Kira, who was sipping pasta beside her, said dully.

With his mask full of holes, he can only eat this kind of noodle food.

"Is the Human Auction venue? We're not so close..."

Kidd licked his lips, his eyes flickering brightly, "It seems that they are also more interested in slaves?"

"Little ones, let's go ahead and wait there to see what those people look like!!".

273 The trend of their respective supernovas is too chaotic, right? ! Crazy and bold ideas to the extreme!

After that, Kidd flicked his robe and walked outside the restaurant.

He was followed by a group of friends who responded to him.

And in the other corner of the restaurant.

"Godfather, the Straw Hat Pirates have come to this island, and they are going to the Human Auction, we don't need to..."

The tall bald man, the [Killer] of the Flame Tank Pirates, and Gotti, who is also Lola's future husband, asked Capone Becky for his opinion.

"Isn't it good for someone to explore the way for us first?"

Capone Becky elegantly cut a piece of steak into his mouth, "More than 550 million Bailey's heads, especially with two."

"A pirate group of this level, even with the bonus of other special factors, is definitely not weak."

"Just let that red hair go to test the other side. If the two sides can directly conflict and lose both sides? It would be better~"

A sneer appeared on Becky's face, "The real winner in the end, in many cases, may not necessarily be the first to provoke the dispute - both sides!!"

When Becky was going to have a mussel fight for the fisherman's profit - when~

On the other side, within the eighteenth area.

Near a beautiful fountain, in front of the small long table sat a person with a very calm, even expressionless face.

"If I go to fight the Straw Hat Pirates..."

[Magician] Hawkins turned over a tarot card drawn by divination.

"Win chance, 0%, escape chance 0%, death chance 50%..."

Looking at the result of such a divination, Hawkins was silent for a while.

"Is there such a big difference?"

There he muttered to himself.

He is also a newcomer who just went to sea this year, and the straw hat boy is much younger than himself.

As a result, the opponent seems to be several levels stronger than himself, whether it is the amount of the reward, his own strength or the crew under his command.

It's just that people are more popular than dead people.

Hawkins doesn't have too many emotions, or he has experienced too many divinations, which is equivalent to having too many different experiences, and is a little numb to this kind of thing.

"The liveliness of the Straw Hat Pirates, let's not join in."

He still had some thoughts at first, and he couldn't help but give up completely, put away the tarot cards in his hand, and planned to move in a direction farther away from the No. 1 area.

Stay away from all those troublesome guys.

The area of ​​the mangrove tree No. 22.

"Hey, is the Straw Hat Pirates here?!"

Skulachman Apu, who was squatting on the roof, also looked interested, "Is there fun to watch again?!!"


And behind him, there are the crew members and others with a miserable look.

"Why are we squatting on the roof!!"

A group of people looked at the bustling streets below, and couldn't help but feel a little longing and yearning.

"You guys know the shit, don't you know that the best view is on the roof, and it's the easiest to move away from the position?!"

Saying that, he patted his clothes and got up, "Let's go, go to Area 1 and see if there is any other fun to watch!!"

"Yes, Captain

A weak voice came.

"You cheer me up, you bastard!!"

Below Apu and others left, there is a restaurant somewhere in the street.

"Hurry up and serve, I still want to eat!!"

With long straight red hair, denim overalls, a white half-sleeve shirt, and brown booties, Joel Bonnie with heart-shaped lipstick is there with a drumstick in one hand and a pizza in the other.

The two legs were constantly fluttering on the table, shouting to the store owner.

"Straw Hat Pirates?"

While tearing at the food in her mouth, she squinted at the crew member who reported the news to her.

"What does that have to do with me?!"

Bonnie didn't care, "They can do whatever they like, as long as they don't disturb my meal!!"

She rudely stuffed all the chicken thigh pizza in her hand:

"I said, hurry up and serve the old lady!!!"

On Bonnie's side, there is only food in the eyes, and it is in the other No. 19 area.

"The Straw Hats?"

A man with an "X" on his chin and chest, an iconic hooked nose, an eye patch over his left eye, a medieval swordsman hat, and a black mask on his face that resembles the swordsman Zorro , holding information about the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Is it said that even the generals of the headquarters can't help a group of people?"

[Red Flag] X? Drake held a four-edged axe in his right hand and a sword in his left, his eyes flickering and thinking.

"Would you like to report this news to the Navy..."

On the surface, he is the [Degenerate Major General] who betrayed the navy, but he is actually the captain of the special unit of the navy, the secret special unit "SWORD", who came to the sea as a pirate to go undercover among the Four Emperors to obtain information! !

Now on the Chambord Islands, Drake's first thought was whether to pass the message on to the Navy.

As for whether to join in the fun and deal with the Straw Hat Pirates...

He deeply knows how to write the four characters of "extraordinary branches", but he won't rush to get into trouble.

Moreover, as a navy undercover agent, he also knows some information that the pirates do not know.

For example, this group of people invaded Judiciary Island and defeated Rob Luqi, the strongest man of CP9, and the Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters also seemed to have intercepted them, but in the end it didn't matter.

Especially when I heard that Moonlight Moria of the Seven Wuhai was covered in blood when he was sent to the World Government.

Although it was sent by the big bear, who is also Shichibukai, but it was definitely not injured by the big bear like this.

And the route of the Straw Hat Pirates happened to pass through the Devil's Triangle Sea, so it was clear at a glance who Moria was defeated.

Therefore, for the Straw Hat Pirates, Drake, who did not want to be troubled, took the same approach as Hawkins.

Hide as far as you can, for fear of being affected by them.

Just as Drake was about to leave, another corner of the street.

"The Straw Hat Pirates, the most powerful group at present.

One was tall and large, with wings growing on his back, a scar on his left forehead, a beard, gold earrings and a large red rosary.

A man wearing a monk's attire with a kind smile on his face said there.

"Sengzheng, do we want to go take a look?"

There is a bright bald head next to it, but the beautiful woman with an unusually beautiful face asked.

Well, this is also the crew of this [Broken Order].

After all, the hobbies of this [broken monk] are wine, mountain climbing

No wonder it's called [Broken Precepts Monk], but it's actually called [Flower Monk], and there's nothing wrong with it.

"There is a place for the auction of human slaves. It is not in line with our practice, so don't join in the fun."

Urki thought for a while, but still had that kind smile on his face.

For the time being, he doesn't plan to go to the muddy waters this time.

These supernovas are either aggressively looking for trouble with the Straw Hat Pirates, or they are unwilling to join the murky waters.

However, among these people, there is one who has a different idea.

"The one with the straw hat, and the one with the prop master..."

Area 22, under a big tree.

Trafalgar Rowe, known as the [Death Surgeon], looked at the reward order in his hand, and a strange smile gradually appeared on his face.

"It's finally here

He patted the demon sword ghost who was straddled diagonally on the shoulder, and got up from his seat.

"Are you going to find the Straw Hat gang? Captain?!!"

Next to him was a cute white bear with white fluffy fur in an orange diving suit, shaking its ears.

"Ah, go and have a good chat with their boss."

Romey moved.

"That's really good!!"

The white bear immediately cheered, "The bear also wants to have a good chat with the two pets on their boat!!"

I saw that he was holding Chopper and Aniu, the reward for the two.

"Why are they called pets? Bears only have 500 baileys, but they can achieve a reward of 2.5 million baileys and 77 million baileys!!" Peibo Very jealous and envious, staring at the bounty amount of the two people.

Obviously he is also fighting very hard.

Well, even if Chopper is only 2.5 million Bailey, he still makes Peibo envious.

After all, it was in units of ten thousand, and he was only five hundred baileys, not even a thousand...

In this way, go to the human auction venue in the No. 1 area. The personnel of [Supernova] include [Captain] Kidd, [Slaying Warrior] Kira, [Sea Ming] Skulachman Apu, [Death Surgeon] Trafalgar Law.

There is still waiting for the right opportunity to appear ready to pick up the ready-made [gangster] Capone Becky.

A total of five supernovas are planning to have an extraordinary exchange with the Straw Hat Pirates?

At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates, who were marching towards the Human Auction Hall, burst out with exclamations.

"Hey hey, is this your plan? Link?!!"

Usopp held his head, his tongue tingling in shock.

"This is a bit too messy, isn't it?!"

Nami also covered her face with an expression she didn't know what to say.

"Indeed, it sounds shocking..."

Robin's tone was also slightly surprised.

"Do you really want to do such a dangerous thing?!"

Chopper's snot and tears flowed out at the same time.

"Yo **** ho ho, what a crazy and bold plan, it made my heart thump."

Brooke touched his chest, "Ah, although I don't have a heart, yo hoo hoo hoo!!!"

"Ah, this is really an incredible decision!!"

Franky also stopped twisting his buttocks and put away the sunglasses on his face.

"Probably no one ever intended to do this before?"

Sanji was holding a cigarette at the corner of his mouth, but there was no sign of twitching, and the spark gradually disappeared.

"Then let's make a fuss

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