"Is that so?"

The old man drove the slave man in a certain direction, "Then let's go over and see, just to see if there is a suitable young slave, and take a picture for you, so that you can also train it."

"Really? Father, you are so kind!!"

With Xia Lulia's cheers, she immediately followed.

And after the father and daughter left and disappeared at the end of the street, someone ran out and skillfully carried the body of the demon Diaz to nowhere.

Everyone on the street also stood up one after another. Except for looking at each other and thanking themselves and the others for surviving, they seemed to have seen nothing just now, and continued to do their own business.

Everything was normal except for the bloodstains running down the street.

Under this bright bubble sunshine, the warm and genial brilliance of spring shone on this majestic darkness.

The human auction venue, located in the No. 1 mangrove area of ​​the Chambord Islands, is engaged in the commercial activities of slave trading and auction, and it is the concentration of this kind of business.

Most of the human slaves it sells and trades are criminals and citizens of countries that have not joined the world government.

Although human trafficking is banned around the world, the human auction site seems to have the acquiescence of the Navy, which the Navy euphemistically calls a "career referral center."

Ah, job referral agency~~~

At this moment, inside the room of this human auction venue.

The rows of seats were filled with luxuriously dressed people with 20 people looking forward to it.

In the VIP seat at the very front, Saint Roswald of the Tianlong people and his daughter Xaluria Palace sat there quietly, waiting for the auction to start.

Of course, in the middle of the two, there was also a disgusting man with a fat face, thick lips and a runny nose.

He was the son of St. Roswald, the elder brother of the Palace of Chalulia, St. Charles Rose.

Generally speaking, where the Tianlong people are, everyone else must kneel.

But only in such a gorgeous, actually dirty place can we sit together.

"Guests, it's been a long wait!!"

Wearing a high hat, star-shaped sunglasses, and a man with long pink and purple hair, he was called a "walking super-special auction", and he was also a subordinate of Doflamingo. Disco came out from behind the scenes.

This was originally an estate under the jurisdiction of Doflamingo.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!! This time we have prepared a lot of high-quality slaves for you in this auction! You are really lucky, this time there will be super-value hot commodities for you, and you will never be disappointed. Sincerely wish that every guest present can buy a satisfactory slave!"

Under his pentagram-like sunglasses, there was a sly lustre.

He looked at a few people dressed as nouveau riche hidden in the crowd, and nodded indistinctly.

Well, even the nursery he prepared is already in place, and he can sell these commodities at a high price again.

"Okay everyone, the long-awaited auction has officially started!"

Under the announcement of his high and passionate tone, the atmosphere in the field was instantly driven by him.

The waiters and the ladies went to the backstage to push up the merchandise, and there was also an enthusiastic discussion in the audience seats below.

"However you look at it, it makes you uncomfortable."

Sitting in the remote seat in the far east, Kidd with a red hedgehog felt this atmosphere and couldn't help snorting coldly.

"This is the largest human auction market in the entire island. Many nobles and high-level celebrities will come here to auction their favorite goods."

The narrator, who was wearing a mask, echoed, "In their eyes, it is not their compatriots who will come to power, but the commodities that they can slaughter and dominate at will."

"Because of this, it makes people feel awkward."

Kidd frowned and muttered in a low voice, "Before I go to the new world, if I have a chance, I must destroy this place!!"

Kidd and Kira are quite unhappy here, and they are in the westernmost corner seat.

"Are these people really 'people'?"

Peibo couldn't help but turn to Luo Dao, who had Erlang's legs crossed and his hands on the seat: "Why does Xiong feel that this group of people is so dirty?!"

"Because they are all beasts in clothes?"

Luo's eyes were flat, and he replied indifferently.

Auctioned as a slave?

He had seen **** that was more filthy and miserable than this.

His country, his parents, his friends, his sister...

All died in the fire.

And in the last seat at the back of this auction venue, there was a solitary,

No one around him talked to him, and he didn't talk to anyone.

It seems that the whole person is very out of tune with this auction.

Even if it weren't for some deliberate factor, he wouldn't have come to this place!

Suddenly, he turned his eyes slightly and looked at the door behind him.

The cane in his hand also tapped lightly on the ground.

"come yet?"

Meanwhile, outside this auction.

on the roof of the house.

A blind ranger on crutches.

"Yo hoo, it's really here!!"

Wearing a Chinese-style robe with the word "Yin" embroidered on his chest, and wearing headphones and black glasses, Apu, the long-handed clan, immediately cheered up when he saw the approaching people.

"That's why, Captain!!"

A group of unlucky little brothers behind him stared at him with resentment and said:

"Why can't we just go to the auction hall and wait like the other [Supernova] pirates?!"

"That's right, I also saw Trafalgar Law of the Heart Pirates enter the venue with his men!!"

"Waiting on the roof is so hard!!"

A group of younger brothers started complaining there.

"What do you know?!"

Apu immediately turned back and scolded:

"Didn't I say it all? On the roof, the best view is the widest, the most maneuverable, and the most suitable for retreat!!"

"And in that cramped venue, if there is a fight, it will be easily affected, and it will be difficult to retreat!!"

He plausibly said there, but his subordinates who had been fooled by his remarks many times did not believe it:

"Then why did the Kidd Pirates and the Heart Pirates all go in?!"

"That's right, Captain, even if we are in a good position at the door, if we retreat like this, it can be very fast!!"

The younger brothers also raised their opinions there.

"What do you know, if so many people want to enter, do you know how much the entrance fee will be paid?!"

"But we had a lot of gains before, so the ticket money is still there, Captain... ah, we know, it must have been used by you to buy a new music album and a new musical instrument, right?!"

\"...Hey, long-winded, what, what's the matter?!"

"That's right!! I saw the captain buy a new flute before, which was produced by Musical Instrument Island. It is said to be hundreds of thousands of Baileys!!"

"It's too much, Captain!!"

"...This, that's what you read wrong!!"

On the roof, Apu defended the weak struggle with the rest of the crew.

And at this time, at the entrance below.


The sound of two figures falling to the ground sounded.

"The guy in the way, ah hoo!"

Franky clenched his iron fist and threw aside the two guys who were guarding the door that he had knocked down.

"Let's go!!"

Luffy walked in first.

They came in this time just to smash the field, but there is no admission fee or anything! !

A group of people filed in following Luffy's figure.

At this time, Apu, who noticed the movement below, looked down, then immediately raised his head and said to his younger brothers with a smile on his face:

"I thought about it just now, and I think you're right."

"Indeed, other captains can bring their crew into the venue, so of course I can't let you down."

"Let's go, friends, your captain will take you in to open your eyes!!"

After all, he was the first to jump off the roof with a big smile.


Apu's crew: "..."

The guard at the door who clearly asked for money was knocked down, so you are here to show your heroism...

How did we follow such a snarky captain? !

A group of people shook their heads helplessly and speechlessly. They could only follow Apu's pace and jumped off the roof together.

"Okay, what's next for you is the auction item No. 12!! This time the auction item is a woman among human beings!! And it is also the best choice for domestic servants!! Not only can I make all kinds of All kinds of housework, and she is also proficient in various leisure games such as chess and cards. If you choose her, it will be better to spend your spare time! The starting price is 600,000 Baileys!! The auction starts!!!"


Under Disco's provocative and impassioned words, the auction hammer slammed **** the table.

Immediately, the young lady number 12, who was surrounded by the top circle, trembled there, and she lowered her head and bit her lips in fear.

And her appearance fell into the eyes of the beasts below, which immediately caused a burst of howls of ghosts and wolves.

"Oh? It seems that the condition of this auction item is quite good!!"

Someone immediately became interested.

"Maybe it's really a superb one!!"

And some people patted their heads there, and said quite annoyed there.

"It's a failure!! When I bought that product just now, I spent all my budget... Anyway, it's all good!"

There were also people who heard it and laughed and said very proudly:

"Hahaha, that's such a pity!! Since you guys are out of money, let me photograph this auction item. I just want to buy two beautiful girls to be eye-catching!!" Of course, it's more exciting. licked his lips:

"Such a good thing, I can't just cheap you for no reason, I want it too!!"

The crowd at the back was noisy, and the three Tianlong people at the forefront were inside.

"Well, she looks prettier than my thirteen wives? Charles Rose St. sucked his nose there and tilted his head to think.

276 [Redbeard] and Rayleigh! I have no money! ! Don't want to spend money to buy it?

"Ah, I still want a more robust murloc man or murloc child. I don't know if there will be one in a while."

Xia Lulia Palace pouted instead, showing no interest in this kind of female human being.

"If it was when I was young, I might have bought it. Now, it's a pity..."

Saint Roswald, who has passed that age, sighed with emotion, as if he was reminiscing about that time.

I have to say that after the excellent products were put out in the auction, the overall atmosphere in the venue was very intense.

Especially this beautiful woman dressed as a maid who just came up on stage, obviously caused a frenzy of bidding.

However, seeing all this in the eyes of Luffy and his party who just entered here, it makes people feel extremely cold.

"A bunch of bastards! Trash! Scum!! What did they take that young lady for?"

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