During this period, he rescued an injured panda shark from the mouth of a sea beast, and was invited by it to his home, where he was given a piece of flesh and blood.

Interestingly, in the refrigerator of this panda shark, there is also a green devil fruit?

After getting the flesh and blood, Xiao Ba then met a hungry man on an isolated island. After giving him the flesh and blood, he finally had a man who was so happy that he cried and devoured it and gave it to Xiao Ba.

Eight gold rings.

And this is the ring that Princess Goldfish lost. After returning it to Princess Goldfish, she got a lot of treasure and the news of the [legendary sauce] for cooking takoyaki.

On the way, he rescued the mermaid Kemi and the starfish Papagu from the mouth of the sea beast again, and with their help, successfully got the sauce from the open head of the big octopus.

In this way, with both money and craftsmanship, Hachi thinks about making delicious takoyaki to propose to his girlfriend, Octopus.

As a result, he met the villagers of Xiyu Village who were affected by the disaster. Xiao Baer bought all the treasures and materials and utensils for making takoyaki, and made takoyaki to help the victims.

This also led to the failure of his marriage proposal, but he also received a reward from the villagers of Eyu Village and built a sea takoyaki shop "Takoyaki No. 8" for him.

Hachi was able to realize his childhood dream of opening a takoyaki shop.

This experience was really wonderful.

While savoring the taste of this delicious takoyaki, it also contains Hachi's mental journey.

After being abandoned by his girlfriend, he realized that the woman will only affect the speed of his takoyaki, and realizing this can make the takoyaki extremely delicious.

Just like that, when Hachi cooks takoyaki and everyone eats it?

The outline of the Chambord Archipelago not far away slowly emerged in everyone's field of vision.

Near the Naval Headquarters, there is the largest mangrove tree in the world, named [Arqiman Mangrove].

Since the roots of the trees have been exposed on the water, various tree roots are intertwined, forming the Chambord Islands.

It is said that it is an island, but it is built on a big tree, so it does not have the magnetic force of the recording pointer, and it is only a transit point at the midpoint of the great route.

The most distinctive feature of the Chambord Islands is the special natural resin secreted by the roots of the mangrove tree due to respiration.

The resin expands with air to form bubbles, which then fly into the sky.

Of course, these bubbles can only exist on this island because they are made of alchemy trees.

However, due to the increase of bubbles, bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles... Bubble culture permeates every part of Chambord Island! Therefore, Chambord Islands, also known as Chambord Islands For 【Soap Bubble Islands】.

[Thanks to 'M,' for the 2,000-point reward! ! This is a chapter plus update, the rest is in the afternoon! ! ].

270 Ripped off the bar, Xia Qi, is that the so-called prop? !

Chambord Archipelago, the whole island consists of 79 trees, each tree is numbered, and each number has a corresponding area of ​​towns and facilities, which are divided into different zones.

For example, the area from No. 1 to No. 29 is a mixture of dragons and snakes, with illegal areas of human trafficking and human auctions.

After finishing the takoyaki, Hachi was paralyzed on the deck, panting heavily, explaining the situation in the Chambord Islands to everyone.

In his words, when he was very young 20 years ago, he floated from the Fishman Island to the Chambord Islands and met good friends here.

One of them is a very powerful boatman and coater. If you want to go to Fishman Island, you can ask him to help coat.

If it was the Straw Hat Pirates who normally drive here, they would have been eager to find the coating master.

Then, during the coating of the boat, have a good time on the Chambord Islands, and after the coating of the boat is finished, we will officially go to Fishman Island.

Everything is so perfect.

But now~

"Link, what should we do next?"

Luffy's well-fed belly shrunk instantly, and he looked at Link with burning eyes.

They did not immediately go to the deep sea prison, but came to the Chambord Archipelago, which was what Link said.

"It's very simple, the first step is to find someone."

Link snapped his fingers, "In the thirteenth mangrove, the ripping bar?"

"Twisted? Ripped off the bar?"

Xiao Ba, who was tired on the ground, couldn't help but raised his head, "That's the bar run by Xia Qi, and it's also the place I mentioned to you before, where the famous coater Rayleigh lives."

"Are you going there? Can I introduce you?"


"Coater? Rayleigh?"

Luffy scratched his head a little, "Are we going to coat the Merry now?"

"Can this kind of thing be put aside for a while?!"

"Idiot, Link knows this kind of thing better than you.

Nami next to him continued, "I think the place Link is going, the person he's looking for, should have a deep meaning, right?"

"Well, that's right

Link nodded, "The man named Rayleigh is Ace's father's right-hand man and should be able to provide some help."

"It's Ace's father's right-hand man..."

Everyone nodded subconsciously.


and many more! !

Ace's father's right-hand man? They heard from Luffy that Ace's father was the Pirate King Roger.

That means...

"That Rayleigh, is the crew of One Piece?!"

Usopp yelled out immediately.

"Indeed, you've heard of the name Rayleigh?"

Robin also held her face, and she also recalled, "[Pluto] Rayleigh, full name Silbaz Rayleigh

One Piece's vice-captain...

A group of people were shocked.

"Ah, I remembered it too!!"

, the deputy captain of the One Piece ship~!!

Frankie also knocked on his hand, "When Roger and the others came to the Seven Waters, there were two idiots on the boat arguing whether the South Pole was colder or the North Pole was colder."

"Then I was taught a lesson by Mr. Reilly, and now I think about it, I miss it, ahhh!!"

Of course, there is also a samurai who has to ask a few questions when he sees anything, who is very curious about knowledge, and who is always yelling and irritating. What kind of warrior is Kozuki Oden.

Even more reckless and annoying than the current Luffy, who casually fiddled with his inventions, was yelled at by him many times but still deaf to him, the guy he didn't want to see.

"One Piece's vice-captain..."

Luffy's eyes suddenly brightened, "I really want to get to know you?"

"Let's go, mates, go to the rip-off bar!!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The group did not enter the beautiful and dreamy bubble park and playground, and did not even take a second glance, and turned to the No. 13 area in the illegal zone?

Soon, they came to the shore of the corresponding mangrove.

Under the leadership of Xiao Ba, he still stayed with Aniu, and stayed with his new good friend Papagu to chat and watch the boat, and the others followed to the so-called rip-off bar.

Under the purposeful march of the group, they soon saw that strange little bar.

boom! !

As soon as he got close, he saw a pirate being kicked out of the bar.


other people:"……"

It seems that the owner of this bar is not a good person.

Listening to Xiaoba, the business is a woman named Xia Qi, right?

The girls don't look like good silver! !

A group of people looked at the unconscious pirate at their feet, but still lifted their feet and walked in.

Come here, of course you have to go in and take a good look.


When Luffy and the others pushed the door in, they saw a young woman with short black hair and a spider-patterned top with a cigarette in her mouth.

She was carrying a black-eyed pirate in her hand, and at first glance, she was beaten hard.

Well, as soon as they came in, they saw Chang Wei calling... and they saw Xia Qi fighting pirates.

"Twist, Aunt Xia, I brought a guest to you."

Xiaoba greeted Xia Qi with no surprise.

"Yo, it's Little Eight!!"

Xia Qi was also a little surprised when she saw this. This one of the few people she knew had not met for a long time.

"It's really been a long time, how have you been recently?!"

Xia Qi was very capable, and kicked the pirate he was holding out of the window.

Straw hat group: "..."

The heroine is good!

"Twist, it's alright

Xiao Ba thought about it, at least it's better than being sold as a slave now.

"Are they the friends you brought with you, Little Eight?"

Xia Qi's eyes also fell on Luffy and the others behind Xiaoba, and she couldn't help but squeeze the cigarette in her mouth with both hands, and exhaled a smoke ring.

"The Straw Hats who have recently become famous in the sea are really incredible guests?!"

She smiled there.

"Since they came to my bar, they are all guests.

Xia Qi swayed to the bar and took out a few wine glasses.

"Want something to drink?"

"No, it's okay to drink or something?"

Luffy immediately refused, and then paused, perhaps feeling that his rejection was a bit dead, and added:

"Of course, if you treat me to meat, then..."


Both Nami and Usopp punched the club at the same time.

"How long have you been, and you still want to eat!!"

"Ah yes, it's important to get down to business first..."

Luffy touched his head and raised his head, "I want to find Rayleigh!"

He said solemnly, "Look for the former One Piece vice-captain, [Pluto] Rayleigh.

";Ling\'Long:" 85:6;1097?82! "Huh?"

Xia Qi paused slightly when she took the wine glass.

She looked at Luffy's serious eyes, and couldn't help pursing her lips:

"Looks like you have something important to do."

Putting down the wine glass and hugging her arms around her chest, Xia Qi looked at Luffy with interest:

"Can I call you 'Little Munch'?"

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