The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

073 The Assassination Plan Is Launched, And The Sheep Must Be Slaughtered! (Put On The Shelf For Sub

"It's you!"

"How long are you going to lock us up?"

"Let us out, I don't want to stay in this ghost place."

On the dilapidated and decayed deck, the heroic spirits shouted wildly, but that was all they could do, they couldn't launch any attack on Sikong Ye.

Buggy stood up at this time, suppressing the restless hearts of the crew.

"Little ghost, I remember that I was already dead, why did I appear here?" Buggy asked with a gloomy face.

For this question, the rest of the heroic spirits also want to know.

They can be sure that they are dead, but they inexplicably appear on a ghost ship.

"You have signed a heroic contract, and you will become my subordinates after you die. If I don't die, you will live forever, and the price you have to pay is loyalty."

Sikong Ye's words made Zhong Yingling feel incredible.

eternal life?

They dare not even think about it.


As pirates they are only loyal to freedom.

Many heroic spirits wanted to resist, but found that they couldn't do it anyway, and the entire 14 people panicked.

And some heroic spirits thought that they didn't eat or drink and didn't die during this period, and they already believed half of Sikong Ye's words.

There were unbelievers in the Alvida Pirates who just came in, and they wanted to attack, but as soon as this idea came to their minds, they had a splitting headache and wailed on the deck in pain.

The noise on the deck of the heroic spirit ship awakened Banchina who was resting in the house. When she came to the deck, the heroic spirits automatically moved out of the way.

The identity of the passive contractor is a little higher than that of the active contractor, so that the active contractor cannot launch any attack on the passive contractor.

"Xiaoye, why are you here?" Benqina asked curiously.

Sikong Ye greeted with a smile: "I'm sorry, Aunt Ban, you're asleep.


Banjina shook her head, and then learned from Sikong Ye that there was a big move, and immediately wanted to help, but the latter refused.

"Aunt Ban, this matter is too dangerous, you are not suitable to participate."

Seeing this, Banqina couldn't say anything more, so she had to give up.

At this time, Kuina also came in through the world-transmitting gate, greeted Aunt Ben, and then stood on the deck to treat the doctor.

"Heroic spirits, this is Sikong Ye, the captain of the Ziwei Pirates. Strictly speaking, you are all the captain's subordinates."

"Whoever dares to disrespect the captain, I will unilaterally terminate the contract, and let his soul fly away!"

As the captain of the Heroic Spirit Ship, Kuina has dealt with this group of Heroic Spirits, and naturally knows that these guys are a group of arrogant lunatics.

"Yes!" All the heroes responded quickly.

The members of the deputy ship only accept orders from the captain, and even Sikong Ye cannot give orders.

However, under Kuina's orders, it is enough for them not to disobey the captain.

"Next, I will send you to infiltrate the Kingdom of Goa. Your task is to touch the royal nobles on the assassination list, cause conflicts, and kill the target as a retaliator.

The above content was drawn up by Sikong Ye. As for why the royal family and nobles had to touch porcelain to cause conflicts, Kuina himself didn't know very well.

I only heard Sikong Ye occasionally mention a few words: If you want to make it perish, you must first make it crazy.

"Remember two points, first, you must not disclose any information related to the Ziwei Pirates, your life and the mission.

"Secondly, once you are driven to a dead end, you can allow yourself to kill yourself, and your souls will reunite on the Heroic Spirit Ship in a week."

As Kuina's words fell, all the heroic spirits except Banjina felt that their brains were being chained.

It seems that as long as the rules are violated, there will be unexpected and dire consequences.

clap clap!

Behind all the heroic spirits, there was a burst of applause.

The heroic spirits moved away subconsciously, revealing a man with glasses in a black suit.

Hundreds of Crowes!

"The captain is really a good idea. Is this intended to cause panic among the royal family and nobles?"

Kuina frowned, but Sikong Ye spoke first.

"Baiji Keluo, do you have anything to add?"

"Hello, Captain."

Crowe bowed politely to Sikong Ye to express his sincerity, and then slowly spoke his thoughts.

"Slaughtering sheep, if you don't collect the wool, will only make others cheaper."

It was a very short sentence, but it made Sikong Ye understand the meaning.

Crowe wants him to steal the house!

But the idea came to his heart.

He didn't think about ransacking the house before, because the difficulty of the task is not low, and it is easy to cause death and make the money unable to be transferred smoothly.

If it is discovered during the handover process, it will be even more harmful than the gain.

But the Ziwei Pirates are not just a team of heroic ships.

He also has the second squadron of shadow ships!

The Shadow Group is responsible for stealing property, and through the ability to walk among the shadows, money can be transferred to the Emperor Star without anyone noticing.

At present, all the people who have seen the Shadow Corps are basically dead, as long as they are more secretive, there is no need to worry about being discovered.

And even if Marine finds out, it's only exposing the Shadow Ship, and the things that the Heroic Spirit Ship did can't be blamed on him, so there is still room for maneuver when facing Marine.

The key point is that Carina, the captain of the shadow ship of the second division, was born as a monster thief, and it is not wrong for her subordinates to continue to engage in the theft industry.

"Very good, Baiji Crow. The captain accepted your proposal, and at the same time appointed you as the deputy captain to command the armed forces. 17

"Buggy, Zango and Alvida each manage - 650 teams, and build detachments based on the original crew of each pirate regiment, under the orders of Deputy Captain Crowe."

After Sikong Ye finished speaking, everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

It wasn't until Kuina repeated Sikong Ye's words that all the heroic spirits felt that there was some kind of restraint on their bodies, and they responded one after another.

"Ahem." Sikong Ye coughed dryly twice to hide the embarrassment in his heart.

Kuina covered her mouth and snickered, and it didn't stop until the captain was also deflated.

"Captain, captain, if we perform well, will we be rewarded with Devil Fruit?" Crowe has completely assumed the role and started to seek profit for himself.

For this problem, Sikong Ye thinks it is not too much, and adding sweet dates to the stick is the reasonable way to attack.

But forget about Logia, Phantasmal, Ancient and top Paramecia Devil Fruit.

At most give them some Devil Fruit like husky fruit.

"Host, except for the battle pet ship, all the other auxiliary ships have three gift packages. Only the top three members who have contributed more than 100 million can get the contribution package. one."

The sudden interruption of the system made Sikong Ye unable to react for a while.

The main reason is that he never expected that the members of the deputy ship would also have the opportunity to get the gift package.

Although the quality of the gift package is a bit poor, it is at least issued by the system!.

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