The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 074 Ace Sabo Sneak Training, Observation Haki Awakening! (Put On The Shelf, Ask For Subscrip

"Rewards are naturally indispensable."

Sikong Ye replied briefly, and didn't talk too much, after all, Devil Fruit is not so easy to get.

And each auxiliary ship only has three contribution packages distributed by the system, and no one will reach hundreds of millions of contributions in a short period of time.

Sikong Ye pulled Crowe, Buggy, Zangao, and Alvida into the secondary fleet, and then let the heroic spirits leave the Emperor Star to move freely.

Sikong Ye took Luffy and his party back to Dadan's house.

In the front yard, Kaya, who was stomping the ground continuously, noticed the figures of Sikong Ye and others, and immediately trot over excitedly.

"Captain, you are back! Kaya has been practicing hard!"

"Well, Kaya is so good." Sikong Ye smiled and touched Kaya's head.

Then he turned his gaze to Ace and Sabo who were peeking at Zoro's training through the window, and the corners of his mouth raised an imperceptible arc.

"Ace, Sabo, do you want to study together?" Sikong Ye greeted.


There was only a sound of collision in the room, and then there was no sound.

Sikong Ye didn't pay much attention to it, and took his companions to continue practicing and began to shave.

Only by cultivating razor can one practice Moonwalk on its basis.

Tempest Kick requires strong leg skills, so it can be considered after the practice is finished. As for Finger Pistol, it needs Iron Body as the foundation.

Otherwise, if you poke it down with your finger, it will be "eighty damage to the enemy, and eight hundred damage to yourself."

The seven practiced until midnight, washed up and fell asleep.

Continue to practice the next day.

On this day, Ace and Sabo did not go to the terminal of uncertain objects, but kept secretly observing the training methods of Sikong Ye and others.

Then imitate it.

bang bang bang!

"Hiss, I'll go. Ace, can you hit me lightly, I'm almost stunned by you!"

Lifting off the blindfold, Sabo touched the cheek that was completely swollen into a pig's head, and was speechless for a moment.

Ace frowned: "I saw that they were very heavy-handed during training."

"They ate Devil Fruit, and some of them were phantom beasts. Their physique was many times stronger than the two of us, and they must be able to withstand beatings." 々.

"Sabo, why don't we find a Devil Fruit to eat?"

"Are you kidding, Devil Fruit is so easy to find." Sabo growled.

"I remember that guy has a bunch of Devil Fruit in his hand, it shouldn't be difficult to find it."


Hearing what Ace said, Sabo couldn't be sure for a while.

In fact, he never figured out where Sikong Ye got so many Devil Fruits.

Could it be that the times have changed, there are as many Devil Fruits as dogs, and Logias are everywhere?

"That's it, we're going to find Devil Fruit, it must be more than that guy's Devil Fruit!"

Ace ignited his competitive spirit, Sabo sighed helplessly when he saw this, and had to follow Ace to mess around.

This search took three days.

However, no fruit with a spiral pattern was seen.

Whether it was in the trees, underground or in the river, I searched all over, but I didn't find anything.

In the end, the two had no choice but to go back to the grove where Sikong Ye and others were training, and practiced Haki while peeping.

It's just that the physique of the two is not as good as Zoro and the others who ate the phantom beast, and they are comparable to Usopp who ate the bomb fruit.

But Usopp has a ship's doctor, who can treat them at any time, and Ace and Sabo can only sit and rest after being beaten.

The gap widened in an instant.

Sabo already had the idea of ​​joining the Ziwei Pirates, but Ace still insisted on the last stubbornness, so Sabo could only sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

Who told them both are quite good brothers.

Time passed slowly, the time for exercise was always short, and another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning of this day, Sikong Ye got up very early to wake up everyone for training, and he could feel that there was only one step away from awakening the sense of knowledge.

In order to hit the goal, Sikong Ye suspended the training of other partners and "ordered all the crew members to attack him with all their strength.

Putting on the blindfold and casting the venom armor, Sikong Ye is ready to go.

"You can start attacking."



As soon as the words fell, Sikong Ye sensed a fierce and violent flame gushing in front of him, and there were still several blades hidden under the cover of the flame.

This was perceived by Sikong Ye himself, and the venom had already seen the number and orientation of the blades, and his body dodged with the smallest margin.

Shadow Binding!

One knife flow · Wind breaking!

Magic Oak Second Gear Gatling!

Just as the venom was avoiding the dragon explosion and the fragments of the magic knife thousand blades, a black shadow went straight to the venom's feet without a sound.

The crisis sensor rang crazily, but Venom didn't realize where the crisis came from for a while.

The next moment, the venom was restrained, Sikong Ye realized that he couldn't move, and immediately remembered Carina's shadow restraint technique.

Without giving Sikong Ye much time to think, Kuina slashed behind the immobile Venom with his sword, but unfortunately it did not cause any damage.

Possessing dark energy, Venom is nearly immortal.

Immediately afterwards, Luffy's fist, which was faster than Gatlin's, turned on the second gear.

One minute...

two minutes...

five minutes..

As soon as the Shadow Binding technique expired, Carina hurriedly hid in the rear of the team, resting while letting Kaya refresh her stamina.

The horse charm can restore physical strength, but after being fine-tuned by the system, restoring physical strength will consume Kaya's own strength.

The venom that had regained its freedom once again moved around with ease, and at the same time, its nerve response was fully activated, trying to sense the breath and movement trajectory around it.

Especially the illusory shadows, it is really hard to detect without the eyes.

After Carina performed the Shadow Binding technique several times, Venom's mentality became a little messed up, and Sikong Ye had to comfort Venom to calm down.

Only with a calm mind can one feel the changes in the breath of the whole body.

According to the words, Venom tried to ignore all kinds of attacks around (good, good). Gradually, Venom gradually forgot what he was still training, and his mentality gradually calmed down.

Even a little want to doze off pregnant.

In a daze, Venom saw Kuina walking around it with a sword, looking for opportunities to wield the sword of vowed victory.

It saw it, saw the outline of the sword that swore to victory, saw the distinct black and white lines and the pattern on the sword body.

Immediately afterwards, Venom felt that he could see all 360 degrees around his body, not the perspective of white eyes, but a strange and mysterious sense.

At this moment, Venom found a beam of black shadows spreading on the ground, about to touch its legs.

The venom flashed to the left immediately, narrowly dodging the Shadow Binding Technique.

".~Huh?" Sikong Ye didn't know what happened, but he saw the word "knowledge color" added to the attribute column on the attribute panel.

"Am I awakened to knowledge?" Sikong Ye felt a little dreamy. .

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