"No problem, as long as you tell us where Rayleigh is!!"


Xia Qi smiled, "I also really want to introduce Rayleigh to you, but unfortunately, he stole my money these two days, and I don't know where to go to be sassy."

"not here?"

Luffy was not disappointed, but looked at Link instead.

And the latter naturally did not live up to Luffy's disappointment, and took out the [Tracking Cane].

"Yo Xi, after you have this thing, you can find Rayleigh!!"

Luffy was very motivated immediately and wanted to rush out.

"Won't you stay for a drink?"

Xia Qi knocked on the table and chuckled, "What do you guys want to do with Rayleigh, maybe you can tell me first, and I can also help you analyze it."

"Furthermore, I can also tell you about Rayleigh's appearance, personality and other characteristics, so that it will be much easier for you to find him."

"Twisted, Aunt Xia's intelligence ability is very powerful.

The little eight next to him also suggested, "If you want to inquire about news, it's right to ask Aunt Xia~"

"Is that so?"

Luffy stopped immediately, turned around and sat on the seat in front of the bar.

"Then please tell me about Rayleigh first, ah, can you give me another special barbecue here?!

"Don't give in to your appetite so easily!!"

A group of 750 people behind Luffy held their foreheads together!

But the proprietress named Xia Qi was right. They were confused about the Chambord Islands.

Just go straight to the island to find someone, if you encounter any local trouble in the middle, it will not be so good.

Especially since it is still so close to the naval headquarters.

In case of attracting siege from the navy, they will not be able to eat and walk around.

But since Luffy sat down, a group of people also randomly found a place to rest first.

"Is that a so-called prop?!"

Xia Qi prepared drinks for Luffy and the others, and Xiao Ba served as a waiter to bring cups and cups of drinks in front of everyone, while looking at the [Tracking Cane] lying on the ground, she was quite curious and playful.

"Ah, that's Link's prop. He is very powerful. As long as we encounter any kind of trouble, he will come up with all kinds of props to help us solve it."

Luffy drank his drink and said proudly.

As his partner, Link is very powerful, and he is also very proud of being the captain.

"The name of [Prop Master], but the whole sea has heard of it

Xia Qi chuckled with a cigarette in her hand, "It's like thunder."

"And not only the [Prop Master], but even your Straw Hat Pirates, from top to bottom, from the captain to the crew, after the Judiciary Island incident was over, it was known to the world."

She also looked at Link who came over and sat on the bar with Luffy.

"After all, the Judiciary Island, which stood for 800 years, was destroyed by you. It is difficult for outsiders to remember you."

Having said that, she continued to smile when she saw Luffy and the others trying to explain something.

"Of course, it was the Navy's [Devil Slaughtering Order] that destroyed Judiciary Island. You are just following the blame."

Um? !

When Xia Qi said this, the people from the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Due to the news spread by the Navy and the World Government, it has always been their Straw Hat Pirates who destroyed Judiciary Island and let them take the blame.

[Thanks to the 'Call Me Monster' brother for another reward! ! grateful! ! ! ].

271 [Supernovas]! Changed bounty amount! ! The strongest pirate group! !

And this lady boss Xia Qi was able to get the inside story.

It seems that her intelligence ability is indeed not as exaggerated as she said, it is a fact.

"It started to rise from the East China Sea, the weakest sea. So far, in less than half a year, it has already gained such momentum..."

She picked up the drink and gave Link a refill after drinking, "There are more than five pirates on board with over 100 million members, and the rookie pirates who have just debuted account for four."

"I think, not only me, but also the other [Supernovas] on the island are very curious and want to find out, why does the World Government give you a group of people such a high reward?"

Speaking of which, a thirst for knowledge flashed in her eyes that could not see the traces of the years:

"Especially the captain and vice-captain, who have exceeded the limit of 500 million Baileys one after another. You must know that this is a height that even the powerhouses of the New World cannot reach."

"Not to mention, in the first half of the great route, someone can achieve such an achievement!!"

As Xia Qi spoke, she looked at the many conditions of the members on the field, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

Physical fitness and other aspects, all exercise is quite good~

"[Supernova]? What is that?!"

Luffy tilted his head and asked such a question.

"[Supernova] refers to the rookie pirates who come to the Chambord Archipelago within a short period of time, usually within a year of going to sea, and achieve a reward of more than 100 million Baileys.

"If you count the four members of your Straw Hat Pirates, this year's [Supernova] on this island has already reached thirteen people.

Xia Qi smiled and said, "It's not bad to be able to produce one or two pirates of this level every year. This year can be said to be a bumper harvest!!"

There are five members of the Straw Hat Pirates with a bounty of over 100 million.

Luffy's 555 million Baileys, Link's 550 million Baileys, Zoro's 220 million Baileys, and Sanji's 177 million Baileys.

And Robin's, 150 million Baileys.

However, Robin had already been rewarded in the O'Hara incident twenty years ago, and she is no longer a rookie pirate.

Therefore, [Supernova] did not count her.

"Everyone is also looking forward to how your group of [supernovas] will collide on this Chambord Archipelago."

"Especially you guys, little Meng Qi, the one with the highest reward among the [Supernova] is you.

Xia Qi leaned against the bar, "And the two of you, Little Link, don't seem to be on the same level as the others."

"The number of people in the [Supernova] Pirates is also the largest in your Straw Hat Pirates, so you are truly in the limelight. Everyone wants to see what kind of storms you will cause when you come to this island."

Speaking of this, Luffy didn't react, but was very excited about the grilled meat that Little Eight brought up.

Link took another sip of the drink to moisten his throat, but Zoro had a smile on the corner of his mouth. Sanji was pretending to be a deep gentleman, lit a cigarette, his blond hair covered his eyes, and his neck was tilted forty-five degrees. blew out a puff of smoke.

But he could also clearly feel the high-spirited emotions in him.

[Supernova] This title is perfect for attracting those beautiful ladies! !

"The other [Supernovas] are all trying their best to get to know you, but they speeded up their sailing speed and came to this island ahead of time to wait for you." II Speaking of this, Xia Qi also took a breath. , the white mist slowly floated out of her mouth.

"It's just right, I also really want to see it, the moment when you knocked down other pirate groups and became the strongest pirate group in the first half of this year."

She smiled and encouraged the excitement while watching the fun.

Usopp, Nami and others: "..."

Hearing what Xia Qi said, it seems like they were being targeted? !

Just because their bounty amount is too high, this year's pirates of the same level with a bounty amount of over 100 million don't like them, and want to trouble them? !

And in order to block them, for fear that they will run away, come to this island ahead of time and wait for them to arrive? !

Well, because the seven routes in the first half of the Great Route will eventually point to Fishman Island, and the Chambord Islands are the necessary islands to go to Fishman Island.

Therefore, this is the end island of the first half of the great route, an island that brings together all the outstanding pirates who have sailed halfway! !

This is a joy for other pirates who are watching the fun, but it is only a headache for Nami and the others who have come to the door for trouble.

"Why do we always encounter all kinds of troubles every time we go to a place..."

Usopp also lamented there, "Are we cursed?!"

Speaking of which, their journey has been really bumpy.

Since entering the great route, Whiskey Peak, Small Garden, Drum Island, Alabasta, Gaya Island, Sky Island, G8 Fortress, Long Chain Island, Uninhabited Island with Green Pheasant, Water Seven, Terror Three Masts Sailboats, Knights of Flying Fish, and now Chambord...

Almost everywhere, they get in trouble.

This time it was even better. They didn't take the initiative to look for trouble. Instead, they took the initiative to come to them when they had trouble.

"Okay, do you have any other questions?"

Xia Qi gave everyone the opportunity to ask questions.

"Yo **** ho ho, dare to ask Miss Xia Qi..."

Brooke was the first to jump out, "What color are you wearing today?


Nami kicked it out, "Don't ask such a boring question."

"I remember it was pink..."

Is Xia Qi still there seriously considering the answer?

"Don't say it!!"

"Hahaha, this meat is so delicious!!"

Luffy's meat-eating sound and Nami's lesson to Brook, and the noise of others will make a mess.


"So, who are the other [Supernovas]?!"

It was Zoro who touched the knife with one hand and his chin with the other, and asked a more serious question with great interest and curiosity.

He desperately wanted to know who the guys who wanted to deal with him were.

"Then I will introduce you to you in turn according to the reward amount."

Xia Qi first looked at Luffy who was eating his flesh and blood, "The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates from the East China Sea, [Straw Hat Boy] Monkey-D? Luffy, the reward is 555 million Bailey. ."

"And the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Prop Master] Link, with a reward of 550 million Bailey."

"This is your Straw Hat Pirates, the two with the highest bounty among the supernovas, and the third is the Captain Kidd Pirates from the South China Sea, who is also a very ferocious pirate [Captain 1 Kidd, the reward is 300 million Thirty-three million baileys."

Is it higher than the original 318 million Bailey?

Link was also there listening to the bounties of the supernovas, and the ones who came up to Kidd were different from the original ones.

It seems that after so many things happened to the Straw Hat Pirates, it also affected other supernovas.

However, judging from the magnitude of the increase in the reward amount, it seems that the impact is not too great?

"And then there is the fourth, from the North Sea, the captain of the Hawkins Pirates, [Magician], Basil Hawkins, the reward amount, 266 million Bailey."

"Also from Beihai, the fifth one, [Red Flag] X? Drake, with a bounty of 248 million Bailey, was a Rear Admiral and later defected from the Navy to become a pirate, also known as a pirate. [Fallen Rear Admiral]."

".?, Next, the swordsman of your Straw Hat Pirates, the sixth-ranked [Pirate Hunter] Roronoa Zoro, with a reward of 220 million Baileys."

"It's the captain of the [Heart Pirates] from the North Sea, the seventh [Death Surgeon], Trafalgar Law, and the reward is 219.6 million Bailey."

"There are also people who came from the great route of [Dixing Sound], the eighth one, Skulachman Apu, the captain of the Radio Pirates, also known as [Hai Ming], with a reward of 217 million 1.32 million Baileys."

"And the last member of your Straw Hat Pirates, the ninth-ranked chef [Black Foot] Sanji, has a reward of 177 million Baileys."

When Xia Qi said this, she also looked at Sanji, whose chest was slightly straightened there, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chef's two bounties make me keep them seriously."

"After all, the same bounty character can make the Navy unable to obtain photos twice in a row. They are all hand-painted portraits. Such special circumstances have not been encountered in this sea for decades."


This sentence was like a bullet, and it shot into Sanji's chest, spattering blood in his heart.


He was holding his head again, and he was in a state of pessimism and despair about the world and this world.

The reward order is the eternal pain of Sanji's life.

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