responded briefly and hung up the phone in a hurry.

At this time, there was no one in the marshal's office except Sengoku, and Sengoku immediately covered his face and wept, half of which was joy after avenging Rosinante, and the other half was endless grief. (beea)

What good would it be if one of the culprits who killed Rosinante was arrested?

His adopted son was dead and would never live again.

"Wait..." Sengoku seemed to remember something important, and hurriedly rummaged through the pile of documents on his desk.

Seeing the reward order that Sikong Ye and others had drawn up but hadn't issued yet, Sengoku threw it aside without thinking and continued to search.

Soon, Sengoku found a document at the bottom of the file pile.

When he investigated the secrets of the year, he discovered a very special person.

The information given by Sikong Ye made him more convinced that this person had a lot to do with Rosinante.

Trafalgar Law!

This fourteen-year-old boy suffered from platinum-lead disease since he was a child. He met Rosinante when he was ten years old, and the reason why Rosinante died was inseparable from Luo.

Of course, this relationship is not hatred, and Sengoku will naturally not go to trouble Luo.


"Rosinante is my adopted son, and Luo was rescued by Rosinante. Strictly speaking, he can also be counted as Rosinante's adopted son. If rounded up, Luo is my adopted grandson?"

"Hey hey, this old man has a grandson too, I won't be jealous if that old fellow Garp shows off his grandson in the future!"

Sengoku laughed through his tears, and after laughing, he began to think about how to find Luo and bring Lola to the Marine camp.

It's just that this idea just rose, and then suppressed it back.

Luo ate Op-Op Fruit. Once recruited by Marine, Five Elders will definitely force Lola to join the CP organization and play for Celestial Dragons.

This hurt Luo instead.

"No, no, instead of recruiting Luo into the Marine, it's better for the son to inherit his father's business and let Luo participate in Qianfan's undercover plan.

Sengoku is a man of action, he does what he thinks, and immediately calls Chong to contact Staff Crane to discuss related matters.

Taking advantage of the arrival of Staff Crane, Sengoku thought for a while and took out all the information of Rosinante and fed it to the little goat next to the desk.

The less people know about Luo's relationship with Rosinante, the better. His adopted son is gone, and he doesn't want his adopted grandson to suffer any accidents.

The kid with the bell around its neck gave Sengoku a blank look, and resignedly chewed the dry, ink-smelling paper.

You stingy old man, you know how to feed Ben with waste paper every day!

Is it true that Ben has eaten shredder fruit?

Can you give me a better meal, I have been constipated recently, otherwise I will definitely spray you with sheep shit!

The little goat complained wildly in his heart, but on the surface he was still eating waste paper.

No way, it can only starve if it doesn't eat waste paper.

North Blue.

This is a magical sea.

Among them, there are as many great figures as the crucian carp crossing the river.

Staff Crane, Akainu Admiral Sakazuki, Kizaru Admiral Polusalino, Sanji, Luo, Hawkins, Drake, etc., are all strong players from North Blue.

Of course, the Vince Mo Ke family, the Bellamy Pirates, and the Donquixote Pirates also come from North Blue.

The Kingdom of Lubni, as the hometown of Nolando, the main character in North Blue's best-selling fairy tale "Nolando the Deceitful", has stood in North Blue for hundreds of years.

Because of its long history, it has driven economic development early, and now it has become one of the most prosperous countries in North Blue.

Cook City, a large city located west of the Kingdom of Lubni.

The streets are full of flowers, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going; countless shops stand on both sides, and the business is booming.

One of the small shops had the words 'House of Astrology' written on the signboard, obviously making a living by fortune-telling.

The fortune teller in the astrology room has flowing blond hair and is young, only nineteen years old.

There is armor on the left arm, a black cross tattooed on the Adam's apple, black trousers and a white shirt with ruffled open arms.

Slender, with the iconic Six Paths vertical lines on the forehead, vertical eyebrows, and facial features that give people a melancholy and frightening temperament. .

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