The two showed their exaggerated looks with bulging eyes and wide-open mouths.

[Thanks for the reward from the 'mast hand covering the sky', thank you! ! ].

267 is really a mermaid! ! [Cursed baby], Sanji, you do have a certain responsibility

"What's your name, twist~"

In the cage next to him, the murloc named Xiaoba said silently:

"Aren't you all able to breathe underwater?"


The two stupid guys suddenly realized there.

At the same time, when the waves were rising, there was also a voice of dialogue, which came from the waves.

"You idiot, idiot, idiot! What are you doing to catch newsbirds when you have nothing to do?!"

"I just want to buy the newspaper on it and see if he has any recent news about Ace!"

"And then you grabbed the newsbird and changed our direction?!"

"Who would have changed the direction just by catching a bird!!"

"The plane will crash immediately after encountering a bird at high altitude, let alone such a big news bird!!"

"...What is an airplane?"

"Don't change the subject there, you second cargo captain!!"

Crackling, ding ding dong! !

There was a lot of noise, scolding, and then the sound of punching, kicking and beating sounded in this sea area.

"Twist, these sounds are..."

Hearing this unusually familiar tone, the octopus man named Little Eight shuddered.

He seemed to recall a very bad past again.

"What happened?!"

At this moment, those buildings that were hit by the waves also ran out with guns and swords.

The leader was a tall guy with an iron mask riding a **** buffalo.

It was the person who was drinking and scolding in the room just now.

"That flag is..."

The waves gradually subsided, revealing the trace of the ship inside.

The guy wearing an iron mask, like a leader, saw the iconic flag, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Straw Hat Pirates!!!"

That's right, it was the Straw Hat Pirates who arrived.

Originally, according to the path that Big Bear had designed for them, the place where his 750s landed was the waters around the Chambord Islands.

As a result, their second cargo captain killed a passing news bird on the way.

This caused them to suddenly change direction and fall towards this side.

"I can't stand you idiot!!"

Nami withdrew the smoking fist, "What time is it, still making trouble here."

She was in a very bad mood and gave Luffy a blank look at Luffy who was lying on the ground with a big bag on his head.

"Speaking of which, what is this place?"

Nami raised her head and began to survey the surrounding environment.


She saw the octopus man Hachi who was imprisoned in the iron cage and stared at her blankly.

Nami: "..."

Little Eight: "..."

This is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine.

I had met so many times in the East China Sea and thought it was over, but when I came to this great route, I actually met again? !

Fate is really amazing.


Nami's eyebrows twitched beside him, and Sanji and Zoro also looked like dead fish eyes that were hesitant to speak.

It is a very good thing to meet an old knowledge like this in a foreign country, but this [old knowledge] encountered...

But he's not a happy guy.

"Meet you here again! Little Eight!!"

Nami pointed at the octopus man in the iron cage and yelled.

"Twisted? Nami, long time no see..."

Xiao Ba didn't know what to say in this situation, so he could only say hello a little stiffly there.

Eh, are you Hachi's friend? "

Next to them, the two guys Papago and Kemi, who had just been washed wet by the waves, suddenly brightened their eyes.

"If you say that, they will really come to save us!!"

"It turns out... that someone will come down from the sky to meet us..."

Papago sniffed and his eyes widened.

He didn't expect that it was already this kind of mortal situation, and there were people who fell from the sky to save them! ! "That murloc, do you know Nami?"

Robin, Chopper, Frankie, and Brooke, who joined later, asked there.

"When I was in the East China Sea, a group of murlocs called Aron occupied Nami's homeland and brought a lot of pain to Nami. That octopus was the cadre of that group of murlocs."

Usopp explained to everyone.

Eh, so you're talking about Nami's enemy? ! "

Xiao Qiaoba summed it up very thoroughly.

"You can say the same~"

Usopp scratched his head, "I remember that it was knocked down by Sanji and handed over to the navy to be imprisoned, how could it appear in this place?!"

"Don't mention Aaron's name to me!!"

Sanji, who was beside him, interrupted immediately, his body seemed to be swaying there, and he seemed to remember something terrible, and there was a low air pressure all over his body.


Thinking of Aaron, Usopp also fell silent.

Obviously, like Sanji, he thought of the last moment when Aaron was fed the [mermaid fruit] by Link, and he turned into a look with rather hot eyes.

He couldn't even help it, his body shivered a bit.

"So, murlocs and stuff are terrible..."

Sanji said in a broken voice, "If only I could meet a real mermaid."

As he spoke, he also looked in the direction of the sound, "Especially those cute and beautiful mermaid ladies, that's just... a real mermaid!!! In the next second, Sanji burst out in a bigger than before. Nami also had a high tone and a high-pitched voice.

He stared at the mermaid lady with a forked pink fish tail who was slapping the cage and looking for help.

Like an arrow in the hand of Cupid, the **** of love.

湹湹湹! !

Straight through his fraternal pink heart.

"Oh oh oh oh my beautiful, cute, beautiful mermaid lady!!!"

Countless pink hearts appeared on Sanji's forehead, as if the stars were shining brightly.

"Wait for me, your beloved guardian knight, Sanji, is about to save you!!!"

At this moment, Sanji only felt that in his body, there seemed to be infinite power pouring into him.

At the same time, the love in his heart is like a river and sea water that has opened the gates, surging and never washing! !

And just when he was going to step forward to save people~

"Sanji?! You said you were the [Black Foot] Sanji who killed a thousand knives?!!"

Suddenly, a voice that was not weaker than him, or even more than his, suddenly sounded, startling Sanji and Luffy.

"Who are those people?!"

When they looked around, they saw a group of strange fish riding on the shore of the base, which seemed to be guys who would dress up in black.

The guy in the lead was even more peculiar. Not to mention riding a **** buffalo, he still wore such a strict iron mask on his face that he was afraid that his face would be exposed.

"Is this their old lair?"

"It should be, that person should be their leader."

"Why does he hold such high malice towards Sanji?"

"Is it the hatred that Sanji forged when he was a chef at a sea restaurant?"

A group of people speculated there.

Mainly because of the voice that this iron-masked man shouted just now, it was a little too miserable.

That seems to have an unforgettable hatred, and after seeing the righteous master, there is a little bit of joy and a feeling of getting what you want.

This had to make the people of the Straw Hat Pirates wonder if Sanji had some deep hatred with the other party.

"who are you?!"

The emotions and actions that had just been brewing were interrupted, and Sanji looked at the other party rather unhappily.

"Do I know you?!"

"Of course you don't know me, but I know you!!"

The iron-faced man waved his big hand and pointed at Sanji in the distance, "It's all thanks to you that I am here today!!"

He was so excited that he started there:

"It turns out that there really is a **** in this world who can hear the call of my heart, fulfill my wish, and let me meet you!!"

"Today is really a happy day. You, who I dreamed of killing, appeared in front of me!!"

"Even if I die here with you today, I will definitely kill you!!"

The more he said that, the more he expressed such a deep hatred and hatred, the more curious he became.

"So, who are you, this guy?!"

Sanji tried hard to recall there, but he couldn't recall anything.

Although I have done some hateful things before, most of them are those dirty pirates and disgusting nobles.

He has never really come into contact with such a small group of black and astringent nature.

"You, shouldn't it be called Dibalu?"

Beside him, Link suddenly asked.

"Huh? You know me?!"

The iron-masked man, who had been staring at Sanji, turned around immediately when he heard Link's words.

"Dybalu? I've never heard of this name??"

Sanji frowned there and recalled that he had no impression of the name at all.

"Dybalu, said to be a baby born a week after the death of One Piece Gol D Roger, was called by his mother as a [cursed baby] because of his bizarre face.

Link explained to the curious crowd, "Is this a sensation back then?"

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