On the contrary, Zoro's eyes were still eager to try, "Doing things that ordinary people dare not do, this is a real adventure.

and experience! ! "

Just now, Link told them about his plan after coming to this Chambord Archipelago, which attracted all the success.

The staff exclaimed and shocked.

Even everyone thinks that this is an idea that is crazy and bold to the extreme, and absolutely no one dares to think or do it.

[Thanks to 'Zhang Jifan' boss and 18058..) boss, the two thousand points reward, I am really grateful! ! ! 】corpse.

274 It's not like what Luffy can say, wise and foolish! Dragon people! !

"No matter what, as long as Ace can be rescued!!"

Luffy made a final decision there.

"Just do as you say, Link!!"

He gave Link 10,000 percent trust.

"Don't worry, Captain

Link was also smiling, "As long as this trip goes smoothly, at least we can be considered invincible."

"But can I make it clear in advance?"

Link put the ugly words to the fore, "If we really do this, we will completely become a thorn in the side of the Navy and a thorn in the flesh."

"The world government will definitely put us in a hurry, and even wish to cut us off by a thousand cuts..."

"That's nothing

Instead, Luffy waved his hand and said very openly: "We are pirates anyway, and it is normal for them to arrest us."

"And we have to go to the deep sea prison to save Ace. If we do this, even if we don't act now, we will definitely be targeted by the navy and the world government!!"

"Besides, we have already declared war with the world government before, and we have put the destruction of the Judiciary Island on our heads. We have long been completely opposed to the world government and the navy."

"It won't matter if you anger them now, right?"

There, Luffy pressed the straw hat with "Seven Five Seven" in one hand, and made such a statement.

Eh? ! "

Everyone looked at Luffy in shock, even more surprised than when they heard Link's plan just now.

"I didn't expect Luffy to be able to say such a thing?!"

"Did he faint from hunger? No, he just ate barbecue at the bar..."

"It really doesn't look like what Luffy can say, and even analyze it..."

"Is he really Luffy? He won't be hypnotized, will he?"

A group of people really feel that the current Luffy is different from the previous Luffy, and the speech just now is simply sober.

Not at all his style.

Well, but one thing to say, Luffy is really smart sometimes.

After all, the words of Alabasta in the original version can be said to have a profound understanding of the world.

It's like completely letting go of myself two years later. The original great wisdom is stupid, and there is only stupidity and dementia...

But no matter what, when the plan was finalized, the group also rushed towards the human slave auction venue according to the direction indicated by the [Tracking Cane].

The rumored [Pluto] Rayleigh was in that place.

Just as everyone was advancing, the other side~

"I beg you, who will help me!! I, I am not here to hurt you, I just want to go home!!"

On a bustling street somewhere, a tall and strong man was crying helplessly at the people in the surrounding streets.

The bulging muscles and strong arms on his body all show how fierce he used to be, especially the hairstyle that looks like a devil's horn on his head, so that those who know him know it.

This was a once famous captain of a certain big pirate group with a bounty of 60 million baileys.

The captain of the Devilman Pirates, [Devilman] Diaz.


Now, this once powerful [Devil Man] doesn't have the feeling of being a big devil pirate galloping across the sea.

There was only the helpless fear left on his face, and panic and despair appeared on his numb face.

"I beg you, no matter what you use, hammer, saw, axe, whatever, as long as you can help me take this collar off my neck, I will thank you for the rest of my life, thank you forever!"

The pirate ship, who used to be famous, was in Diaz, holding the collar around his neck with both hands, crying and begging for help to the people around him.

However, no matter where he looked, the people there would immediately avoid his gaze, and there was also a look of fear in their eyes.

It seems that if you look at him one more time, you will be infected with endless troubles, which will bring misfortune. It is an extremely terrifying thing.

"Wah hoo hoo hoo hoo..."

Suddenly, an urgent alarm sounded from the collar on his neck, and the sound became more and more urgent.

"I beg you!!"

After hearing this voice, Diaz's eyes became red, and he let out a final cry of despair.

"My son was just born when I went to sea. I want to buy a gift for him to bring back..."


This pirate who abandoned his son and went to sea again heard a loud noise before he could finish speaking.

The collar on his neck exploded violently in an instant.


The incomparably tall figure no longer made a sound, and the body was soft and fell to the ground.

All the residents did not dare to breathe, and wanted to leave this place quickly.


Before they could leave, they saw a puppy with an oxygen mask on its head and a suit similar to a space suit, swaying over.

Behind it, there are several figures.

Whoa, whoa! !

Immediately, all the people on both sides of the street who didn't have time to leave, all knelt on the ground with bitter expressions on their faces.

He buried his head deeply, not daring to lift it at all.

And looking at their movements, they are quite skilled. Obviously, on this island, such behaviors and movements are often done.

"Wang Wang!!"

The puppy wearing an oxygen hood came to the side of the tall pirate who was blown to the ground, and sniffed briefly.

He lifted his leg and sprinkled a bubble of clear excrement onto the man.

"Ah, look, my lovely darling has found his rambling mount."

A woman wearing the same aviation suit and oxygen mask as the dog, wearing a pink-purple veil, came over.

She stepped forward and hugged the dog who had just finished being comfortable and was wagging its tail constantly.

Well, I don't know if the dog is wearing the same clothes as her, or if she is wearing the same clothes as the dog.

And after this woman appeared, all the people present immediately lowered their heads even deeper, not daring to make a single sound at all.

"Really, Xia Luliya, you ruined one of the collectibles in the Captain Pirate series that I finally bought. Did you inject him with tranquilizers and paralysis drugs on time?"

An old man's voice came from behind the woman.

I saw an old man dressed in the same attire as this woman, sitting on a tall man, much stronger than the average person, no less than the strong man of the demon Diaz just now.

This strong man had the same collar as the pirate captain on his neck, and his limbs were crawling on the ground, with a lot of wounds and blood marks on his body, and various inexplicable injuries on his body.

Obviously it looks so painful, but he still uses both hands and feet, his eyes are full of emptiness and numbness, and he walks slowly on the ground.

Around him, there were also a few black-clothed agents and a team of guards in iron armor, wrapping themselves like iron cans.

"Xia Lulia, it's too wasteful of you to play around with my collection like this?"

The old man riding on the strong man couldn't help but scolded, "Look now, this guy can't even make a specimen..0\"

"Don't say that, I also think that Saru is too lonely, just want to find a toy for him?"

The woman holding the pug said so.

"But who knows, this pirate is just a pariah, and he keeps talking about his wife, children, and going home. It's really annoying." The woman named Xia Luliya, facing her father like a little girl General complaining there.


When she turned around and looked at Diaz, the demon who had fallen unconscious on the ground, her eyes had become icy cold and endless disgust.

"Damn, even running around makes my dear father angry, and also makes me punished. What's the use of such a collection!"

She immediately took out a pistol studded with gold and diamonds from her arms.

"Hu, hu, hu~"

The sound of shooting was incessant, and the surrounding people buried their heads even lower, for fear that they would suffer.

As for why they dare not stand up and resist...

It's very simple, because the two talking in front of them, and those who turn a blind eye to their group, are the nobles of the world.

The one who is aloof and claims to be a god, the [Tianlongren].


When all the bullets have been poured, and the trigger can't be fired again?

The Celestial Dragon named Xia Luliya put away the gun, and at this time, the demon Diaz, who had been scorched black by the bomb, was completely silent now.

The dark red blood that flowed out from under him gradually spread on the tidy streets~

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really dirty, the blood on this garbage is really annoying."

The Celestial Dragon named Xia Luliya made no secret of her disgust.

She left the shed blood with disgust, and a disgusting and disgusting look appeared on her face.

"Father, give me another better slave, such a disgusting slave who hates and disobeys is best thrown away!!"

"Okay, this slave 5.9 looks really bad."

The old man sitting on the back of the giant slave touched the oxygen mask on his head, showing a helpless expression like seeing the naughty daughter smashing his vase.

He pulled the reins in his hands and signaled the slave giant under his feet to go quickly,

"But you should start with human children. Smaller ones are easier to raise and obey, and have more plasticity."

"And something like this is too big, it's already shaped, it's not suitable for beginners like you."

"Your brother Charles Ross, who was domesticated from human boys and girls since childhood, is often rich and mature now, so I gave him my treasures."

"By the way, by the way, where did my brother go?"

Xia Lulia looked at the team behind her father and found that there was no figure of her brother.

"He has already gone to the human auction venue first. I heard that this time there are a lot of good things to auction.

"By the way, Charles Ross, has he arrived?"

He casually asked the black-clothed agent next to him.

"Go back to St. Roswald, St. Charles Rose is about to arrive."

The agent in black replied respectfully.

[Thanks to the 'Call Me Monster' brother for another reward, thank you! ! ! ]?

275 The grand darkness! Human auction venue, beasts in clothes?!

Tianlong people can call him by his first name.

But if they are called by other people they think are lowly, they must add honorary titles.

Men's names are followed by [Saint], and women's names are followed by [Gong].

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