The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 191 What Are You, Coffin Candle Cross! (Put On The Shelves And Ask For A Subscription To Ask

The fortune teller was named Basil Hawkins, and he was one of the eleven supernovae in the future.

Hawkins was bored waiting for customers to come to divination, but most people in this city did not believe in divination, which made Hawkins doze off while guarding the shop.

Suddenly, Hawkins caught a glimpse of a figure appearing at the door from the corner of his eye, and subconsciously asked.

"Fortune telling, what are you~something?"


Bebo: "...

At this moment, the two of them were a little confused. Is this guy in front of him really a fortune-teller?

"I'm Trafalgar Law, we've been in touch on the internet before."

The adopted grandson, whom Marshal Sengoku has been thinking about, now finds Hawkins.

Luo wears a furry winter fur hat with leopard Madara points, eyes with specially personalized dark circles, and two small gold earrings on both ears.

Wearing casual long-sleeved and light blue trousers, he has a smiley face tattoo on his chest and a black tattoo similar to the one on his clothes.

There are heart-shaped tattoos on the chest and shoulders, and a tattoo of his own pirate logo on the back.

And there are letters on each finger of both hands, and the combination is DEATH, which means death.

Only fourteen years old, dressed more like a delinquent than Bartolomeo.

Before, Venom contacted Luo and Hawkins as the master of the Internet. After thinking about it, the two agreed to Venom's request and decided to go to the Grand Line to make a fortune.

Because of Venom's matchmaking, Luo and Hawkins also got in touch, and planned to meet in a place to form a pirate group together.

"So it's you! Is that white bear behind you your pet? It actually wears clothes like humans. Sure enough, the cold in North Blue is unbearable even for polar bears."

Hawkins quickly sobered up, trying to resolve the previous embarrassment with cold jokes.

However, what made him even more embarrassed was that the polar bear in his mouth said: "I am not a pet, I am the captain's partner.

"Huh?" Hawkins' expression changed upon hearing this.


I didn't expect this bear to speak human language.

"Uh, cough, Luo, have you formed a pirate group yet?" Hawkins changed the subject again to try to resolve the embarrassment.

"Well, I temporarily formed a group of Red Heart Pirates, currently only me and Bepo, do you want to join?"

Luo didn't talk nonsense and cut directly to the topic.

The Lord of the Internet promised him that as long as he joins the Lord of the Internet, the Lord of the Internet will fully assist him in revenge.

Since Rosinante's death, Luo only has revenge in his heart, otherwise he would not have the letters representing death tattooed on his knuckles.

"I'm free, by the way, do you two want to consider fortune-telling with me?"

"forget it."

"I'm very accurate in fortune-telling, I know astronomy and geography, no matter what you count, I can satisfy you.

"I reject."

"Really don't think about it?"

"Not consider."

"Well, let me pack my things and leave later." Hawkins was a little helpless, fortune-telling is not a good job.

It seems that there is still a future for being a pirate.

In this period, Hawkins' fortune-telling ability is not as good as when he appeared in the original book.

After all, this line of work depends on seniority, and the older you are, the more experienced you are.

It is precisely because in recent years that Hawkins felt that he would not be able to get ahead in the fortune-telling business, he already had the idea of ​​going to sea to become a pirate, but the connection with Venom made him completely determined.

Otherwise, Hawkins would still struggle in his astrology house for several years.

In this way, Luo, Bebo and Hawkins embarked on an adventure to find the master of the Internet.

Grand Line, the waters near Whiskey Hill.

After sailing on the sea for several days, the Ziwei Pirates and their team have experienced more than a dozen weathers, including snow, rainstorm and strong wind.

It is not for nothing that the climate of the Grand Line is changeable and treacherous.

In such changeable weather, the Emperor Star finally sailed to the Whiskey Sea area, and it would land in another five kilometers.

"Captain, there is a ship ahead."

In the captain's room, Nami, who was driving the Emperor Star, found an abnormality through the telescope and quickly told Sikong Ye about it.

"What ship?" Sikong Ye stopped exercising and walked into the captain's room to ask.

"It looks like a small sailing boat. The mast is a bit like a cross. There are candles on both sides, glowing with a faint green light. It looks particularly pervasive. Could it be that the captain of the ship died in his family?"

"There was a man on the boat, wearing a top hat, but that man's back was facing us, and he couldn't see his face clearly. He was holding a slender branch in his hand, and he seemed to be paddling hard..."

"Paddle with sticks?"

Hearing Nami's description, Sikong Ye was suddenly amazed.

It reminded him of someone, and that was Dracule Mihawk, one of the Shichibukai.

Whether it is a cross mast or a dark green candle flame, it is the characteristic of the ship driven by Hawkeye Mihawk.

As for the name of the ship, Sikong Ye couldn't remember it clearly, it seemed to be called a coffin boat or something, it sounded inauspicious anyway.

Coupled with a series of funeral props, even eight-year-old Nami can tell that someone in Mick's family is dead.

But who died and for how long, the original book did not mention it in detail, so Sikong Ye is naturally unknown.

What makes Sikong Ye feel unbelievable and incomprehensible the most is, isn’t it rumored that Mihawk is paddling with a black sword?

Why are you using branches now?

"Nami, does that man have a great sword with a cross on his back?"


"Hei Dao Ye is not here... Could it be that I have identified the wrong person?" Sikong Ye was not sure, and immediately grabbed the telescope in Nami's hand to check.

After some confirmation, Sikong Ye was sure that the person sitting on the coffin boat that was about to dock in front must be Mihawk.

"Mihawk has joined Shichibukai, and he has a pretty good relationship with Redhead, so there should be no enmity between him and our Ziwei Pirates."

After thinking about it, Sikong Ye finished assessing the danger of Mihawk, and prepared to lean over to say hello to him.

Many friends and many paths, Mihawk is still worth making.

However, people as wise as him in this world are rare after all, and there are still many fish who slipped through the net of the nine-year obligation like to die.

No, there are a lot of pirate hunters gathered at the port of Whiskey Peak at this moment. Their original plan is to welcome the new pirates from all over the world, get them drunk, kill them and seize the treasure.

...asking for flowers...

You can even take off the heads of pirates and bring them to the Marine branch in exchange for bounties.

However, after seeing the scene of Mihawk rowing a boat with a branch, they all couldn't help laughing and began to mock.

"Hahahahaha what the hell is this guy doing, actually paddling with a branch, this is the most interesting new pirate I have ever seen!"

"Don't say that, maybe they just accidentally lost their oars, and temporarily replaced them with branches, and it's definitely not easy for people who can sail in small boats, so don't provoke them."

"I said, brother, why don't you be so timid? You say that those who are on a big boat have a lot of background and can't be offended, but now when you meet a small boat, you say that the other party is not easy or can't be offended. Just go back to your hometown to farm like you Got it."

"That's right, this guy doesn't know what he's suffering from. He actually used a coffin as a boat, and even made crosses and candles. I don't know if he's going to a funeral."

"I think we should give up this money. It's unlucky to rob a funeral boat, and this guy's property is only so small. It seems that we won't make much money by robbing him..."


"Shut up! No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. If we don't open our doors, we will soon be unable to uncover the pot. If you don't grab it, go away.

"By the way, don't you guys think this guy looks a lot like Hawkeye, one of the Shichibukai?"

"What are you thinking? It's rumored that Mihawk never leaves his body with a knife, and the knife is always with him. This guy obviously looks a lot like him."

"That's right, it's said that Hawkeye is very precious, his Hei Dao Ye, and he's good-looking, so it doesn't look like this guy looks like he doesn't want to be beaten.

All the pirate hunters were discussing with each other, and most of the pirate hunters were mocking Mihawk.

These words fell into Mihawk's ears, which aroused the anger of the Shichibukai, who immediately raised his palm and waved the branch, and suddenly a slash with powerful sword energy slashed towards the port.


In just a few seconds, almost all the pirate hunters in the port of Whiskey Hill were cut in half.

The pirate hunters who escaped by chance were all scared to pee, and even a few were scared out of their minds.

On the Emperor Star, which was nearly four kilometers away from the coffin boat, Sikong Ye unconsciously shook his hand holding the telescope.

Nima, this group of pirate hunters really want to die!

After all, they make a living by offering rewards. Hasn't anyone seen Hawkeye's reward order?

Or do these guys recognize swords but not people?

"Nami, let's set sail, let's not go to Whiskey Hill, let's go directly to Little Garden."

Sikong Ye urged, the reason why he went to Whiskey Hill was just to train the crew with the group of pirate hunters.

Now everyone is gone, and Mihawk is obviously angry at the moment, didn't they court death in the past?

"But I don't have enough magnetism to go to the next island yet!"

"What kind of magnetism is there? Couldn't the navigator in the captain's cabin guide you?" Sikong Ye was a little speechless.

"That's cheating! Only by using the pointer can I improve my sailing skills." Nami said with a look of course. .

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