"It always feels a little dangerous!!"

Nami, who was also a timid trio, also hugged the mast nervously.

"But then again..."

She looked at Brook, who also pretended to be afraid and nervous, hugging the table next to her:

"Why did you come on board with us too?!"

"Yo **** ho ho, it was Mr. Luffy and Mr. Link who invited me to join me on the boat!!".

266 Brooke joins! Props that retain consciousness after transformation? ! Is it smooth sailing then?

At this juncture, Brooke did not forget to take off his hat as a courtesy of a gentleman.

"You helped me take back the shadow before, I really don't know how to thank you!!"

"I said that I will do my best, so I must be willing to do it!!"

"And I think Mr. Luffy is right. If you meet Rab, instead of returning in such an embarrassed way, it's better as a man to complete the feat of a man's sailing for a week, so that you can meet Rab more confidently!! "

"So, let me on this boat, as a musician, play that relaxing, stress-relieving happy music for everyone, hoo hoo hoo hoo!!\"

"That's absolutely right! Brooke!!"

Brook smiled briskly, and Luffy agreed beside him.

He wanted a good musician, but he had been thinking about it for a long time.

"It would be great to have a quick way to reach the Chambord Islands!!"

Turning his face, Luffy happily waved at the big bear, "Thank you, big bear!!"

"It's just a hands-on effort."

While responding mildly, the big bear took off his gloves, "I will also tell Sabo about Ace, and I have written down your phone number."

"At that time, Sabo may take the initiative to contact you."

"The world government and the navy attach great importance to this major event. In order to reduce unnecessary risks to both you and us, we should not have too much contact in the future."

"we know!!"

Luffy held down his straw hat, and the others beside him also looked at the big bear with kind and grateful eyes at the same time.

This undercover agent of the revolutionary army in Qiwuhai has really provided them a lot of help, and I can't say that it is good for them! !

"Then go well

The big bear nodded lightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight gentle arc.


A soft slap hit the Merry's hull.

In an instant, a mass of air that seemed to be wrapped in a bear's paw, carrying the Merry, rose into the sky into the distance! !

"Goodbye, my friends..."

Xiong Yao looked at the small Merry in the distance, and couldn't help but whisper in his heart.

Although the time he spent with the Straw Hat Pirates was very short, he had to say that he also liked the atmosphere of Luffy and others.

Getting along with the Straw Hat Pirates and others made him feel really comfortable.

After putting the gloves back on, the big bear looked at the thing inside the sleeve that Link gave him when he was heading towards the Merry just now.

"I heard that you are going to be transformed by the scientist Vega Punk?"

"how do you know?"

"Looking at your machine body and the equipment that emits laser light, you can guess about it."

"Is that so..."

"You have traces of transformation from head to toe. It should be a comprehensive transformation, right? In this transformation situation, it should be easy to lose your consciousness and become a tool and weapon that can only be used for fighting."

"So you have made a decision, right? However, let's take this, if you really want to accept that level of transformation, with it, you may be able to successfully preserve your own consciousness" IIO "

Save your own consciousness successfully...

The bear took another look at the thing Link gave him in his hand, or the props.

"Is it really possible……"

he murmured.

If possible, who really wants to be a weapon tool that has lost its personality and mind?

And just after the Straw Hat Pirates were taken away by the big bear as a whole, Lola and the others also found that there was no movement after waiting for a day. He couldn't help but dared to return to the original venue, only to find that Moriah was gone, Luffy and the others were gone, and the tyrant bear of Shichibukai disappeared. Everything was as if it had never happened, like a dream.

But when they looked at the collapsed castle and the broken Oz?

Looking at the shadow under my feet, I knew that everything that happened before was definitely not a dream! !

From the Dread Barque, head high above the sea in the Chambord Islands.


Brook got down on one knee, patted his reward order on the deck, leaning on the sword in one hand and pressing the reward order in the other, bowed his head and introduced himself in a ceremonial manner:

"The next name is Brooke. He used to be the captain of the guard team of a certain country in the West Sea. Later, he joined the Rumba Pirates as a fencer and musician, and later became the acting captain. Fifty years ago, he made an agreement with the whale Rabu to reunite at Twin Points."

"The reward amount is 33 million Bailey. I don't know if I can count it. I hope you will take care of me in the future, yo hoo hoo hoo!!\"

In the end, he was very gentlemanly, and pulled a sword flower there.

Every member of the ship, at the invitation of Luffy and Link, agreed to board the ship.

He was the first to have such a ceremonial and romantic joining ceremony like Brook.

This is also a standard ceremony for pirates to join a pirate group decades ago, especially in the West Sea where the western style is particularly strong.

But now it doesn't like that.

"Both swordsmen and musicians..."

Zoro was quite interested in this, "If you have time in the future, you can learn more about it.

Finally, there is another member with a sword on this ship.

"Yo **** ho ho, then please advise!!"

Happy Brook, it seems that laughter will never be lacking.

"Then let me play a song for you during the journey."

"Yo hoo hoo hoo, yo hoo hoo hoo hoo??

Bring Binks' wine to you..."

Above this high sky, a very melodious voice sounded.

During the next period of time, the Navy has been preparing for the war intensely.

In order not to cause too much trouble and leaks, the navies do not plan to release news for the time being.

At present, only the senior navy and Shichibukai, as well as the world government, are aware of the preparations for this war.

But some supernatural characters will naturally know everything they should know.

As a result, on the sea, there is gradually a feeling of wind and rain coming.

But ordinary people can't feel it before they receive the news.

For example, very close to the Chambord Islands, the base of the Knights of Flying Fish.

They are the country mafia of the nearby islands, and occasionally go to the illegal areas of the Chambord Islands to do some extortion and other business with some pirates.

The small days had been quite moisturizing.

Its leader Dibalu was even more fortunate, and he brought some flying fish to his subordinates, so he founded the Flying Fish Knights.

Originally, the days passed by leisurely, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But until one day a few months ago, everything changed.

Dibalu deeply remembers that since the reward order came out, his life has become completely gloomy.

"Let me be like a dog, driven to jump up and down by the navy and bounty hunters, like a mouse crossing the street, I can only build such a residential area on this sea!!

In the main room, Dibalu smashed a bottle of strong rum on the table and said a little drunk.

"Damn, if I come across that wicked gang of straw hats, I will never let them go!!!"

His voice was filled with deep hatred and weeping blood, which made the listeners cry.

And in the middle sea area of ​​this base, there are two iron cages hanging there.

"Sorry, little eight, we couldn't rescue you successfully."

Twist, don't say that, I'm the one who dragged you all down and got you arrested together. "

Inside the two iron cages, there is a murloc with six hands and one pair of legs, which looks like an octopus.

In the other cage, there was a green-haired murloc, and beside her fluttering tail, there was a strange starfish in a hat.

An octopus and a murloc groaned there.

"I really hope someone can suddenly show up to save us?"

The green-haired murloc looked at the boundless sea in the distance, with endless expectations in his eyes.

"Stop dreaming Kemi~"

The little starfish next to him seemed to have lost all his energy, shaking his pentagram-like little hand.

"Even the most powerful person we know, Xiaoba, was **** by them. Who else can save us?"

"We're about to be treated like goods and sold to the Chambord Islands."

He was there in a powerless way.


Kemi immediately pouted, "I was caught 30 times by them and eaten by sea beasts 20 times before, didn't I still escape and ascend to heaven?" Well, it's time to say, although she Extremely confused, and also experienced hardships.

If these other people only experience it once, it is a danger of nine deaths, but she has experienced it dozens of times in a row, but she is still able to survive safely.

I have to say, this kind of luck has been quite remarkable.

"Maybe our luck has turned upside down..."

The orange starfish was extremely sad, "If it was bought by a chef and made a seafood platter, it would not survive... (Zhao Li's

"Don't be so negative, Papagu..."

The mermaid Kemi next to him comforted it, "Perhaps it was like the first time we met Xiao Ba when we were in danger, and he saved us."

"Maybe there will be people who come suddenly and save us."

"Hehe, you think it's beautiful

The starfish Papagu has lost the color of life, "How can there be such a guy, unless they fall from the sky??

Whoosh?! !

Just after his voice fell, a black dot appeared in the sky above their base.

Then as the black spot gets bigger and bigger, the shape becomes more and more distinct.

"what is that……"

One fish, one fish man, and one starfish naturally noticed the situation, and couldn't help but raise their heads and look at them curiously.

"That shape looks like...a bear's paw?!!"

The eyes of the two starfish widened instantly, and they saw that the mark of the bear's paw instantly fell on the sea near them.

boom! !

A huge wave was set off for a while, rolling towards the surrounding buildings.


Mermaid Kemi and starfish Papagu were screaming there.

"I'm going to be drowned!!"

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